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@anonymous · Mar 4, 2018

Episode 4

> Wake up wearing clothes on bed

> Scrunched up towel for pillow

> Takes a minute to come round

> Slowly register what happened last night

> feels happy for 10 seconds

> brain then focuses exclusively on the negatives

> roll onto back

> stare at the ceiling replaying all the embarrassing moments over and over over for the next hour

> the door, the phantom piss, saying hi too early accidentally to the stranger.....the phone, my god the phone

> these things only happen to me

> I hear people say they have anxiety or social problems yet then they go and do things that I never could

> they have to be liars, saying it for attention

> Theres a difference between feeling you can’t do something then go and do it and not physically equipped to do it

> fucking liars

> anxiety blackface

> intense solipsistic thoughts

> only explanation, nothing else makes sense

> all of this is created and designed to humiliate and ultimately destroy me

> shut up

> you’ll make whatever is happening to you worse

> suppresses solipsistic thoughts

> checks phone

> 1 message

> mini adrenaline rush

> ‘to view your bill, click on...’

> looks away

> hangs arm off side of bed

> phone slides out of hand and drop onto the floor

> stare at ceiling again

> reminds self of your worthlessness a few more times with hand picked moments from memory confirming it

> mouth is so dry

> looks around for a drink

> thought I found some

> but old bottles of piss

> must throw them out

> needs some upbeat music to get me out of bed

> puts on some Sparklehorse

> not working

> I really must be hungover

> falls back to sleep

> wakes up 2 hours later feeling 100x worse

> tries different music to help get up

> youtube recommends ‘Islands in the stream’ to me for some reason

> puts it on, through earphones of course

> oh shit! I was going to ask the cashier out today

> doesn’t seem like a good idea anymore

> chorus hits

> imagines self doing cool shit in slow motion in black and white

> ^ the mark of any good song

> rush of blood

> fuck it, gonna get up and go to the supermarket and ask this girl out

> Knows shes working

> got her timetable memorised

> gets dressed

> puts on shirt my mum got me for a job interview

> got to utilise this high before it goes

> okay time to devise a game plan

> ‘hey I know you don’t know me but I was wondering if you’d be interested in coming for a drink with me and my friends sometime?’

> done, what else is there to say?

> no = no worries cool

> yes = cool, heres my number

> everyone dies, nothing matters x5

> doesn’t check mirror

> can only be a bad idea

> earphones in

> puts ‘Islands in the stream’ on repeat

> deep breath

> leaves house

> walking, feeling good

> reciting the line in head over and over ‘I know you don’t know me, but ..’

> almost there

> chorus hits

> lets it finish

> ready

> takes headphones out

> here we go, goes to enter

> half trips stepping up the kerb

> thats fine

> enters

> sees her

> heart racing

> oh shit need to buy something

> walks up and down the aisles

> need to impress her with my purchases

> can’t buy usual crap

> picks up some salmon

> picks up bottle of wine

> okay

> here we go

> gets in queue at her till

> people in front pay and leave one by one

> me next

> here we go, heart racing

> walks up to her

> doesn’t look up at me

> she grabs salmon to scan

> I quietly say “You don’t know me...”

> she looks up “what?”

> speaks a bit louder “I was just saying you don’t know me but..”

> “No I don’t, sorry”

> before I try ask again

> “Can I see some ID please?”

> “for the wine? I’m 29”

> “you don’t look it”

> “I don’t have any ID”

> she looks curiously at my never shaved arrested developed face

> “okay, next time bring ID or I won’t serve you again”

> “Heh ye yeah no worries.... thanks”

> gets out bank card to use

> puts in machine

> hands shaking typing in my pin number

> can feel her looking at my shakey hands

> I’ll try one more time, fuck it

> “I don’t suppose that you’d.....”

> “card declined”

> “oh, thats weird....hold on”

> tries again, declined again

> looks in wallet, luckily have the cash

> all my money in the world

> pay

> grab my bag

> look up to say thanks and shes already saying hi to the next customer

> turn and leave

> everyone dies, nothing matters x5

> slowly walking home

> don’t think about it

> just don’t think about it

> just not now

> I can’t

> sees an alleyway

> walks halfway down

> calmly takes wine out the bag

> looks at the label, reads a bit of it

> throws it at the wall

> explodes

> throws packet of salmon as far as I can

> breathing heavily

> realise I just spent this weeks food money on those

> looks down at red wine stained shirt

> face in hands

> start to cry

> can’t stop



> 10 minutes later

> dry eyes and blow my nose on my new shirt

> walk home

> at least she didn’t say no

> walk into the flat

> flat mate walks out the kitchen at the same time

> “Hey mate”

> “Hey”

> “where’ve you been?”

> “shopping”

> he looks down and sees Im not holding anything, looking confused

> “....umm, okay”

> he clearly can’t be bothered or care enough to enquire further

> “oh yeah, just a warning.....I’m having a party tomorrow night, so might be a bit noisy”

> “yeah no worries”

> “sweet, see ya later”

> “see y...”

> his bedroom door slams shut

> goes to bedroom

> feel fucking exhausted

> kicks shoes at the wall

> gets in bed

> 9pm

> want this day over with, want to sleep as soon as possible

> falls asleep at 3am