
Q39. What is the ruling on using this word "Terrorism" and applying it upon our brothers, the Mujāhideen?

A. It's necessary to difference between two matters here with regards to "Terrorism":

1. The general principle of the legislation of Jihād, so whoever spoke about this general principle, like the rulers and their minions among the journalists, then this is disbelief without a doubt.

2. Whoever spoke about some of the Mujāhideen, not all of them, and he doesn't consider them (i.e. the ones he spoke against) as being from the people of Jihād, so these people don't become Kuffār if they affirm the general basis principle of Jihād in the path of Allāh, however they oppose some of the actions which they view as "destructive actions", such as: destruction of homes , and the killing of those who ascribe to Islām etc...

So opposing Jihād is one thing, and opposing the actions of some Mujāhideen is something else, and the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:

"O Allāh, I am free of what Khālid has done" In the incident of Juthaymah.

And what also occurred from the rebuke of 'Umar to Khālid during the days of Abī Bakr, may Allāh be pleased with them, and what also occurred during the days of Fitnah between 'Alī and Mu'āwiyah.

So what's intended here is to differentiate between the two matters, however our statement "they do not become Kuffār" doesn't mean that they aren't sinful by their words, rather sin is tagged along with them in accordance to their shortcomings in searching for the Haqq, and their softness & mixing with the people of Falsehood, and Allāh knows best.

~ The Imām, Shaykh Nāsir al-Fahd (فك الله أسره).