
Reasons to Find Book Designer When Self-Publishing

Self-publishing gives writers the freedom of publishing their book with 100% freedom from controlling the editing to selecting the publishing format or platform such as Amazon self-publishing UK besides printing the copies. They also enjoy the freedom of selecting their book layout design and cover design as well. If you choose to self-publish your next book- you can also taste the freedom like other writers of this group!


Even after collaborating with a prolific self-publishing company, offering all-inclusive book publishing services, you can team up with their book cover designer performing design and layout services for your book. The team players enjoy the involvement of the authors so that they can finalize the layouts upon mutual consent. 


You must also know some reasons to find a book designer when self-publishing. Here are some reasons explained—

A memorable first impression 

People do judge the book by its cover! So, it’s the responsibility of an ace cover designer to show their exceptional talent to craft your book. You can let the person know whether you want it simple or jazzy. Based on the genre, the writer’s will and the concept of the book- the covers are mainly designed. Follow three first impression psychology- attract, convert, and close the deal and for that let the expert cover designer go the extra mile!


Talk your genre

Surfacing the genre of the book begins with the cover design. So, find book designer in London, with the ability to understand the importance of the genre and design the cover design of the book. Whether they are creating the cover of your eBook or the printed copies, make sure they know the difference between the colour “red” used in Romeo & Juliet and Stephen King’s “The Outsider”. Red is the colour of romance while red represents gore too. 


Professional Typography & Add-Ons

Followed by selecting the colour combinations, the designer has to deal with the typography and show their masterstroke while mixing the title with the author’s name. You can let them know how you want to design the cover including the add-ons. 


Ass reviews, author’s bio, Sunday Times eclectic comments and even the bestselling batch if you want to create marketing hype. For sure, business is in your mind and by following the footsteps of the marketing consultants, adding these spices to the cover will increase the demand for sure!


Image quality is important 

Whether it’s just a botch of colour or a simple image of a silhouette of the primary character- the quality of the image used on the cover matters. Approve the images after extensive research and understand the nerves of the target audience. Even if they pick a book of a debutant, they want an impressive cover with a good quality image. To provide what the potential customers want, strategically pick the designs of the images for your cover. 


Cover designers needed for marketing your book

Despite creating the book cover, the designers have a key role to play in marketing your book. You might have the content ready but for the graphical interpretations of the covers or animation, you need the active involvement of the cover designer when you are self publishing UK or in any other location. 


Presently, digital marketing is the key to acquiring commercial success and to reach out to your target audiences, you need the involvement of ace marketing professionals. You have to start with building a website and social media profiles before launching your new book. 


During this time you need the active participation of the cover designer who can help you create multiple soft copies of the cover, characters and various interesting elements about the book in graphical interpretations. 

You also need the cover designs when using Amazon advertising or PPC for promoting your eBooks on Amazon or any other digital platform you choose. 


Even though the self-publishing company provides cover designers, you can work independently with a freelancer with whom you find a matching wavelength. 


You must also welcome the cover designer during the book launch. They have an intricate role to play in taking your book to the audience. During the launch, you can acknowledge their involvement. 


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