How To Find The Perfect Role For You In 2020!
Have a look at our tips and hints to help you kick-start the new year!
Over the festive period and a couple of weeks away from the office, you might well have had a chance to reflect on whereabouts you are in your career. After evaluating the last 12 months and your current situation, you might decide that you’re not satisfied with your job and are ready to embark upon a new opportunity. If you’ve returned to work feeling motivated for a fresh start in 2020, but are unsure where to begin, our top tips below should help you to get the ball rolling.
Think about what you want
Before you even begin looking for a new position, it’s important to sit down and consider what you’re looking for. As we explored in a previous blog, if you’re thinking about moving on, there will usually be one key motivator. Are you unhappy with your current salary? Tired of your lengthy commute? Looking for more responsibility?
Once you’ve worked out exactly what’s wrong with your current role and what you’d like from your next one, you can then begin to browse jobs online or reach out to a recruiter.
Be prepared to invest time in your job search
From updating your CV and speaking with recruiters to attending interviews, hunting for a new job can be time-consuming. From the very beginning, you need to be willing to sacrifice some of your time in the evening, weekends or on your lunch-hour to hunt for a new position.
Refresh your CV and ensure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date
If you’ve been at your current firm for a number of years, it’s likely that your CV hasn’t been touched in a while. Reviewing and tidying up your CV is the very first thing you should do if you’re considering making a move.
With more than three-quarters of recruiters using LinkedIn for sourcing candidates, it’s also important that your LinkedIn profile is up to scratch. Make sure that you’ve got a recent profile picture and your profile includes information about your latest roles and achievements. In your LinkedIn settings, you can also let recruiters who are looking for professional talent within your sector know that you’re open to opportunities.
Contact a specialist recruitment consultant
Because they have the in-depth market knowledge and relationships with the law firms they work with, speaking to a specialist recruiter can be invaluable if you are looking for a new role.
Get networking
Most lawyers are no strangers to networking, but getting yourself out there is particularly beneficial if you’re considering taking your next step. Not only will networking help you to meet new contacts but attending events is a great way of keeping on top of developments within your niche of the legal profession. When you come to interview for roles, you may be able to use what you’ve learned as an interesting point of discussion.
Make sure you have some annual leave left
At some point in your search, you will, of course, need to attend an interview. At the start of your search, check that you have some holiday remaining at work so you can book time off to meet with prospective employers.
Be patient
Most people won’t find a new job straight away. It might take a while to find your perfect position, but it’s important to stay patient and positive about your search. Make sure you have someone you trust to talk to in times of frustration, whether that’s a friend, family member or even your recruitment consultant. If you don’t come across something suitable immediately, don’t worry! Persevere and stay committed to your job search and eventually, you will find a role that ticks the boxes for you and your career.
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