Are custom closet systems really worth the cost?
Custom closet systems. They’re popular. They’re beautiful. They make organization so much easier. But are they really worth the cost?. Shoe Rack Cabinets
We asked local realtors whether or not custom closet systems are worth it and the resounding response was, “YES!” followed by a, “but not necessarily in the manner that you think.”
Certainly, you can’t take your closet with you if you sell your house. But, let’s talk about what happens in the time between when you install your custom storage closet and you sell your house (or you just enjoy the space forever). Let’s face it: We all buy stuff; we inherit stuff, we are given stuff and we like to keep that stuff just in case we might need it. But, we like to keep that stuff hidden away behind closed doors. Specifically, we like to keep our stuff in our closets.
In a standard drywall closet with one long-hang rod topped by a shelf, the space isn’t very usable and we end up literally stuffing things in. We pile up boxes and stack things until the closet is full. It’s frustrating to open the door because it’s difficult to find anything and, often, those feelings of frustration are further complicated because the broom handle is leaning diagonally across the closet and preventing us from successfully hanging up the dry-cleaning that we just brought home. You know the story.
There are simple solutions – like hanging two rods for short hang, which immediately doubles your storage capacity.hall closet messy Adding shelving to any space, whether a closet or not, makes the vertical space usable for storage of smaller and irregularly shaped items. The problem with this is that there is now nowhere to put that pesky vacuum or broom. In the end, custom storage spaces are really the best answer.
Whether or not your home has adequate closet space, that space is the highest demand space per square inch in your home. Why not make your life easier and organize it so that you get the most bang for your inches? Employing Cabinet Systems craftsmanship and professionals to design, mill, and install your custom closet space will allow you to do so. Being organized is easier when the space is designed to enable organization. This makes closets possibly one of the best home investments ever.
The beauty of a custom closet is that it is, well, custom and changeable. The shelves can be adjusted to varying heights to accommodate for shoes or general storage. The rod heights can be adjusted to allow for differing lengths of hanging items. You can even add in accessories, such as tie racks, jewelry drawers, hampers and ironing boards! Oh, and that broom handle? We’ll make sure to include a space specifically for that. Our designers will help you decide how best to maximize the space that you have. And, if you find that your house is short on storage space, we can create great storage spaces for you in alcoves, unused corners, and hallways.
The cost per linear foot of your Cabinet Systems will vary depending on whether you choose melamine or wood. On the low end, it will be at least $100 per linear foot. On the high end, you could pay upwards of $1000 per linear foot. Don’t let these numbers scare you, though. Think this through: If you have an 8-foot closet and go with lower-end product, then the cost will be $1000-$2000. If you sell your home in 5 years, you will be able to increase your asking price by the cost of that custom closet and you will have benefited from the organization and increased storage capacity during those years.
Some say that the kitchen is the most important space in a house. Indeed, this is the heart of the home, where meals are made, laughter shared, and relationships grow. Others say that the master bathroom is the most important space in a house. Why is that? Perception. The master bathroom, although used only a few minutes (maybe hours on a good day) per day, accounts for the overall feel of the master suite. Furthermore, the master bathroom is extremely difficult and expensive to remodel. So, when it comes to resale of a home, if the master bath is undesirable, the buyer’s perception is often one that the entire house is undesirable. Enter the Cabinet Systems custom closet. This may be the most important room in the house. Every other house has a standard rod and shelf setup. But your house, your house has beautifully designed and usable closets. There is not only space to store stuff, the space enables organization and provides efficiency and peace of mind. No longer is opening a closet a nightmare. Instead, it’s a dream. And there’s always room to hang the dry cleaning.
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