Martinic(.net) is now
The price comparison platform Martinic(.net) which has been active since 2004 has been taken over by SolutionS ICT from Naarden. The company has revamped its price platform with a completely new modernized version which is now available at
What’s new on
Some of the new features offers now are –
Newly written API for customers:
The customers who want to directly link their database with their ERP package or E-commerce solution can now contain about 1.8 million computer-related products from more than 50 distributors.
Indexed database:
In the new platform, the database is indexed resulting in the reduced time (to the 10s of seconds compared to the earlier search time) for searching products, stocks, and prices. This is a huge achievement that overall affects the way of working with complex searching for stock information.
Real-time stocks:
Another feature included in the new version is that the real-time stocks are now visible to everyone. This is an exclusive feature that saves you from unnecessary searching during the purchase and also fastens the delivery times which will basically enhance the sales process.
Available in multiple languages:
The platform is accessed by distributors and wholesalers from different locations, especially from Germany and United Kingdom. Thus, to enhance their experience we have made our platform available in English and German as well.
Client-specific prices
The new features also include the implementation of client-specific prices. This will help the system to take into account the users' requests if they negotiated better prices with the bigger distributors.
These are some of the features that PriceFacts has come up with in their new version. There are still lots of exciting features on which PriceFacts is working to make this platform more effective and beneficial for wholesalers and distributors.
Future Prospects –
In the near future, PriceFacts will also offer several types of links to the most popular open-source platforms and ERPs to offer other range of products as content for resellers.
PriceFacts is also planning to add additional content to the supplied data with a PIM system to ease reseller to actively participate in the E-commerce violence that player like Amazon brings with them. After all, the margins in the IT industry are not so big that high commissions starting at 15% can be quickly paid via the delivery platform.
Initially, PriceFacts will provide an up-to-date product range in real-time, and then via various links the shipment orders will automatically be forwarded to the right suppliers who will be responsible for further processing with or without the reseller's logo on the packing slip.
All of the features are expected to be available within few a months. And the price for regular services will be the same for current subscriptions. There are no competitors that offer such a platform at this competitive price. So avail yourself of the advantage of their 30-day free trial.