
These daily use of skin care tips, do you know all?

Apply the mask

1. mask once every two days, to be much better than the effect of our daily, which is the business because of their own skin problems also have through the absorption and metabolism of time, do not choose to use too often, will also lead to patients skin as well as excess nutrients, the skin on the emergence of acne. xove white truffleDo not apply the mask without more than 15 minutes, easy to produce allergies. Generally apply a sheet mask will affect the control in 10-15 minutes, because the work time is too long, the mask water dry will pour absorption of Chinese skin moisture. After dry will pour to absorb social skin moisture. 2.

2. remove makeup to clean, if not removed clean, residual makeup will precipitate In the skin, causing pore clogging, in the long run the skin condition will become more rough some dull, xove white trufflelarge pores, blackhead pimples, closed mouth acne and other problems. .

Wipe your face dry

Figure 3. After washing your face, don't let it dry naturally. xove white truffleYou can gently press and absorb the moisture on your face to dry it before following up with skin care (mainly hydration).

4. After bedtime for the application of skin care products companies try to refresh some, not too greasy or too thick, easy to rub the pillow or a quilt, easy to appear to breed mites or other bacteria.

5. You can't use night cream instead of eye cream, because the corneal layer around the eyes is the thinnest and also the location where the sebaceous glands secrete the least amount of nutrients and can't bear much. Eye creams have smaller molecules and are more suitable for the skin around the eyes.

6. When it's hot, don't wash your face with cold water. Stick to warm water (and don't use overly hot water to wash your face) to keep our skin elastic and less prone to wrinkles. This is simple, but it is also easy to overlook.

7. After cleaning the skin with toner, it is best not to use alcohol for the ingredients, because Chinese alcohol can easily cause dryness in the skin of the community.

8. work in the sun, because ultraviolet light will make our skin darken and accelerate the aging of the skin. So try to avoid the wind and the sun. Try to reduce outdoor activities.

9. When using Chinese skin care products, don't forget to take care of students about the neck, neck and face skin problems have the same importance.

Figure 10. early to bed and early to rise skin good, sufficient sleep is the best care for our skin. Skin care is best done before 10:00 p.m., because 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. is when skin cells are most active, when efficient skin care products are applied to achieve deep nourishment and repair.


11. A healthy diet culture is also important for Chinese skin, drinking more soy milk, milk, eating more fresh vegetables for fruits and eating some all soy products, etc., all Help to improve our skin through the skin has anti-aging to achieve the effect of their own skin whitening.

Aerobic exercise

12. Drink more water (at least 8 glasses) and exercise properly every day. It is better to do some mild aerobic exercise, such as yoga, aerobics, swimming, jogging, etc.. Aerobic exercise burns calories quickly and is a good way to eliminate subcutaneous toxins and lose weight. As the amount of exercise increases, it will accelerate blood circulation and promote metabolism. Toxins will be excreted with sweat, while the muscles will tighten.

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