
Injury Lawyer In Collingwood Wants You To Stay Safe From Spring Hazards


Everyone understands very well how stressful driving during the winter months could become so, as spring makes its appearance the warm weather inspires the drivers to bring the guard down. Many times they fail to understand that the dangers on the road are always present irrespective of the climate and remaining alert is crucial especially when thawing begins. The injury lawyer in Collingwood has seen many people sustain injuries sometimes fatalities just because some driver was not careful enough. They want you to remain extra careful of on road hazards when driving during springtime.


Thawing makes the potholes present on road make their appearance once again because when snow melts water will seep inside the pavement cracks. This leads to the softening of the gravel. Constant melting and freezing of water right up to the springtime, leads to expansion of pavement cracks and these turn into potholes. Injury lawyer in Collingwood believes that you know very well that keeping these potholes will ruin car alignment, the suspension, and the tires.


The best that you can do is to avoid driving on potholes or else slow down so that the possible damage to your car is minimal and you remain safe as well. You should also avoid going to the lanes present next to curb because here, water drains to roads and as such, the chances of potholes being present here are more. Injury lawyer in Collingwood emphasises upon maintaining safety at all costs especially during the springtime.


The potholes and lane leads to the presence of large puddles and as a result, the vehicle hydroplanes when it runs on water skidding on the top and as a result, you might lose control. In situations, where hydroplaning occurs you have to ease foot from accelerator gently and this way you will no longer lose control. Injury lawyer in Collingwood also wants their clients to remain wary of slush on roads created by the dirt, ice, and melting snow. This grabs on the vehicle tires limiting traction on road, slowing you down. Other than that, it is quite easy to lose control when you drive on slush with a potential spin out. Slow driving is the way to go in such cases.


Avoid slush whenever possible. Also keep a cool head whatever happens because panic can turn a complex situation critical in no time. Dangerous black ice patches form due to continuous freezing and melting of ice and snow. Such practices are generally present on overpasses and bridges because they remain susceptible to freezing overnight. You have to take caution when driving on black ice and ideally, your injury lawyer in Collingwood wants you to be aware of road and weather conditions prior to driving. Also, the crowding on the roads will be more during the spring because motorcyclists and bicyclists join the traffic. Our website