
How Perfect Auditing Or Your Database Can Help You?

Nowadays, there are a number of people using Hive database management system. This specific DBMS is based on Hadoop well-known for storing heterogeneous data on the multiple clusters. This particular database is hugely preferred by the data analysts for the purpose of exploring, querying, aggregating and analyzing big data. Most of the people today could also be seen very curious about getting perfect Hive audit. The main reason behind this is that database auditing can efficiently prevent data leak or data theft with great ease. Auditing results can surely facilitate you best possible support in terms of preventing data leakage or misused by anybody else. With the use of a database activity monitoring tool, you can easily get the best possible auditing of your Hive database management system.

In simple words, database monitoring functions usually perform database auditing. More to the point, the result of the auditing process is also stored in the database or exported to the external SIEM-systems for the purpose of investigation. There are different types of information is collected during the process of database auditing. Auditing results evaluation can truly help you a lot to detect the cause of data leak. More to the point, you would also be able to stop data theft from your specific database management system by exposing the doubtful activity or behavior of the database users. Generally, database monitoring tool are having self-learning algorithms that mainly used in order to log SQL queries typical for the given database. Some queries which are normal consider safe for the database. On the other hand, queries which are suspicious considered unsafe for the database and thus they are blocked and inspected more carefully.

 For getting the best possible auditing of the database, there is actual need of monitoring database access by privilege users, monitoring access failures, and monitoring all the changes that have been made in privileges. Hive audit can easily protect data privacy and governance as well. Monitoring direct data access is also considered one of the most important requirements on the database audit. Each audit rule off any particular software is having an option to add subscribers that will receive a notification every time when the rule is triggered. Database audit procedure not only enables you to execute database investigation and prevention properly but also prevent data leak best possibly. If it is said that database audit functionality is another line of protection of your valuable information stored in your specific database then it would not be wrong in any case.