
Trump "Responsible Immigration Reform Survey "

1. Building a physical wall along the Southern border of the United States.
A wall doesn't matter if it has 1,000 miles of gaps in it. Trump always says "We only need about a thousand (miles)" of wall because of (non-esistent) 'natural barriers' (like the Rio Grande river, which they cross ALL THE TIME). Trump also says he will NOT deport the illegals, but 'attempt' 2 'tax' them 2 pay 4 the useless non-wall that they will just go around because it would only cover half the border (or less). The border is TWO thousand miles long, not 10. If it is not ALL covered, and the road & rail gaps enforced, & trespasser/invader/terrorist 'cockroach army' (as the Spanish from Mexico call them) kicked out regardless of when they entered (including ejecting those that already got in so far), then it will have no effect whatsoever but another source of infinite corruption like every other 'pork barrel' WA$TE of tax $$$ project: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/2783270/Memo-pg1.pdf

2. Enacting e-verify programs that stop illegal immigrants from getting hired.
Those are never enforced. I live in central California & it is full of 'shanty towns' of illegal immigrant cockroach invaders the farms & others hire. They advertise in Spanish (this should B ILLEGAL as well), and REFUSE 2 hire whites, etc. Go after the EMPLOYMENT and HIRING of illegals & prosetute them FIRST, then once the mexi-turds realize they can't find work, & if U also ENFORCE THE OTHER LAWS, they will eventually realize a trip into America is just a trip 2 a jail... & make the jails should B a snake pit like those in Mexi-Tard... just a fenced off area where they can eat each other =)) U don't need 2 send them back, because they will just come right back in. You need to have a SCARY DETERRENT. "Sending them back" is NOT a deterrent!! They need to be SEVERELY punished, not 'free food & lodging' in a fancy hotel mislabeled a 'prison', where they live better as a 'prisoner' than they ever did in their life back 'home' HAHA In sane nations of the past, they would put the heads of invaders on the end of spears lining the border & stuff 2 warn the rest.

3. Ending chain migration.
'Chain Migration' is not the problem. The problem is the QUALITY of the 'chain migrants'. ENDLESS AND EXTREME 'chain migration' of beautiful people from Latvia or whatever is most certainly NEVER a problem! 'Chain Migration' of fit, attractive WHITE PEOPLE is BENEFICIAL to ANY nation =) 'Chain Migration' of 'human poison' like Mexi-Krap is just a 'bio-weapon' the jews use, by keeping the flood gates open 2 wreck civilization so their (((bank$ter))) buddies can $teal the wreckage cheaper. (((They))) do this in N E nation (((they))) R ever allowed 2 enter ~ everything they do or say is always just code 4: "KILLWHITEY!" =))

4. Ending the Diversity Visa Lottery that randomly awards citizenship in order to fill government-set quotas.
There should be YUGE & EXTREME QUOTAS 2 provide citizenship & visas & stuff to fit, attractive WHITE people from all over the world! 'Immigration' is not the issue. It is the destruction of the white race. Culture & civilization comes from race. If U flood Europe with raw sewage from Afri-Hell & others, they simply degrade it 2 their genetic nature, same as Mexicans reduce everything 2 a snake pit of squalor & chaos like where they came from. The problem is not location. "Wherever U go, there U R" as they say =)) U can put a chimp in a suit but...

5. Eliminating tax credits for illegal immigrants.
U should never tax illegal aliens. That's like taxing a rapist. How about PROSECUTING them =) WTF?! Make them all SUFFER so they scare the $hit out of N E who might consider invading. It should B so hard on them that they run screaming like a terrified dog back 2 the cess pit they crawled from 2 warn the other cockroaches back 'home' not 2 even dream of invading =) THAT is 'sensible immigration policy'. Get the invaders themselves working 4 U as 'PR' 2 help SOLVE the problem by striking fear into the heart of every potential trash heap 'migrant'. BTW: I am LATIN myself (mostly Welsh = Roman relics, from U.K.), born in Lost Angeles, so don't give me the 'racist' krap. I know all about the evil LATINS (Europeans, not the trash they tell 2 call themselves that 2 use them as tools) there & $outh of the border who cynically run their 'cockroach army' 2 try & $teal America, so don't give me that 'racist' garbage. The corruption in our own white people (including the LATINS) is the problem, just as in Europe, whites tolerating the corrupt (((politician$))) who keep the borders wide open 2 ISIS RAPEugees, etc..

6. Reducing visas that take away jobs from capable Americans seeking employment.
It is GOOD 2 'take jobs away' from hideous, stupid, ugly people 2 help nature 'weed them out'. Visas that provide help 2 import smart, fit, attractive WHITE people should flow like water endless & easy FOREVER. If U do the math, the world can support over 70 (seventy) billion people just from farming the land alone, & that does not even count using the sea 2 grow things, which covers 7/10 of the planet! There is no shortage of 'resources'. There is a 'shortage' of hot, fun, awesome WHITE people! =D & BTW: I prefer BLACK women (there R lots of nice ones with hot bods), so again, your 'RACIST!' knee-jerk bull$hit is a laugh HAHAHA Lot of 'blacks' R actually 'whiter' than their 'European' partners. Example: https://www.youtube.com/user/Reslim/videos & Trump is no stranger 2 it either, saying his 2'nd favorite song is 'Brown Sugar' by the $tones, & random pix like this I notice: http://static5.imagecollect.com/preview/560/79b81d6644cb85f

7. Limiting immigration during times of high unemployment in America.
People who R fat, ugly, & stupid should NOT B employed! They should B made 2 suffer & starve, so they can lose weight, & maybe grow a brain so they can B 'worthy' of employment some day =)

9. Prioritizing new immigrants who already speak English.
Who the freak cares if a fat ugly 'migrant' who HATES AMERICA and HATES WHITE PEOPLE speaks perfect English? Hell, lots of people BORN in America who are ALREADY TOTALLY LEGAL speak perfect English, & R part of the PROBLEM (like all those 'Antifa' democrat terrorist clowns). Priority should be given based on PHYSICAL APPEARANCE and INTELLIGENCE!! A 'doctor' or 'engineer' from freaking 'Khazakstan' is INFINITELY better than some hideous toad-looking Mexi-Turd who might happen 2 speak beautiful, literate English. WHO CARES!! The sleek ASIAN from Kazakhstan or whatever can learn the language, & provide VALUE 2 CIVILIZATION instead of DESTROYING it. Here is a 'must look this hot 2 enter' example: http://acidcow.com/pics/20160826/girl_from_kazakhstan_17.jpg 'IMMIGRATION' is NOT the problem. The problem is QUALITY! Same way there R QUALITY black girls in some African countries, but MOST R junk. WEED OUT THE JUNK! Invite the GOOD ones: www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/2637116.main_image.jpg

9. Establishing a merit-based immigration system.
'Merit' in what? How 2 clean toilets? How 2 fix a car? THAT DOES NOT MATTER! People can LEARN 'merits'. An 'uneducated' beautiful person is INFINITELY more valuable than a 'meritus tradesman' who looks &/or acts like a sack of krap. Bring physically attractive, fit, healthy, VALUABLE people into America, not RAW SEWAGE from the TURD WORLD. Pluck from them only the best of their best, & leave the rest 2 rot.

10. Granting American citizenship to illegal immigrants cannot happen.
No, it SHOULD happen ALL THE TIME if the 'illegal' does NOT hate white people and IS physically fit, AND good looking, AND 'trainable' 4 trade$, etc. =) 'Migration' is not the issue. The issue is QUALITY of the person. An fit & pretty 'illegal immigrant' from freaking Poland or something is most certainly NOT a problem.

11. (Optional) Please include any other proposals that you want included in a truly responsible immigration reform bill.
All migrants should be screened for diseases & billed for it (at their own expense), & those with incurable (or expensive 2 cure) ones should B kicked out, or maybe in special cases B allowed 2 stay if it is not a 'plague' type thing & merely some STD (like herpes?) & they R willing 2 have a prominent tattoo 2 warn others of their condition, & a chip & tracker implant or something so they can B found if they go 'rogue'... like deep into their brain so they can't get it out easy? That is IF they want 2 stay. They should also have 2 pay a heavy fine. They can still B 'useful' for their 'job' or something. Also, in a related issue. U need 2 put a constitutional amendment or something 2 prevent government from forcibly poisoning children & others as they do in California via vax. It's a $cam 2 CREATE illness 2 grow the medical INDU$TRY 'treating' the damage THEY cause (via vax). C films like 'vaxxed' & others 4 details. Part of the reason the terrorist party (the 'demoncrats') 'adore' illegals is they tend 2 spread disease, which is another 'bio-weapon' feature 2 them. They view 'illegals' (from sewers like Mexi-Turd) as 'ammunition' against whites. The function of the democrat party is the extermination of the white race.