private bool HandleBackspaceKey()
var snapshot = TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;
var caretPos = Caret.Position.BufferPosition.Position;
// Determine the number of spaces until the previous tab stop.
var spacesToRemove = ((CaretColumn - 1) % IndentSize) + 1;
// Make sure we only delete spaces.
for (var i = 0; i < spacesToRemove; i++)
var snapshotPos = caretPos - 1 - i;
if (snapshotPos < 0 || snapshot[snapshotPos] != ' ')
spacesToRemove = i;
if (spacesToRemove > 1)
TextView.TextBuffer.Delete(new Span(caretPos - spacesToRemove, spacesToRemove));
return true;
return false;
private bool HandleDeleteKey()
// If we are in virtual space, we should already be at the end of the line,
// so let Visual Studio handle the keypress.
if (Caret.InVirtualSpace)
return false;
var snapshot = TextView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;
var caretPos = Caret.Position.BufferPosition.Position;
// Determine the number of spaces until the next tab stop.
var spacesToRemove = IndentSize - (CaretColumn % IndentSize);
// Make sure we only delete spaces.
for (var i = 0; i < spacesToRemove; i++)
var snapshotPos = caretPos + i;
if (snapshotPos >= snapshot.Length || snapshot[snapshotPos] != ' ')
spacesToRemove = i;
if (spacesToRemove > 1)
TextView.TextBuffer.Delete(new Span(caretPos, spacesToRemove));
return true;
return false;
private void ReplaceVirtualSpaces()
if (Caret.InVirtualSpace)
TextView.TextBuffer.Insert(Caret.Position.BufferPosition, new string(' ', Caret.Position.VirtualSpaces));