
Senator Dianne Feinstein of California is jumping on the "KILLWHITEY!" train extra
hard spamming people with anti-Trump bull$hit. You might like to know this.
Yeah, because we know Trump is so 'racist' he has sex with brown women trying
to trick us into thinking he's not a nazi...

And gets blackies 2 praise him because he is a 'secret hitler' =))

ROFL!! And that demon witch Feinstein both commits a crime by using a fake
return address in her "KILLWHITEY!" spam mails, AND blocks mail directly through
her web site, saying AFTER hitting 'send' that 'hyperlinks not allowed', then does
the 'talk to the hand' routine saying if you attempt to ACCOMMODATE those
bull$hit restrictions by REMOVING the links, itis some kind of crime:


'Public Servant' my azz! =))

Here's what I want to her (maybe you can forward it?):

"YOU Are The RACISTS You Goddamn Jewish Supremacist Sack Of Terrorist $HIT!
Your mail interface blocks hyperlinks, so if you want you can choose to type them
in yourself.

"White Supremacy" - A Slur to Ensure Jewish Supremacy
tinyurl dot com slash y9okvozh

Oh, & that is a JEWISH web site. And I prefer black gals. Lot of them say it
straight ~ things like:
"Stupid monkeys (about niggers) ~ Thank God for the white man. African guys
are nothing but trouble!" LOL =))

Not like those fat ugly nigger sacks of krap cheer leading for offing the president
like YOU kike bastards do non stop 24/7 endless...

Dems Back State Senator Wishing Trump Assassination
tinyurl dot com slash yb9hf3ow

The democrat party is a terrorist organization, and YOU are basically a terrorist.
You remind me of the owner of O'ButtHole, the bank$ter yid George $orro$

tinyurl dot com slash y9sh5j3u

Oh and if I'm such a 'racist', why did I vote for Kamala Harris? HAHAHAHA
tinyurl dot com slash ybquotup

And Jerry Brown... well that was just a favor to some people, who I warned he
was pure evil, and now he works tirelessly to poison every school child in
California via poison 'vax' 2 make them sick 4 life so the medical industry can milk
them dry. Camila, she was just a sympathy vote because she is the only person
running who isn't a fat
old ugly pile of vomit like YOU!

Maybe you can tell her to get off the "KILLWHITEY!" train & she might have a
chance for higher office =D WHOOP!
