
Tips for Booking Hotels - compares hotel pricing.


You may be a frequent traveler, or someone who’s not used to booking hotels, but there are always a few things to keep in mind when finding and compares hotel pricing...

  1. Choose a hotel by location and distance. It's easy and convenient to locate hotels on the internet and sites allow you to search by distance from your destination.
  2. Star ratings are a good indication of the quality and the services you can expect a hotel to provide. Two stars is basic accommodation, five stars will be luxury with spas, swimming pools, a higher staff-to-guest ratio.
  3. Book online. The best rates are distributed online and with so much information available it’s easy to find an ideal hotel at the right price in the right place.

Compares hotel pricing.

  1. Read reviews. Book recommended hotels. Comments by previous guests are a good indication and guide to follow in choosing hotels.
  2. The cheapest isn't always the best option. It’s tempting to book the cheapest hotel you can find, but if you want a good experience it may be worth paying a little more.
  3. Compares hotel pricing- Price comparison websites give you information at your fingertips to find bargain rates, and good value compared to other similar hotels.
  4. Book with a brand name you can trust. You know what you will get when checking in because they have standardized the brand and the experience and you can book with confidence.
  5. Check real time availability. Check if a hotel is busy, if it’s popular then it’s probably good.
  6. See photos. Hotels will give a good impression in printed marketing and promotional material and descriptions, but a photo is worth a thousand words.
  7. Find secure booking online. Look for the lock symbol in your browser when proceeding to make your booking, the site looks after and encrypts your information, keeping your details safe.