
How a Web Design Company Should Use Color

How a Web Design Company Should Use Color

 What are the elements that make users visit certain websites on a regular basis? Any Houston website design company worth its salt will identify great content and high quality services as vital to a website’s popularity. But if you asked website designers to be truthful, they’ll likely identify the colors a website uses as the most important.

 Website design companies are aware that the mixing and matching of certain colors can hold tremendous intrinsic appeal. In addition, color can affect our mood in ways that we may not even be conscious of. Web Design Company This theory of color applies as much to the real world as it does to websites, if not more so.

 For instance, you may have had the experience of walking into a blue room and feeling colder than you did before you entered it. Conversely, you may walk into a red room and feel warmer. Websites operate on much the same principle: certain “cooler” colors may convey notions of calmness and professionalism, while “warmer” colors communicate passion and energy. Thus, a web design firm will utilize colors that indirectly communicate what a particular company stands for, or the company itself may tell the designers the colors that are most significant to their brand.

 It should be kept in mind that the use of color in website design is as much an art as it is a science. One key reason for this is that different people react to color in different ways. One person may look at a given site and get a completely different impression than another person looking at the same site would. Whereas the use of blue may communicate calm to the first person, it may seem boring to the other person to the point of putting him or her to sleep.

 Therefore, as a Houston web design company you want to be careful to choose colors in the right fashion. Here are a few basic tips to consider:

  1. Research how other successful companies in your field use color, as well as companies and individuals outside it.
  2. Gather as much information as you can about Web Design Company the subtle differences people perceive between, say, a bright red fire truck color and a darker red wine color.
  3. Generally speaking, you want to stick to basic colors such as black, green, red, blue and yellow, because those are easiest to see on a website.
  4. Choose colors that offer a dynamic contrast from one another in order to engage user interest.
  5. By the same token, avoid colors that are too similar to one another and seem to blend together.

 For more information about what a high quality web design company can do for you, contact Networtech today at netwebdesign.com!