
Hemp Gel For Pain

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5kd @5kd · Mar 31, 2021

That is sort of the pixel filters the color filters oh you can see the colors really nicely there that's lovely but this is kind of the minimum viable screen right this is with everything else peeled off this is the functional screen and so really i think you know the question about how flexible a screen can be is how much does this layer sort of support damage and then what additional layers do you need to sandwich it in to prevent it from getting scratched broken delaminated whatever let's look a little bit more let's look at some edges here so this is the edge where the where that green ribbon cable comes in so these here are all the signal lines this is where it sort of rubber meets.

The road right where yeah so we have some acp or acf film here and you see it's a little sparkly it's got conductive metal balls inside it that do the conduction debonding some of the traces here but peel this up more you should be able to see the traces underneath here right so that's connecting down into these traces right here and it's just bonded right on the trying to figure out which part is which i think the silver wires there come from the green cable right yes some of it from the screen is still bonded up here anyway there's some traces that they're you know connecting to on the screen i'm still very perplexed by these the other side of it yeah i don't know i was really hoping those were a digitizer i don't know it could be power we've got these big thicker wires here that'll make power maybe for testing so you know this is being driven by columns and rows barely see it but there are tons of little wires here that are all the various columns and then your rows are coming in over here and there's there's some sort of logic or something here for the rows it's multiplexed or something because there's not as many wires coming up this way but these are all the rows across and so that's how it addresses each individual transistor i'm a little curious what's going on here in the corner i know that these screens like this is just this is the only part of the screen that lights up this doesn't light up over here there's some sort of switching or just wires there obviously you got to run wires for your columns over here so so these wires still have to run through these traces i wish i knew what caused it to break it does look like there's some discoloration in here so i wonder if that has something to do with that you could see how small these traces are it wouldn't take much to cause some physical damage so it explains why these screens are so fragile i'm gonna take a little bit of alcohol and just clean this up so we can see anything else but i think that's about it it's pretty wild it's pretty wild how small this stuff is it's amazing that not only can they make one of these they can make a bunch of these and have them all work or have enough of them work that it's economically viable which is honestly pretty amazing yeah i'm impressed yeah so there's one of my hairs next to it so like i don't know at least the rows are similar to the width of a human hair um so that's pretty small depends on what what you think is small but i think that's pretty darn small well i think that about does it if you haven't seen the video that i broke this screen in about making my own folding samsung lcd screen you should definitely go watch it there's a link up here or down below in the description also did you know that i live streamed the making of this video on twitch there's a link below to my twitch channel and to the youtube channel where i upload all of the recordings of all the streams so go follow me on twitch so you get notified when i'm live i'm scotty from strange parts i'll see you again soon.