You won't find anything like this in any other institutes. Your prospects of landing a job in digital marketing are good because you already work here at Spectrum digital Infocom in real time as an intern. As is common knowledge, the reach of digital marketing is expanding daily. The demand for digital marketing increases as more people go online. As part of your internships, you will work on real-world projects as part of our digital marketing course. You can complete a Three-month internship with our business in addition to the training.
From Monday through Saturday, work hours will be for 6 hours. You will spend the next two months working on projects that are happening right now. Thanks to this internship, you will be able to explore the information you learn daily in the training course at your own pace. This is an paid internship. You will receive a work experience certificate after completing the course and internship, which will aid you in finding future employment. Additionally, in order to make it simpler for you to get employment, we will assist you in developing a strong résumé, hold mock interviews in our office, go over interview questions in class, and refer your profile to the businesses and start-ups with which we have collaborated.
Taking a digital marketing course and having an internship has advantages.
Working on current projects.
Practical knowledge.
Receive work experience.
Job experience certification
Practice interviews Interview preparation is free.
Both business and employment-related themes are covered in our Coimbatore-based Digital Marketing Course with Internship training. The entire course will consist of tasks that students must complete within the allotted time. Working on digital marketing projects as a digital marketing intern can help you become used to the office workplace.