
Interesting Facts about Indian Food that You Must Know


No doubt Indian food is worldwide popular. People love to have it and enjoy its aroma and spicy taste. In every state of India, cooking style of the same dish varies and this makes this food more unique. In every corner of the world, you can find various restaurants which can offer you authentic Indian food. If you are searching for the romantic restaurants in Denver, you must visit a famous Indian restaurant with your partner.


Delicious, spicy, and flavorful food of India will surely make your date special and memorable.

Here are some unknown facts about Indian food that you must know.

Let’s discuss in detail!

1. According to the Indian food theory, it has 6 different flavours- sweet, salty, bitter, sour, astringent and spicy. A proper Indian food is the perfect balance of these essential 6 flavours.

2. Do you love to have famous chicken tikka masala? Most of the people think it was originated in India, but truth is that it was invented in The UK. The British tamed down the spices in more traditional Indian curries and added cream to prepare a rich, delicious, and a modified dish.

3. India is also as the land of the spices. No, another country uses such wide variety of spices for cooking their cuisines.

4. Butter Naan is one of the most famous Indian cuisines of India specifically in Punjab. But it was brought to the country by the Mughals.

5. Do like spicy food? How much spicy food can you have? Indian food is one of the spiciest foods. It is incomplete without the spiciness. People love to use green chilies, red chilies, and black pepper to add a hot spicy flavor.

Have you heard about the ghost chili? It is really spicy and one needs to add its very small part to the cuisine. And its North East states of the India where it is grown at a large ratio.

6.Staple Ingredients tomato, potato, and chili do not belong to an Indian origin. These ingredients were brought to India by the Portuguese.

7.Indian people used to honey and fruit as a sweetener before refined sugar. Refined sugar was originated by the Portuguese.
8.This is one of the most important facts about the Indian food. Indian food is categorized into three categories – Saatvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic.

Saatvic includes fresh vegetables and juice and leads you to a higher state of consciousness.

Rajasic is oil and spicy food and is the main foundation of activity and motion.

Tamasic includes meat and liquor and according to an old saying, it can raise negative feelings.

These were some fascinating facts about the Indian food that can amaze you. You must visit one of the best romantic restaurants in Denver and enjoy delicious cuisines of India with your partner. You can search for a famous restaurant for Indian cuisine in Denver. By doing a careful research you will surely find a restaurant of your requirement.