
The Big Differences Between Virtual Events in 2021 and 2022


In 2022, virtual events in India are all of shapes and sizes. Businesses now have a much better idea about the whole ‘how to switch to virtual’ puzzle and are utilizing the best of what social media has to offer. 


In 2020, several businesses and marketers turned to virtual experiences to showcase their product line and share their brands’ stories. What began as an alternative to in-person events has snowballed into a massive industry worth billions of dollars and continues to grow. 


This development is in spite of the return to normalcy in many countries and the return of in-person shows. In fact, this happens to be the biggest takeaway for virtual events in 2022. They are here to stay, and they have gotten better than their 2021 predecessors. 


Some of the best virtual event platforms in India have contributed to the newfound preference for virtual events and have made way for hybrid events. At such events, a section of attendees is present at the venue while others log in virtually. With features like live streaming, chats, Q&A, even real-time analytics, platforms like Virtex have made virtual events the norm in 2022. 


With so much happening virtually, here are a few trends to keep an eye out for in 2022. 


  1. Live streaming is everywhere. 


Businesses understand the power and the engagement value that live streaming services in India drive. So, you will find a live stream of every event- even if it is in-person. It has been found that live streaming videos receive way more likes and comments than other videos. 


Using a virtual event platform can set up live streaming for pretty much anything, and if you’re worried that your attendees might miss it (slim chance of that happening!), you can also send them a recorded version later.


  1. Companies are tracking user behaviour like never before 


The tracking of visitors and participants has for long been a matter of consideration for businesses. And in 2022, it will get more serious thanks to the top virtual event platforms in India being so easily accessible. They have virtual tools that can track visitor analytics in real-time and translate all that data into RoI. So, you can get a clear picture of who’s interested in what, how likely are they to convert, and much more. 


  1. Content is being personalized (a lot!)


Thanks to analytics, post-event data and feedback is rather convenient to get your hands on. So, marketers have a lot of information that they can lead with while sending potential leads emails post the event. 


Valuable preferences of attendees can be sought using features like surveys and polls during the event. All this data can help marketers draft an impactful strategy to follow up with. 


  1. Hybrid events are more effective than you think. 


A lot of countries and governments have eased restrictions and are now permitting events and other social gatherings. This means that businesses and marketers can now host in-person events while catering to a larger audience globally. 


Virtual event platforms are continuing to innovate and rope in new mechanisms to engineer the perfect hybrid event. For attendees, too, it is an opportunity to experience both in-person and virtual events in India. 


Hybrid event and virtual event platforms can also serve as the perfect base point for marketers to weigh the pros and cons of in-person and virtual elements and decide on the perfect balance.


It all started with apprehension in 2020 and, in two years, has become the new channel for mass outreach for most marketers. In 2022, what remains to be seen is how well companies leverage this opportunity and what it means for customers.