
There are many ways to do this, I will list the most popular platforms to do research upon when researching a specific digital currency. I will also outline the perks of using the social media as well. Research is very important in cryptocurrency and you should always conduct research before making a purchase, want the best example why? Because if the price of a token drops, you won’t even be phased as you KNOW and you BELIEVE there will be a future for this coin, you won’t have any doubt at all, however if you’re in it just for more, you’ll certainly start panicking and that won’t be mentally healthy at all for you.

Telegram – Without a doubt, has to be one of my personal top 3 that I can suggest, why? Because nearly every token project has one, it allows users and team members of the project to communicate openly and professionally; what better way to research other than asking team members questions yourself? You can also private message, upload multiple profile pictures, create bots to perform specific actions (even just for yourself, usually a group however) and it also has web-compatibility just like WhatsApp! You can download it on your phone on the Google Play store or the iTunes app store.

Twitter – Ah good ole’ Twitter. Following projects and having notifications pushed to your phone can be very handy as it’ll alert you of any latest news such as partnerships and so forth. It is also for having discussions and debates with fellow coin holders as you can easily find them by ‘$’ followed by the coins ticker just like stocks, as well as hashtags (#).

Discord – Personally I rarely use Discord now as you’ll generally find a lot of the projects with Discord servers result in quite a bit of spam, e.g ‘to the moon!!!’, ‘get your lambos ready bois’. Of course not ever server is like this, however logical discussion usually does not come out most community Discords, it is very useful for the fact that if you DO find someone to have a logical discussion with, you have the ability to communicate over voice and also the pinned messages will contain valuable information in regards to the project.

Reddit -  Many people have mixed views on Reddit, to be honest, even I do. However I can’t doubt that it’s an absolutely great place to research a project, avoid taking the posts of ‘X is going to be $100 soon’ as these are generally just shills, no one can predict the price of tokens in the future and I literally mean no one, there can be manipulation however. Nevertheless, Reddit is a great place to have some very good discussions as well as gather some great information before you decide whether to buy a token or not.

Steemit -  Yup! That’s correct, right here! There are some very great articles here and even though I’m fairly new myself, I can say I have been educated on various topics even unrelated to cryptocurrency with the use of articles upon this website. If you’re interested in researching a specific project, just pop the name into Steemit, you never know, someone could have already written a very informative guide upon it!

Bitcointalk - A massive forum with a tremendous history, here you'll find a lot of discussion going on relating to certain digital currencies, it's good to see what other people's opinions on a currency are. Don't always take it as a threat or them spreading 'FUD', challenge them logically, if they can't give valid reasons as to why they may not agree a project is legitimate, then they're probably just actually spreading FUD.

Google – Last but not least, Google. This will literally be your best friend, not just for cryptocurrency, but life in general. Use it, it’s free after all! You can use Google to find communities, articles, blog posts and promotional content upon your project with a simple search.