
Hello, I'm new to Linux Lite OS and programming.
At the moment, I'm learning Java programming from a course at Udemy and I've encountered a problem with empty spaces in outputs.

Here's part of the codes:
[code]public String toString()
        return first + " " + middle + " " + last;

Name myName = new Name("Cookie" + "Monster" + "Jr");
System.out.println("myName: " + myName.toString());[/code]

Then I compiled the codes and here's what it's shown on the Terminal:
[code]mei@mei-Aspire-4750:~/Documents/java$ javac NameTest.java
mei@mei-Aspire-4750:~/Documents/java$ javac Name.java
mei@mei-Aspire-4750:~/Documents/java$ java NameTest
myName:   CookieMonsterJr[/code]

All the spaces are appearing right before the name. I'm using Linux's Text Editor. Could this the reason why the codes are not working properly?