
Frequently Asked Questions about contacting Chennai escorts

Contact with the escorts outside the reservations

No, get in touch with outside reservations with escorts is not feasible. These high class escorts choose to be represented by agencies because they have no desire to arrange their own reservations. It belongs to the "no strings affixed" aspect of reservations that you too appreciate. Please regard their boundaries as well as policies.

Can I talk to the high class escort prior to the booking?

No. Agencies make excellent initiatives to position all required information regarding both her appearances and also character in her on the internet portfolio. These Chennai escorts opt to be stood for by their respective agencies due to the fact that they have no time or need to organize their own reservations. Agencies are more than happy to address any concerns you might have concerning their escorts.

Can I satisfy the escort for a cup of coffee initially?

No. If you want to make certain you're a looking for a longer traveling booking, we recommend you schedule a shorter dinner date or personal booking before hiring her for the weekend.

Can I have the phone number/email of the escort?

No! It is incredibly impolite as well as disrespectful to both agency and the escort to request for her exclusive information, or offer yours. These Chennai escorts recognize that when a client inquires for their personal number/email he is doing so due to the fact that he wants more service, for less money. These agencies often clarified it to their escorts in addition to the consequences. You are recommending your escort she is unworthy the cost she is asking for, and you are disrespecting the rules of her agency. You are motivating her to take.

You will place her in an uneasy placement. At all, it is not a gentleman thing to do. Chennai escorts agencies make huge efforts to use you the portfolio of escorts that we do. Please respect their guidelines as well as those of the escort and don't use your contact information or request hers. Both you and the escort will certainly be left out from agency, not if but when we discover.