Blockchain technology is creating its presence in almost every sphere of life, and it is imperative to ensure its security aspect. The rising number of crypto, DAO, Defi, and other blockchain applications mandates the need for a secure smart contract.
Smart contracts are at the heart of decentralized finance, DAO, and other blockchain projects. But are these codes free from vulnerabilities?
The increasing number of hacks in the smart contract landscape has made it evident that these codes are not bug-free. Hence, it requires an additional layer of protection in the form of smart contract-auditing services to make them hack-free.
This article will discuss the Top 5 crypto audit companies you can choose to make your smart contracts a tough nut to crack for hackers.
Top 5 Crypto Audit Companies
- QuantStamp
QuantStamp provides the risk assessment and security services for secure smart contract deployment. It is a leading security audit company, having experience in auditing 250+ contracts.
Its services include securing Layer-1 blockchain and smart contracts powering NFTs and Defis projects. Also, they develop financial primitives for Layer 1 blockchain protocols.
A list of services offered by QuantStamp:
- NFT smart contracts
- Smart contracts powering Defi
- Layer-1 Blockchain ecosystem
- Defi Stablecoins and Central bank Digital currencies
- Smart contract insurance services
- Neobanks, exchanges, and Custodian services
2. ImmuneBytes
ImmuneBytes, a top Crypto audit company, offers enterprises and startups comprehensive smart contract auditing solutions, including manual and automated audits, penetration testing, and more, for their blockchain applications to have secure inception.
They have experience working with 165+ clients and auditing diverse smart contracts deployed on various blockchain protocols, including Ethereum, Solana, Fantom, NEAR, Avalanche, and Polygon.
A list of services offered by ImmuneBytes:
- DApp Audit
- Defi Audit
- Token audit
- Stablecoins Audit
- NFT Audit
- Pentesting and security consultation
- Alert Tool
- Bug Bounty
ImmuneBytes administers comprehensive smart contract auditing, employing static and dynamic analysis techniques, and examining a contract’s code and gas optimization, leaving no escape route for bugs.

3. Trail of Bits
Trail of bits, a cybersecurity research and consulting firm, provides software auditing solutions encompassing smart contract and crypto auditing, software development, and blockchain security research.
Alongside, Trail of Bits constructed the popular AlgoVPN. It also has a number of security publications on GitHub, including public reports for 0x Protocol, NuCypher, and MakerDAO, among others.
A list of services provided by Trail of Bits
- Software assurance
- Binary services
- Cryptography
- Blockchain security- including smart contract auditing
- Software hardening
- Infrastructure security
- Threat Modelling
3. Open Zeppelin
A leading cybersecurity crypto audit company concerned with making your Defi and NFT applications hack-proof. Open Zepplin’s highlighted product is its solidity-based library, i.e., OpenZepplin Contracts. These libraries are equipped with verified and standard templates for contracts deployable on a blockchain platform.
Products and services:
- OpenZepplin Contracts- Solidity-based library
- OpenZeppelin test helpers- A library for Ethereum smart contract testing
- Ethernaut- Solidity based war game
- OpenZeppelin Upgrades- Plugins for Hardhat and Truffle to deploy and manage upgradeable contracts on Ethereum.
- Awesome- OpenZeppelin — Blockchain educational resources
- Smart contract audit
4. Least Authority
It is a cybersecurity consulting firm with a significant focus on the privacy aspect of decentralized technology. They offer three products, amongst which one is yet to be launched. The products include PrivateStorage, ZKAPs, and Magic Wormhole, built using an open-source platform for mass access. These products are aimed at fostering digital security and preventing the privacy of its users.
Following are the other services offered by the Least Authority:
- Security Consulting Services
- Source Code Audit
- Security by a design consultation
- Specs and White paper Review
- Network and traffic analysis
- The private periodic payment protocol
Sum Up
Smart Contracts reside at the base of almost every blockchain application. While most smart contracts involve crypto transactions, ensuring the security of these codes is imperative to prevent a financial catastrophe.
Hence, investing a share of your business in getting your smart contracts audited to prevent them from hackers is a good idea.
Note: The information provided in the above article is merely general suggestions and does not intend to promote any specific company. In any circumstances, this does not encourage individuals to invest or involve their resources in a particular manner.