If any SJW's are wondering why I and people who share my feelings don't like you, here's an explanation:
Ok, look, you're still people, human beings like everyone else, so I'm gonna lay it out for you as honestly as I can. But I'm telling you now, you're not gonna like it.
First, you go on and on about how you all fight for equality, like you're the only ones that have ever come up with it. But you pick and choose who gets to be equal.
And if certain people don't meet your exact criteria for it, you hate and revile them for being who and what they are. If they're straight, they're Cis-Scum, if they're male they're automatically a mysoginist. If they're white they're racist.
You make up ridiculous "Triggers" for things as harmless as FUCKING FOOD. You act as though a single, life event has ruined you forever, and that you might never recover and you self diagnose for extremely serious mental disorders that you THINK you have, but really you don't because you've never taken the time to see a doctor! Distracting from real victims.
Then you go and pat yourself on the back whenever you subvert any of the supposedly evil people oppressing you for being whatever you are, when really you just jump on social media bandwagons and mime REAL social justice. And whenever somebody challenges you on any of these points you refute them as sexist, racist, or any myriad form of "ist" you can come up with!
And you all act like you're the only ones being victimized in today's world.
Actually let's talk about victims. A lot of you are probably victims. But however many of you may have been, millions, no... BILLIONS more have been victims before you, and to your credit you try to speak for them. But against that is all the times it's been falsified by somebody, and you, YOU of all 'groups' have defended them! You're not creating a culture of justice, but one of VICTIMS.
By doing that, you're teaching the next generation to be used and abused by the would be oppressors out there, rather than taking the fight to them and standing up for yourselves! How can you call it justice if you don't fight for it? Complaining on social media is not nearly enough. Even worse, you're willing to make up lies about being oppressed and hated for what you are, that's a real feather in the cap there kids. Lying to achieve social justice.
Lying about the origins of the Statue of Liberty will not help you achieve your lofty goals, among other things. Jesus Christ, how can you take an icon that stands quite literally for the very thing you seek, and twist it to suit your needs? Are you really that pathetic that you have to hide behind twisted lies and rhetoric to get what you want? That statue was given to us as a symbol of everything the United States is, and should be about, how fucking dare you.
And good god the list doesn't get any shorter. On Tumblr, your supposed "sanctum" you have endless blogs spouting hatred for men, white people and straight people, for the very thing that you believe you're hated for, for being who THEY are! And even the mildest blogs will brook no scholarly discussion about how or why any of what they say is true, they just expect all to be taken as pure fact!
If the internet could speak, it would have volumes to say about all of us, but seriously some real rivers of shit would come flowing out of you guys. You back up people like Zoey Quinn for being a "Strong female game developer," when all she did was make a fucking interactive storybook game about being depressed, and to make personal gains she sleeps with a game journalist who helps her squash ANY criticism by dismissing it all as sexism. And yet you support her besides the fact, too blind to see the truth.
And to make matters worse, you make it hard for anyone to even have scholarly discussions, debates or review the subjects of racism, sexism and god knows what else, claiming that even talking about it is wrong. And what the fuck is with cultural appropriation, learning to speak another language, or being engaged in rituals of another culture is a part of understanding each other as fucking human beings, yet you say that it's destructive and wrong. That's just fucking absurd.
You can't even take a damn joke for crying out loud. Jontron called a PS4 retarded and you blew up all his social media outlets for it, saying he was a fucking "abelist"? For god's sake, retarded has more than one meaning you moron, to be slowed or reduced or retrograde! Yet you had to go into complete outrage over it and take it so personally. Just think ten seconds ahead of yourselves, calm down, assess the situation and move on. Not everything is targeted AT YOU or meant to offend!
You endlessly bitch and moan about being offended, or oppressed or hurt. Well excuse my sexism, but SACK THE FUCK UP AND GROW A PAIR. This world will not wait for your stupid, pathetic and easily offended self to get up to speed with the rest of us! Jokes are a way of coping with the horrible things that happen to us. Oh! Let's drop you into Africa, Asia and the Middle East and see just how well you handle some major league oppression and hatred. Or how about WWII Europe? Get to know those pesky Germans!
And I think what I hate the most about you, is that you're co-opting everything that people enjoy. AND DESTROYING THEM.
"You can't joke about that! It's offensive!" "Beating Women in games should be considered rape!".
And what the fuck is privelege? You think that everyone that's white, straight and male ALWAYS gets kickbacks for being those things? Sure, there's a patriarchy, and homosexuals still face resistance and racism is still very real. But you know what? At some point, somewhere, somebody has been oppressed. Get. The Fuck. Over it.
How about taking a stand for things rather than being a victim and letting people get to you for a change? How about standing with the champions of real causes rather than the fools that profit on fear and division? You have so much potential and you waste it so pathetically.
The United states is the perfect place to do this, it's one of the last remaining bastions of free speech in a world run by men mad with power, and that too is drying up. There's a whole damn nation's worth of shitty people to take on! Just pick one and have a fucking ball!
Instead of picking on some trilby wearing, late-blooming fuckwit who beats off to ponies, take on the Westboro Baptists, the KKK, that Aryan Brotherhood, the US FUCKING CONGRESS AND SENATE, a whole wealth of your supposed "Shitlords" just waiting for you to attack them!
Oh, and 'raiding' 4chan doesn't make you Jesus Christ, you can't out shitpost a shitposter.
Oh wait, you don't believe in Jesus Christ because Christianity is the only religion that's EVER caused a problem in the history of mankind!
Well here's a news flash, nobody is fucking perfect, and neither are you. This whole world has never not seen a time that wasn't fucked up by one generation or another. You try to sit in this position of holier than thou and act as if you're above racism, sexism and being monocultural.
Well who the hell are you all to talk down to anyone!?
You alone have succeeded in creating a toxic environment that favors all those things, and more. And parade it around like it's some kind of advanced, evolved social thinking that you thought up all by yourself. You pretend as if your ways are better than any other idea ever thought of.
You turned Social Justice into a shitty punchline at the end of a terrible joke in the space of no less than a decade. You singlehandedly are making it more and more difficult to get the right messages out, and turning real victims into the "Boy who cried wolf"
But you know what? I could forgive all of that. ALL OF IT! If you weren't such hypocrites about everything. That's the worst of it SJW's... You're just a collection of loud-mouthed, triggered, selfish, whiney, hypocritical jackasses.
Thanks for nothing. Assholes.