
Cold Sores: Signs and Symptoms



Cold sores, or fever blisters, are little fluid-filled blisters that can arise on or around the lips. These painful and unsightly outbreaks are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), precisely type 1 (HSV-1). Although cold sores generally resolve without treatment within two weeks, understanding the signs and symptoms can help you seek prompt medical attention and find relief in the meantime.


What Causes Cold Sores?

Cold sores result from the herpes simplex virus, which is highly contagious and can spread through close personal contact, sharing utensils, towels, or lipstick, and even through the air via droplets from sneezing or coughing. Once the virus enters the body, it can hide in the nerves, periodically causing outbreaks throughout a person's life. Certain triggers, such as stress, fatigue, sunlight exposure, or a weakened immune system, can reactivate the virus and lead to the development of cold sores.


Early Signs and Symptoms

The first signs of a cold sore, known as the prodrome phase, may include tingling, itching, or burning sensations around the lips or mouth. Some people may also experience mild swelling or redness in the affected area. These warning symptoms typically occur one or two days before the appearance of the actual cold sore. If you are experiencing the symptoms, consult an experienced dentist for cold sores in London who can diagnose and treat the condition effectively.


The Blister Phase

The next stage in the development of a cold sore is the formation of small, fluid-filled blisters on or near the lips. These blisters usually cluster together and may be accompanied by redness, swelling, and pain. They can also occasionally appear inside the mouth, on the gums, or on the roof of the mouth. During this time, the cold sores are highly contagious.


The Healing Stage

After a few days, the blisters will begin to rupture and release fluid, leading to the formation of crusty scabs. These scabs may crack and bleed, causing discomfort and itching. It is essential not to pick at the scabs, as this can lead to scarring and prolong the healing process. Additionally, the cold sore is still contagious at this stage.


To Conclude

Understanding the signs and symptoms of cold sores is crucial in managing and preventing future outbreaks. By visiting a reliable dentist office in London for treatment at the first sign of symptoms, you can speed up the healing process and reduce discomfort. Also, remember that practicing good hygiene, avoiding triggers, and maintaining a healthy immune system can help prevent future outbreaks. Thanks for reading.