
Judgedredd sent:

From judgedredd: Hi James, Have you received anything from me over the last few weeks (since early April)? I have been trying to send you the same item multiple times but there has been no confirmation from you one way or the other


My response: No I have not received anything, I usually post what you send because it is always good. I lost control of the mail window, and also Paypal, if anyone has sent anything since May 3 and it is not posted, reclaim (it might be secure now, so if you sent recently wait for it to be posted later today)

AT ANY RATE, it has been absolute hell here lately with keeping the message window working, and Paypal working. It is not Paypal doing it, it is something else in the background. Surprisingly Paypal has acted fairly well with all of this, (Europe is mostly blocked) but that is nothing new, Europe has been mostly blocked for over a year.

I guess that touches a subject I wanted to mention. THE MESSAGE WINDOW APPEARS TO FINALLY BE WORKING AGAIN, and it all boils down to finding computers I have never used before to secure it with, and getting the entire job of securing it done in 30 seconds or so. If I spend longer than that, even a totally random computer will not work to secure it because they find out where it is and hack it that fast.

Remote CPU access

For this web site, this is old news, 2011 news. That is when this web site first reported uncontrollable remote access, and now the "tech experts" are catching up . . . . .

The original report was titled "Is Intel's Sandy Bridge on a road to nowhere". It was one of my early reports about Intel processors having a 3g back door that can be used to kill them and fake an EMP attack. But I did not see the obvious at that time - that any 3g connection will allow a full on rape of the entire system.


Now, more than half a decade later, others are finally catching up!

Ray sent:

extremetech dot com/computing/248919-major-intel-security-flaw-serious-first-thought

"Major Intel Security Flaw Is More Serious Than First Thought"

By Joel Hruska on May 8, 2017

"Last week, Intel disclosed a serious security flaw that could be used to gain remote access to business computers without the OS ever knowing such access had occurred. Now we know the situation is even worse than we thought."

Jim, your reservations about Intel chips are coming to light...

Ray" My response: I am going to say it again as I said it then: There is no security whatsoever with Intel chips. They recently admitted to this in the professional chips, but the back door is in ALL OF THEM since Sandy Bridge. Everything on your computer can be assumed immediately accessible to the government (and whoever else is privileged) via the cell phone network. They just dial into your computer through a connection you don't know about and take whatever they want.

No one else out there will admit this yet - that all Intel based computers, even at the consumer level, can be accessed at will by the government and there is no possible way to secure them.




Is Intel's Sandy Bridge on a road to nowhere?


Intel's new remote kill switch could be used to end computing under the cover of a fake EMP disaster

Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, June 4 2011


Within any power structure that has fallen into darkness like America's has, there is a need to control the information recieved by the governed. Widespread knowledge of even one key truth can bring such power structures to an end; they do, after all, need the will and support of their governed to survive.

The internet was an ambush to them. Initially the "elite" intended computers to be a way to gain access to the most intricate information about people's lives. They used popular bulletin boards such as America Online and Prodigy as spy machines, which worked well because they kept an identity of everyone who posted anything on them. The internet changed that. Because the internet was decentralized and allowed anonymity, it became a potent weapon in the hands of the people, and the elite are desperately seeking ways to shut it down and end computing as we know it.

With entire economic communities, vast numbers of casual users, and widespread communication taking place on the web, shutting it down has become politically impossible without the very real chance of sparking an armed rebellion.

But what if such a shutdown could happen, with the blame directed away from those who caused it? Intel's Sandy bridge technology, which allows remote shutdown of a CPU via the cellular phone network could be used to end computing as we know it if such technologies become widespread and a fake EMP disaster is created as an explanation for why all the computers died. Keep that old PC in the closet!

UPDATE, March 12, 2012

I don't have time to work on this subject right now, but I have made a few discoveries to quickly go over - First of all, the AMD A series of processors offer stiff competition to Intel I series processors, including Sandy Bridge, at a better value. The AMD processors also contain the cell link, but when attacked, don't go down as easy. This is because the AMD A series uses a CPU die with 4 totally separate CPU cores, and the Sandy Bridge is a single core that emulates 4 cores. SO when attacked, the 4 discrete core setup from AMD remains more stable, and since it is very power efficient, it's hard to damage. The AMD Cpu's do not have the hardware kill, they use a bios rooted soft kill that pegs the CPU. If you are smart enough to realize the CPU is flaming hot and shut it down before death, it is then just a matter of purging the bios. I learned this first hand! Fourtunately I bought an A6. It's awesome. I have a lot more to say but no time to say it.


For now, here are a few links:

http://www.examiner.com/technology-in-national/intel-s-sandy-bridge-cpus-to-carry-remote-kill-switch http://www.techspot.com/news/41643-intels-sandy-bridge-processors-have-a-remote-kill-switch.html http://www.bloggerisme.com/intel-sandy-bridge-integrated-anti-theft-3-0-as-alarm.html http://www.itworldcanada.com/news/intels-new-core-vpro-chipset-bakes-in-3g-kill-pill/142499 http://www.eutimes.net/2010/12/remote-kill-switch-added-to-intel-sandy-bridge/


Here is another old report from this web site on the topic of hackable Intel chips

New Intel based PC's PERMANENTLY hackable

Jim Stone, May 23 2012


So you think no one can access your data because your computer is turned off. Heck it's more than turned off, you even took the main hard drive out, and only the backup disk is inside. There is no operating system installed at all. So you KNOW you are safe.

Frank from across the street is an alternative operating systems hobbyist, and he has tons of computers. He has Free BSD on a couple, his own compilation of Linux on another, a Mac for the wife, and even has Solaris on yet another. Frank knows systems security, so he cannot be hacked . . . . . . . or so he thinks.

The government does not like Frank much, because they LOVE to look at everything. Privacy is a crime don't you know, and it looks like Frank's luck with privacy is about to run out.

The new Intel Core vPro processors contain a new remote access feature which allows 100 percent remote acess to a PC 100 percent of the time, even if the computer is TURNED OFF. Core vPro processors contain a second physical processor embedded within the main processor which has it's own operating system embedded on the chip itself. As long as the power supply is available and and in working condition, it can be woken up by the Core vPro processor, which runs on the system's phantom power and is able to quietly turn individual hardware components on and access anything on them.

This is being touted as something that makes IT administration easy. It is being advertised as something that will allow IT professionals the ability to remotely troubleshoot a PC no matter what is wrong with it. It allows IT professionals to view the contents of hard drives, check the memory, or hunt for problems on a machine without actually being in front of it. And to that, I call B.S, outside of snooping it's only real world applications would involve accessing a recovery partiton and restoring the computer to out of box state, installing software outside the knowledge of the main operating system, and secretly placing or deleting files.

But the intelligence agencies LOVE THIS. Because Frank is going on vacation soon and they know it. They have listened to all of his calls. They KNOW frank is a terrorist, because they have never been able to access anything Frank has done with a PC, and who would hide their use, other than a criminal? Frank keeps his computers up to date, and THREE of them now have Core vPro processors in them, and when Frank is gone, they are going to get their chance to access ALL of his files because the main backup hard disk went into the newest machine.


Real world use for Core vPro processors will involve the following:

Accessing any PC ANYWHERE, no matter what operating system is installed, even if it is physically disconnected from the internet. You see, Core vPro processors work in conjunction with Intel's new Anti Theft 3.0, which put 3g connectivity into every Intel CPU after the Sandy Bridge version of the I3/5/7 processors. Users do not get to know about that 3g connection, but it IS there. Frank was not stupid so he unplugged his router. Unfortunately for Frank, that won't work, because anti theft 3.0 always has that 3g connection on also, even if the computer is turned off. Sorry frank, you were good with operating systems, but did not know EVERYTHING about hardware. And now the real reason for your finicky security habits will be known to the NSA - you found a way to route photons to any place in the world without any sort of cable. You revolutionized communications. You were going public when you returned from your vacation, but thanks to your new Core vPro processors, a major communications firm is going to go public with your invention BEFORE you get home, and your research will be deleted and replaced with "criminal activity" so you will be arrested when you get back and unable to speak about the theft of your invention. Fascism is GREAT.


If a system has the ram chips pulled, a Core vPro processor will read the hard disk anyway because it has all the ram it needs embedded in the vPro core.

If you encrypted your hard drive, a Core vPro processor will read it anyway, because it snagged your encryption key

If your system has been taken apart, and has no video card, ram, floppy, or hard drive, your Core vPro processor nailed you, because you left a flash drive plugged in. Or a CD in the CD drive. And what about that web cam?

The bottom line? The Core vPro processor is the end of any pretend privacy. If you think encryption, Norton, or anything else is going to ensure your privacy, including never hooking up to the web AT ALL, think again. There is now more than just a ghost in the machine.

The Zionist, Globalist, Banker scamming war mongering cabal has a history of using the marketing of security as a means to remove ALL security and nail you. If you believe Intel's cheerful hype about these processors making things more secure than ever, think again, because any processor which allows a machine to be accessed even when it's turned off equates to an information tyrant's dream come true Please engage your brain while watching this, the security pitch is unadulterated B.S. These processors in fact represent an ABSOLUTE BREACH of security no matter HOW they are marketed. From the techinical viewpoint of someone who worked for an intelligence agency, I call B.S. on Intel, avoid these processors like the plague!




Gee, firing Comey was good, but let's not get distracted from the real issue

Color me frustrated sent:


Hi Jim..... reason for Comey is plain in site... he is the needed fall guy at this time... Kushners selling visas in china...HUGE story... now totally disappeared, not only from news cycle... but American consciousness. As well as LePen, the Korean nukes , troops on the border of Syria, etc. When will people learn not to look at the mouse, but the cheese. Over and over. Comey was the only diversion BIG enough to cover up such blatant criminal activity as Kushner's sister in china.. like sick and dying Hillary .... no one ever recalls it again..WHY????. Color me frustrated...in NC



Kushner family: "THIS IS NOT THE STORY WE WANT!"

The Kushner family hosted a huge event in an expensive hotel ball room in China, where wealthy Chinese were told that if they invested $500, 000 USD in America they would eventually get U.S. citizenship. They abused Jared's status to draw people to the event. When American MSM showed up to cover the event, their equipment was taken and they were kicked out because "they threatened the stability of the event!"



Here is a quote from the Washington Post:



"Although the event was publicly advertised in Beijing, the hosts were exceptionally anxious about the presence of reporters. Journalists were initially seated at the back of the ballroom, but as the presentations got underway, a public-relations representative asked The Washington Post to leave, saying the presence of foreign reporters threatened the "stability" of the event.


At one point, organizers grabbed a reporter's phone and backpack to try to force that person to leave. Later, as investors started leaving the ballroom, organizers physically surrounded attendees to prevent them from giving interviews.

Asked why reporters were asked to leave, a PR person who declined to identify herself said simply, "This is not the story we want."


My comment:

Oh my GOD!


Ok, so the Kushner family hosts an event that directly deals in American affairs, IN COMMUNIST CHINA, and the American press is not allowed to cover it? WTF, OVER!!!! This is so laughably corrupt right on it's face that it is inconceivable for Jared to be allowed ANYWHERE near the white house, let alone influencing policy from within!. OK, LET ME SAY THIS A DIFFERENT WAY: What could they have POSSIBLY been doing that was SO BAD for America that even America's lying, scamming, cover for the Jews at all cost MSM was kicked out?

I am stunned. This was downright creepy. Here is the story at the Washington Post. "This is not the story we want" even after it gets washed clean as a whistle by America's own scamming MSM? I am shaking my head!



Global warming

Anonymous sent:


There has historically been much more CO2 in our atmosphere than exists today. For example, during the Jurassic Period, average CO2 concentrations were about 1800 ppm or about 4.7 times higher than today. The highest concentrations of CO2 during all of the Paleozoic Era occurred during the Cambrian Period, nearly 7000 ppm -- about 18 times higher than today. The Carboniferous Period and the Ordovician Period were the only geological periods during the Paleozoic Era when global temperatures were as low as they are today. To the consternation of global warming proponents, the Late Ordovician Period was also an Ice Age while at the same time CO2 concentrations then were nearly 12 times higher than today-- 4400 ppm.

According to greenhouse theory, Earth should have been exceedingly hot. Instead, global temperatures were no warmer than today. Clearly, other factors besides atmospheric carbon influence earth temperatures and global warming. geocraft.com/WVFossils/Carboniferous_climate.html#anchor147264

My response: Right now, CO2 levels are below 500 ppm. What this means is that everything grows slower, because there is not as much plant food in the air. All the plants want more CO2, this is easily proven in greenhouses, where CO2 injection, raising the CO2 to 1000 ppm or more, increases plant growth drastically.

This web site has posted the real contributor to the greenhouse effect many times, it is water vapor. Water vapor is 1000X the greenhouse gas that CO2 is, easy proof of this is the dry desert at night. No matter what the desert, if the air is dry, there will be huge temperature fluctuations between day and night because when the air is dry, heat radiates out into space quickly. By far the main temperature regulator in earth's atmosphere is water vapor.

But it will remain CO2 for as long as Al Gore has a shot at his $15 trillion carbon tax. What on earth would that much money be used for, when global warming is a scam? You can safely bet it won't be good for anyone but an elite few.

routing test

Anonymous sent:


what I luv is on Colbert the audience cheered firing of commey UNTIL Colbert correct them and then they boo'ed trump firing commey. americans are truly sheep, they have no minds of their own. breitbart.com/video/2017/05/10/watch-stephen-colbert-audience-cheers-news-comeys-firing/

My response: Here is what happened: The crowd broke into spontaneous applause and approval when they heard Comey got fired. This was a natural response. Then the studio, (which controls the crowd and tells them how to act) sent the message to the crowd via a prompter that they were supposed to be sad about it, so then they acted that way.

We saw the real sentiment first. This just proves how fake our media is. It is scary to see it so clearly.


Anonymous sent:


Is it true that Macron officially won by exactly 66.6% of the vote as The Common Sense Show stated?

My response: They assigned the win as 66.06%. He was probably hovering somewhere around 21% in reality.

Anonymous sent:

Hey Jim - in response to your post about Jews destroying libraries in universities, I can confirm that this is currently happening at a prominent college in Western Massachusetts. While it is not as brazen here as it is in California, they are also claiming that their plan is to digitize everything. I have seen no evidence of this despite being in the loop on everything else. Keep up the good fight

Barney sent:

A few thoughts on the destruction of public libraries. As a side note, I read Orwell's 1984 in school (early '60s), and having a near-perfect memory, I'm aware of minor changes in the on-line version available today. The most obvious of these is the change from the original "viewscreens"; to what have now become "telescreens", a seemingly unimportant change, but still a change.

My thinking on the opening up of the internet to the entire world is based on the fact that jews deny the existence of the soul, so they equate complexity with life (rather than the other way round). They said for decades that if only they could make a computer as complicated as the human brain, it would develop consciousness.

I believe this was their reasoning in making the internet available to everyone. They thought that by linking millions of computers worldwide, both the complexity of the resulting system and the sum of all human knowledge would give them their long-fantasised "golem" which would destroy their enemies (us) without them having to lift a finger. Typical jew thinking.

When they realised their "golem" had backfired, exposing their evil nature to the world, the censorship started, and will continue until either all information is hidden again or until WE stop them.This all fits in with the destruction of books and the degradation of what was once the education system. They don't want us thinking, breeding or having access to the works of others.Just the way it seems to me.


Jews in charge of UC Berkeley destroyed all the science publications in the library

They did it secretly, while announcing nothing, and when the deed was done they announced that "they digitized all the books" and then destroyed them. They kept no records of books destroyed, we just have to trust them that they really did digitize them all, without edits!

Fat chance they did, there is absolutely no excuse for destroying such a large library without informing the public. Their excuse was that everything they destroyed had copies elsewhere, so why store it? That's a line only a simpleton would accept,




The Jews have set a goal of destroying the value of every printed library in Western Civilization

Jim Stone, April 27 2012



If you ever visited libraries in the past, back in the 80's, you would know that at even a modest public library you could find every book you needed to understand all aspects of the sciences. You would have been able to find accurate history, All the information gained from the nuclear tests, the truth about EMP's and nuclear tsunamis, all the great works of all the great writers, all the musical compositions and scores for all of the great musicians, detailed maps of every square inch of the earth, all of the local laws and codes, all of the electronic theory, all of the formulas for organic chemistry, all of the engineering information for the different types of steel, all the Chiltons manuals for automotive repair, every last topic about astronomy and astrophysics, folks, it does not take a lot of books to cover all those topics and far more, I can't think of them all, everything even a modest public library which, for example, a small city of 10,000 people would have had even 20 years ago. Or should I say 30? because starting in the mid 80's our libraries went under attack, to annihilate their value as a reference base for Western Civilization. Their destruction was deliberate.


I am an inquisitive type who would actually USE the libraries in the past. And it was never any problem to get detailed information, I can't even begin to tell you what types of things I would look for, for example, when developing a new type of bug killer lamp (it worked great) I was able to find the exact light spectrums of the various mercury vapor lamps. I could set out to find a fact, and everything I ever set out to look for would ALWAYS be at ANY library. I know I am unique in the type of things I would look for and therefore can serve as the library canary, giving the signal of DOOM. I knew the libraries were turning to garbage, but could not figure out why. That is, until my experience with the Jewish community. And now, even in cities with populations of a million plus, I can't find jack. I can't get a single question answered. Only the most basics of basic are there, the libraries have been stripped of real value and replaced with fluff.

Fluff like 94,000 feminist books, books about gaydom, alternative religion, new age B.S, 93 trillion ridiculous "self help" books, aisle after aisle of fiction and fantasy and virtually NOTHING of value with regard to what was once the fabric of Western Civilization. Any book with any science at all has the science buried under volumes of convoluted text, obviously intended to confuse. What once could be found within a few minutes now takes hours or days, if it can be found at all, or at least before frustration drives me out the door. Now, information which was once free to the public has been quarantined, for access only to the discrete few willing to pay thousands for that information via college text books, and I have seen enough of those to know that even THEY are now intentionally convoluted and watered down.


It was intentional

The Jews made it a huge point - the value of having your own HARD PRINTED LIBRARY. And even poor Jews have enormous hard bound libraries in their homes. Jews will spend enormous piles of money on hard printed works, because they know that hard print cannot be changed via an online "update" and the only solid record of fact is a printed book. And while building their own private libraries, they set out to destroy the public libraries accessible to any non Jews. They got into all the library staffs, and made the decisions of which books got thrown, and which books got kept. If you go to any public library, you will discover that somewhere in each library there will be a Jew making the decisions of what will be in that library. Go to the dumpster out back, I have done this as part of my investigations of the Jews following leaving them, and even in little old bakersfield, I witnessed an enormous number of great books going out through the dumpster, with absolutely nothing of value replacing them inside the library. When I was in Vancouver, after leaving the Jewish community, I visited the library there and found a lot of the old good books still in place, only to discover that key pages were consistently ripped out of many of the best ones. And it was not vandals or geeks, because vandals don't care about technical writings and geeks know what a copier is, and also have a lot of respect for written works. I of course had the advantage of knowing Jews were doing this to our libraries, and checked the dumpsters and pulled key works to see what new atrocity had been committed on a fairly regular basis.



The internet has changed

Once upon a time you could go to Alta Vista, type in any scientific fact you wanted to know, and BOOM, it would be on your screen. It was like a library on steroids. But after Google that changed. Google buries all truthfully technical information behind a pay wall, and even Alta Vista now does as well. So unless you plan to spend hundreds or thousands buying technical writings in the hopes that one nugget will be there (chances are it will not) the internet has now been rendered totally useless as a scientific reference tool. So they FIRST destroyed the libraries, and then destroyed the web, and if you think Wikipedia is great you have a lot of learning to do.



Via the destruction of our information base, the Jews have made an enormous step towards gaining our rightful future

It's no secret our schools have been destroyed. It's no secret that our kids are now graduating with honors, while not being able to think or even knowing the basics. We are about to be made irrelevant as a civilization. There is still a key pool of 50 plus year old engineers who got real educations, who are designing CPU's and whatever else was at the pinnacle of our society. As far as technical advancement, there are enough of these people from America's great past still in the system to hide the damage that has been done. They won't be there forever, and when they are gone we will suffer a collapse more enormous than the world has ever witnessed. And rising from the ashes of that collapse will be the Jews, with all of our works carefully preserved within their homes and private libraries, and with their children carefully educated with OUR advanced knowledge they will rise to the top. Our civilization, with it's great technical reference base destroyed and children intentionally sabotaged, will slip into irrelevance.



This is being done at many universities now, see this




French election censorship

Anonymous sent:


They are really censoring the internet regarding the rigged French election. I posted comments at RT and they appeared to post normally... then I immediately did a refresh and my post vanished. I repeated this about half a dozen times and exactly the same thing happened each time. Either they are intercepting before it gets to RT, or it is our Israeli friends at spot.im.

My response: RT is not censoring it. The elite have weaponized artificial intelligence handling it all. No one has full control of their comment sections. The elite will convince the French that only a few ballots arrived torn, and that every single family that saw this was a unique circumstance. it is going to take five months of break room talk for people to find their way past the brain wash.


Insider trading

Anonymous sent:


To your congress list, a congress person shall be prosecuted for any evidence of insider trading.These rats have come in empty handed and after a session or two are all millionaires. This is primarily due to the access to information the public cannot get ahead of time and their complete lack of ethics. One example of this is - One should not be able to chair or participate on a secret investigation committee of a company or group of companies and then proceed to short the stocks weeks before an official investigation is announced to the public. These people suck balls.

My response: I wondered why they were all rich, but never gave it a thought past that other than that I figured they probably stole it through government slush funds. Insider trading is a better explanation.



Anonymous sent:


Hello Jim. What is your opinion about Judy Woods explanation of the destruction of the World Trade Center? She points out that the buildings turn to dust mid-air. Read her website about the Hutchinson Effect. Her explanation for Nine Eleven convinces me the most.

My response: She's onto something. She's legit. The videos cannot be explained. There were explosives used, probably nukes used, and some sort of energy weapon used. It was like a DARPA playground. They had everything available to make sure the gig went as planned.

Let's hope Trump doesn't appoint a Jew to head the FBI, even though Rod ROSENSTEIN is ##2 at DOJ and recommended to Trump that Comey be fired. Another DOJ bigwig is RACHEL Brand.

If he appoints someone like Trey Gowdy, that would be a good sign....

My response: As I have said, whoever he appoints is going to say it all, litmus test time



Anonymous sent:


Jim: Hanford info. Those train cars are loaded with the residual plutonium wast by products use in the original PU separation operations dating back to WW2 at Hanford. They simply put the waste into steel 55 gallon drums then put them into steel rail road freight cars and then put the whole mess in an underground storage tunnel for final disposal down the road decades later. Plutonium will break down into Americium and other radioactive elements that are very unstable after 36 plus years and in 72 years it gets even worse. After 72 years of storage the waist PU at less than 3% enrichment turns into a natural nuclear pile."


If he now proceeds to wipe out Obama and Hillary, things will be looking a LOT BETTER. The FBI had the truth and nothing but the truth on 911, but was prevented from acting on it. This was made abundantly clear in an intervew with Canada's CBC. If the FBI changes now, IT'S MILLER TIME!

UPDATE: There are tweets below the main tweet that claim insider contacts at the FBI are happy because they can finally do their jobs!



comeyhang.jpgGET THIS: Comey found out he was fired when the news came across the screen of a television that was behind him while he was speaking to new recruits! HA HA HA, that's priceless!

Now the litmus test: Will Trump put in a new director who will actually pursue the criminals in government? Will he put Hillary down, or were his comments about Hillary being a friend more than politics? Will Trump survive the upcoming assault from liberals who will now use this firing as an excuse to say Trump was afraid about the FBI investigating "ties to Russia?" whatever happens, it will all hinge on whether or not Trump ends up being bamboozled by advisors and/or stupid about who he puts in after Comey. The right decision is a matter of life and death for Trump.


If America launches a satellite, it is a gift to the world. If Iran launches a satellite, it is "progress with ICBM missiles!"

Iran is going to be launching two new satellites soon. It is not the first time, Iran is not incompetent. And the Pentagon is saying NO NO NO, because that is only part of a clandestine weapons program. YEP. QUESTION: Who has Iran attacked in the last 200 years? Answer: NO ONE. Question: Who has America attacked in the last 200 years? I can't answer that, because I can't remember it all and don't want to write a novel right now.


It all boils down to one biblical word: hypocrisy. It is rather cute to watch the Penagon harp about the dangers of Iran, all the while they funded and backed Saddam Hussein, who left countless Iranian wives without husbands because they died defending Iran against Saddam fully backed by the Pentagon, only to then have the Pentagon turn around and destroy Saddam three years later. To hell with loyalty, or common decency. THAT WAS CUTE. And telling. Use a nation to do your dirty work, and then blow it away like trash. Yep.

So I am very skeptical about ANY Iranian ICBM plot, and considering the way the Pentagon has acted over the years, I could care less if there was one.


Major event at Hanford nuclear site

This one is not a hoax - Decades ago, two rail tunnels were built under the Hanford nuclear site near Spokane Washington, and trains full of radioactive waste were backed into them and abandoned. Must have been bad stuff . . . . . .to just abandon a train over.


Today, one of those tunnels collapsed. 9, 000 Hanford employees have been told to take cover by staying indoors, with a large number of them being completely evacuated from the immediate area of the collapse. A significant spike in radiation happened, and here's the punch line: They are saying the spike was natural, and nothing caused it!

Now, the media is not reporting the radiation spike, but independent sources have confirmed that there is indeed a radioactive situation happening, (obviously this makes sense) while authorities on scene are saying nothing bad happened. If nothing bad happened, why are 9, 000 people being kept indoors for?

Yep, this one is a BEAUTY. A perfect example of an official lie fronted in living color.



President Trump is asking everyone to pass this around:




Let's see if congress understands what people pressure is all about.


Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year or less to become the law of the land - all because of public pressure. Congressional Reform Act of 2017

1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman / woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office.

2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. - All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective ______. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work.





Another ISIS beheading!

This time, "ISIS" beheaded a "Russian Spy"

Aah yes. SOURCE: SITE INTELLIGENCE GROUP. Yep. That. Howcome Site Intelligence Group gets all the ISIS action? They have been right in the thick of the beheading videos, rushing forward with the story first, every time. Russia is skeptical. I would be too. But Russia did say that if the video ended up being authentic, there would be "hell to pay". "We doubt it, but If it is authentic, there will be hell to pay . . . . we will check up on this . . . .



Russia knows America owns ISIS. Russia knows Israel owns site intelligence group. Russia is not stupid, the video had better not be authentic! see this

The "super fuzed" nuke story is making the rounds again.

You cannot take an existing nuke and "super fuse" it. All the report means is that America scrapped old nukes and made new, more powerful ones, from the same material. You could also change policy and turn the "dial a yield" nukes up a couple notches. There is no such thing as a "super fuzed" nuke. A nuke just is what it is when you make it.



Kushner family: "THIS IS NOT THE STORY WE WANT!"

The Kushner family hosted a huge event in an expensive hotel ball room in China, where wealthy Chinese were told that if they invested $500,000 USD in America they would eventually get U.S. citizenship. They abused Jared's status to draw people to the event. When American MSM showed up to cover the event, their equipment was taken and they were kicked out because "they threatened the stability of the event!"



Here is a quote from the Washington Post:



"Although the event was publicly advertised in Beijing, the hosts were exceptionally anxious about the presence of reporters. Journalists were initially seated at the back of the ballroom, but as the presentations got underway, a public-relations representative asked The Washington Post to leave, saying the presence of foreign reporters threatened the "stability" of the event.


At one point, organizers grabbed a reporter's phone and backpack to try to force that person to leave. Later, as investors started leaving the ballroom, organizers physically surrounded attendees to prevent them from giving interviews.

Asked why reporters were asked to leave, a PR person who declined to identify herself said simply, "This is not the story we want."


My comment:

Oh my GOD!


Ok, so the Kushner family hosts an event that directly deals in American affairs, IN COMMUNIST CHINA, and the American press is not allowed to cover it? WTF, OVER!!!! This is so laughably corrupt right on it's face that it is inconceivable for Jared to be allowed ANYWHERE near the white house, let alone influencing policy from within!. OK, LET ME SAY THIS A DIFFERENT WAY: What could they have POSSIBLY been doing that was SO BAD for America that even America's lying, scamming, cover for the Jews at all cost MSM was kicked out?

I am stunned. This was downright creepy. Here is the story at the Washington Post. "This is not the story we want" even after it gets washed clean as a whistle by America's own scamming MSM? I am shaking my head!




Now there is supposedly a huge impending terror attack planned for France. QUESTION: WHY would there be a "huge Islamic terror attack" planned for France, right after France was in effect, handed to Muslims and the EU?

How about: The Rothchild dynasty knows the native French know the election was stolen, MILLIONS of them received destroyed ballots, and a terror attack on top of it all might spark a revolt that can be exploited for whatever they have planned next?



LePen most likely beat Macron by 4 million votes

Here is the math:


33 million votes cast (and counted). 16 million votes cast (and nullified due to damaged ballots, and claimed "forfeited protest votes".)

Votes cast to Macron: 22 million. Votes invalidated by damaged ballots (100 percent of these were LePen:) 15 million. Votes for LePen that were not invalidated by damaged ballots: 11 million. Probable actual protest votes, no more than 1 million LePen: 11 million plus 15 million is 26 million.


LePen: 26 million.
Macron: 22 million.
Protest: 1 million.

But it is a lot worse than that, because there were extra ballots printed for Macron, that went poof into nowhere. So obviously they got stuffed. Macron DEFINITELY, beyond a doubt, did not get 22 million votes.

Macron is openly and publicly stated even by the MSM to be the Rothchild big banker choice. Macron hates France, and did not even honor the national anthem after "winning". It is flatly impossible for him to have been elected. In French elections, any damaged ballot is automatically thrown out as "spoiled". So to steal a French election all you have to do is tear up most of one candidate's ballots before mailing them out. They will then be rejected when counted. This is precisely what happened to LePen. The torn ballots by the millions, which are a confirmed fact, prove the French election was stolen.

Beyond saying this while the MSM refuses to report it, what can I say or do? There is nothing I can do about it if the French just sit there and suck it up.

It took a huge secret operation to destroy that many LePen ballots by hand. Thousands of people had to have been employed to do it. Who could keep such secrets? Only the Jewish community. The only thing that is going to fix the world's problems at this point is wiping out the entire Rothchild family and then calling the Jews to account. We may all be pissed about Soros in the U.S., but the big demon is still the Rothchild dynasty, and it is high time for the entire world to rise up and declare it will not be owned!

Russia is not stupid. They know the French election was stolen. If Russia does not nuke the London financial district with Tsar Bomba in any conflict, they will have missed the mark and failed in the most pathetic possible way.

As a kid, it was hard to envision Russia being the answer. Let's hope to God things have changed that much, and Russia has the balls to do the right thing..


The bottom line is that the electoral process in Western nations has been mostly subverted, with numerous photos of torn ballots in France to prove it. The media silence on the topic of torn ballots is absolutely spooky.


For whatever reasons, they saw fit to block this from posting, the server responded with a message that stated it would not allow it to post, while something changed the text and interfered in any way possible. There were also 4 power outages, little short ones for no apparent cause. I finally had to finish it offline and ambush post, and when I went to ambush post it, I had to use my work camera (a Samsung WB2500F that has WIFI) for part of the posting process and the screen got killed. It went to all white. The attack came in through the camera's wifi. UPDATE: Taking the battery out and letting it sit fixed it, this camera annoys me because if you take the battery out for a while it forgets everything. That probably saved it.




North Korea is not building a successful EMP weapon, here's why:

Even the best American explosive EMP weapon has a maximum damage radius of only two miles, and outside of that radius, nothing has been hurt. This damage radius shrinks to only about 800 yards during rain. This EMP weapon uses a toroid wound coil with explosives at the center of it. It produces EMP by sending a massive pulse of current through the coil and then detonating the explosives when the magnetism in the coil is at it's peak. The magnetism has no time to collapse in on itself (as it would if the coil still existed,) but since there is no coil left for it to return to, it is forced to then rapidly expand outward from the device.



I have no "insider provided" proof that North Korea has not successfully done this, but the chances of them accomplishing it are about the same as shooting the easter bunny.

1. First of all, the device has an explosive trigger that is far more precise than anything that has been put in a nuclear bomb. If North Korea is still experimenting with nukes, they can try all they want, and they will never get this to be effective.


2. Second of all, the device requires extremely high speed high current electronic components that are not easily had, and surely blocked by embargo and sanctions.

3. Third of all, the device is HUGE, coming in with a weight of tons. How would North Korea deliver that, and then get it far enough away from the ground (500 feet up or so) for it to have any impact at all? Answer: Bring me the easter bunny on a plate, and I'll give you the answer, because there is no answer for that. You can forget having them succeed at getting such a device through an airport once they got it here. They can't take off and land at American airports, which would mean they'd have to somehow slow boat it in and get it through airport security. That will not be happening.


North Korea probably tried to do an EMP test, while lacking details on how it should be accomplished, with the latest missile test. The latest NK launch may have been an EMP weapon test.

I can't find a single report today that speaks about what happened with that missile (what the final conclusion was). The final conclusion was that the missile was headed towards China and was manually detonated by ground crews while it was around 65 miles away from the launch pad, and still over North Korean territory.


It was subsequently proven that it was a warhead on the missile that exploded. Why would NK send a working warhead up on a test missile? I have an answer, not proven, just a possibility: My speculation is that North korea probably would not launch a conventional warhead during a missile test, instead they may have tested an experimental EMP device. The lack of a radioactive signature would mean conventional, or conventionally triggered EMP (just like America's best EMP weapon.) If so, it obviously failed, TOTALLY because they attempted what I mentioned above, and 1. did not have it large enough to work, or 2. good enough parts to make it work, or 3. good enough tech to make it work and if it did work, 4. the damage would have been limited to whatever weather balloons were in the area, even if they achieved the peak of what America can accomplish. Probably all 4.

The possibility the missile was an EMP weapons test is pure speculation, but one thing is certain, there is NO WAY North Korea has a dedicated EMP device like idiot "Dr. Peter Vincent Pry" who (supposedly) got the Pentagon to issue a "North Korea EMP threat alert" claimed. Yes, this possibility lives only in war rooms and fantasy, and the mind of a gullible public. If the best the U.S. has can only manage two miles of damage in a best case close proximity scenario, saying North korea put that in a puny satellite and is now plotting to blow every circuit in the U.S. from outer space is beyond stupid, it ought to be punishable. Especially for a "doctor". Propaganda malpractice! They could not possibly even do that with a missile that had a huge payload, even America could not come close to launching what America has with ANY missile North Korea has.




UP TO ONE THIRD OF ALL BALLOTS SENT OUT TO VOTERS, MOST LIKELY 60 PERCENT OF LePen's BALLOTS, were destroyed at the time of mailing. ONLY LE PEN BALLOTS WERE DESTROYED, THERE IS NOT ONE REPORT OF A SINGLE BALLOT FOR MACRON ARRIVING DESTROYED. It was reported before the election that an enormous number of ballots for LePen were destroyed at the time of mailing, by tearing them badly BEFORE THEY WERE MAILED OUT. The French election was, in this method, STOLEN. Macron is NOT THE LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT OF FRANCE.




Macron is a usurper, and not a President. He was put into power via an overtly and openly scammed election. The French have had it visibly and obviously proven to them - their nation can only be saved via violent uprising.



1. First of all, they printed up 500,000 extra Macron ballots. This was discussed before the election but then slipped under the radar.
2. They then destroyed a vast majority of LePen ballots.
3. They then forged an extra 500,000 ballots for Macron, that no one cast, but they ended up in the final count
4. To cover for the huge number of people who could not vote (or have their vote counted with destroyed ballots) The scamming Jewish press then said "record low numbers of people turned out for this election, which was not expected!!



Electronic voting machines in Iran

The very first government that was elected in with new electronic voting machines has smashed all norms and accepted the U.N. agenda 2030 educational program. This was subsequently blocked by Ayatolla Kahmeinei. Interesting it is that there was such a paradigm shift within the first election cycle that used the new voting machines. Obviously they are hacked to oblivion.



Due to the extreme anomalies in the last election cycle, Iran will not be entirely using e-vote machines this time around and will instead have a considerable number of paper ballot stations to provide reference for whether or not the E-vote machines produced valid results in the upcoming May 19 elections. ADDITIONALLY: Iran made the new voting machines on Iranian soil under full Iranian control and had them ready in January.

A report on the topic of the upcoming elections, and the UN 2030 education plan is HERE. Up until the E-vote machines, Iran was 100 percent hand counted paper ballots. E-vote machines are the end of legitimate elections, no matter who makes them or how they are "verified" as far as I see it. Obviously, however, the wrong people counted those paper ballots in France . . . . . .



I do not believe LePen lost a legitimate election.

Nothing more to say.



Macron leaks

Here is a secret document from Macron's files which outlines the procedures to succeed in a complete Islamazation of France and Europe. I have absolutely nothing against Muslims, but to use them as pawns to destroy societies is simply wrong.



LePen ballots destroyed; at least 500,000 extras created for Macron

Many people know about the half million plus extra ballots that were printed up for Macron, only to vanish into thin air (obviously to re-appear on election day) But now, countless ballots for LePen are arriving destroyed, along with intact ballots for Macron in the same envelope. If a ballot is significantly damaged, it cannot be cast, and many many thousands, if not over a million LePen ballots have arrived torn to the center, in the same envelope with perfectly intact Macron ballots. In cases where families received multiple ballots due to multiple voters in a household, all ballots for LePen are destroyed the exact same way, with not a single case of a ballot for Macron arriving damaged.









4chan posted what ended up being legitimate proof of tax evasion! See the report farther down this page. Macron would be a CATASTROPHE not only for France, he would be a catastrophe for the entire world. He is automatically disqualified to run for office, but with the system as corrupted as it is now, I doubt that will make a difference - anointed is anointed after all.



I made a big error regarding the Measels lawsuit that needs to be corrected

According to the ruling of this lawsuit, the MMR shot, which is the one most associated with autism, is administered for a fiction

When commenting about the German lawsuit that was won, which claimed the measels virus does not exist, I associated the virus with chicken pox. That was an error. Measels is not associated with chicken pox. So I am going to post the entire reader comment with regard to the lawsuit, which judged that the measels virus does not exist.


Carlos sent: Hi Jim I'm Carlos. Please publish this information before it is censored, already one of the original free reports has been deleted. The news is that The MEASLES VIRUS DOESN'T EXIST.


In the year 2011 the German biologist Stefan Lanka published on his website the challenge that anyone able to prove without shadow of doubt the existence of the measles virus, will be awarded with € 100.000 ($105.000) actual exchange. This german biologist affirmed that the measles is a psychosomatic disease developed in the individual due to great trauma.



The German Doctor David Barden accepted the challenge and sent by e-mail to the Doctor Barden all available evidence that confirmed the existence of the virus. Doctor Lanka ignored the evidence and rejected the payment, so Dr Barden sued Dr Lanka claiming the money.


In the first trial a Court ruled that Stefan Lanka had to pay, and Lanka challenged the sentence so the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart had to confirm his thesis. This brought the case before the highest court in Germany. So the first Civil Senate of the BGF confirm the sentence issue by the Regional Court as Anonhq.com report.

Dr Andreas Podbielski was appointed consultant by the Court to confirm that the Scientists misinterperted the photographs of the ribosomes (small organs in the cells that produce proteins) that these organs where part of the measels virus. After decades of this mistake they mentally built the virus structure and this failure wasn't discovered because they didn't make control experiments to confirm the results. The leading and most important institute in Germany - The National Institute of Reference of Measles and the Robert Koch Institute made the studies but failed to published or hand over the results of the studies.

As a consecuence of this sentence All the works and studies - National and International, that affirm the existence of measles virus and its infectious capacity were declared by the court to be of no scientific character and have thus been deprived of their legal basis.

My response: So according to the ruling of this lawsuit, the MMR shot, which is the one most associated with autism, is administered for a fiction. If there was a mistake that concluded cellular structures were viral structures, and then a vaccine was made to destroy those cellular structures, all kinds of auto immune disorders would result. Sounds about right for what we are now seeing.


Here is the order for heavy duty industrial work (what is preferred as a power source due to the quality of the power provided, not the cost of operation)

1. Steam Turbine.
2. DC electric motor
3. 3 phase AC electric motor.
4. Single phase AC electric motor.
5. Diesel engine
6. Gasoline engine.


COLD HARD FACT IN INDUSTRY: There is nothing you can drive a machine with that is as easy to accomplish, and as good, as an electric motor. Ultimate torque can be provided by DC motors, but 3 phase AC has been the popular winner for a long time, because during overload they torque better than DC and can deliver many times their horsepower rating for brief periods of time, which makes them great for starting heavy loads. Plus they are cheaper (by a lot) than DC motors. Ok, so why would I say this? Because the following is not preposterous, though it may seem so on the surface:

Anonymous sent:

Workhorse Group has secured more than 4, 650 letter of intent pre-orders for the W-15 electric pickup from more than 18 commercial fleets, which include W-15 Leadership Council members Ryder System, Inc. and Duke Energy.

"It's here. It's ready. A new era in fleet vehicles begins, " said Steve Burns, CEO of Workhorse. "Our team designed the W-15 not only for exceptional performance, but also the lowest total cost of ownership, the lowest emissions profile, and with state of the art autonomous controls and telematics, " Burns said. "We have leveraged the platform technologies used in our commercially available e-GEN and W-100 medium-duty vehicles as well as our partnerships with Panasonic and BMW to create the best light-duty transportation solution for the commercial sector" he said.

The performance specifications of the Workhorse W-15 pickup include direct all-wheel drive and two electric traction motors that generate 460 horsepower, with acceleration from 0 to 60 MPH in up to 5.5 seconds. The W-15 also has a fuel-economy rating of 75 miles per gallon equivalent (MPGe), with a range of 80 miles all-electric, and unlimited range when using the on-board BMW range extender

"We set out to build the safest and most efficient pickup truck on the road, and it just happens to be electric, " said Burns. "We formed the W-15 fleet Leadership Council and have listened to fleet engineers, managers and drivers in order to deliver the best pickup truck for commercial use, from cost of ownership to functionality to performance and, above all else, safety and dependability for the driver.

Notable standard features on the W-15 include a 7.2 kW power export to plug in and operate power tools without running the vehicle and advanced safety features such as dual airbags, collision avoidance/automatic braking and lane-departure warning. The W-15 composite body design has aerodynamic body lines, a strong side profile and provides added strength and safety with less overall mass. The W-15 crew cab includes seating for five passengers, with two front bucket seats and a rear bench, and the driver digital touchscreen controls include the integrated Workhorse Metron telematics system to maximize operator efficiency."

My comment: If the truck uses traction motors, it is probably legit. Traction motors are not ordinary motors, they have gear boxes and are used on locomotives. They are robust, beyond robust. This really seems legit.

I'd like to see the sticker price. Maybe not. GUARANTEED: it won't be cheap.

Is it pie in the sky? Well, all I can say is that if it did work as planned, having electric drive in a pickup truck would be the cat's meow, nothing on earth would ever torque better than electric traction motors, and nothing on earth would ever last longer. it ought to out pull anything. They need to work on the range however, 80 miles is not a lot, especially since the unexpected always happens with work trucks.


It is not vapor ware. And if it ends up actually working, it has the potential to be the best thing on the road. If it actually works as planned.





EMP reports

Paul asked if I could post the EMP reports with a permalink. I am going to do that, especially now that New Scientist posted the exact same thing. The report will be consolidated with all the math, the explanation of how the protection circuits in modern devices function, all of it will go up. I'll probably do that some time next week.


The New Scientist post ought to kill the EMP hoax, it's not like Sports Illustrated said it.



At least the site is loading for some people there, but the links must have hit a nerve.




This is not a hoax, here is Russia's exact text, from RT, which is also from Ria Novsti:



'Declaration of war': Russian MPs blast US plans to enforce N. Korea sanctions on foreign territory

A senior Russian senator says the American bill allowing the US Navy to enforce international sanctions on North Korea through the control of Russian ports is a violation of international law, and is equal to a declaration of war.


"The realization of this [US] bill includes a proposed force scenario in which the US Navy would conduct compulsory inspections of all ships. Such a scenario is simply unthinkable because it means a declaration of war, " RIA Novosti quoted upper house Committee for International Relations head Konstantin Kosachev as saying.


This is not a good development, see this at RT

My comment: How long can the current administration play toy soldier without making the world more angry with the U.S. than it is with Kim Jong? I think we are finding out now. This is not the type of report you see every day, the cork might pop soon.



Plot to kill Kim Jong busted

This was reported in different ways so I waited until I came across a source I figured would be credible. As it turns out, if you saw this evolve, the CIA plot to poison Kim Jong ended up being what the real story is - From Iran's Tasnim news:


"For the CIA "assassination by use of biochemical substances including radioactive substance and nano poisonous substance is the best method that does not require access to the target, their lethal results will appear after six or twelve months, " the Ministry said in a statement carried by state media, AFP reported.

The accusation comes as Pyongyang issues increasingly belligerent rhetoric in a tense standoff with the administration of US President Donald Trump over its rogue weapons program.

The war of words between the West and the reclusive regime has spiked in recent weeks, and Pyongyang has threatened to carry out a sixth nuclear test that would further inflame tensions.

The CIA and Seoul's Intelligence Services (IS) have "ideologically corrupted and bribed a DPRK citizen surnamed Kim" to carry out the attack on Jong-Un, the statement said.

See the rest here. Since Iran has direct diplomatic ties to North Korea, Iran probably got told what the real scoop was and then quoted AFP.


Vaccinated vs unvaccinated children - who is sicker?

A study of over 600 children gives the answer, and it is shocking. This is the closest to the truth any major organization has ever come. See this

A great report on the recent ecomomic downturn

I just had to link this. It is about a lot more than just the downturn in auto sales.


It won't just be the 500, 000 spurious ballots that went out!


After LePen exposed Macron for tax evasion, Macron filed a libel suit against LePen. And magically, as a result of the libel suit, Macron shot upwards from behind LePen, to 24 points ahead? THAT IS A HOAX FOLKS, THE FRENCH ELECTION WILL BE SUBJECTED TO MASSIVE VOTE RIGGING IN AN ATTEMPT TO STEAL IT, JUST LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO TRUMP.

There is absolutely NO WAY Macron is ahead of LePen at all, let alone by 24 points! But there will probably be enough Jews counting votes to throw it to Macron, so the destruction of Europe can continue as scheduled.

Have any doubts the Jews would do it? Then WATCH THIS, it explains fully why Europe is being sent to it's death via invasion from outsiders. LePen would stop that, and the Jews are far too close to victory to let it all go now.

It will take the will of God and a lot of prayers to save the French election from theft now.


Macron is suing Le Pen!

HERE'S A GOOD ONE: Le Pen somehow got a mole into Macron's financial dealings, and that mole photographed documents that prove tax evasion via a shell company in the Caribbean island of Nevis. That mole then uploaded extremely high resolution photos of the documents to 4chan. It's game over for Macron, but he's not giving up, no, instead he filed for a criminal investigation of LePenn for slander! See this:


"The anonymous source of documents alleging Emmanuel Macron's involvement with an operating agreement for a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the Caribbean island of Nevis returned to release several high quality images of the purported documents along with promises to identify account locations and the extent of the assets Macron is supposedly hiding from regulatory authorities.

The images, released anonymously less than an hour ago on online messageboard 4chan, are higher resolutions of alleged documents leaked yesterday which claimed to show that Emmanuel Macron had entered into an operating agreement for a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the Caribbean island of Nevis, and that the company may have had a business relationship with a bank which has been previously involved in tax evasion cases in the Cayman Islands. The anonymously released PDF files purported to show corporate records of a company named La Providence LLC apparently created by Mr. Macron in Nevis, a noted offshore tax haven.

The new images are of the second document, a fax between La Providence Ltd. and First Caribbean International Bank, as well as the first page and signature from the purported operating agreement.


In response, Macron did this:

"Police opened a criminal investigation into Marine Le Pen yesterday after Emmanuel Macron, her rival in the French presidential election, accused her of smearing him with claims that he had hidden money offshore.


Prosecutors ordered the inquiry into the far-right candidate when Mr Macron, the centrist favourite for Sunday’s final-round vote, filed a complaint to the police. Ms Le Pen was libelling him by spreading fake news and trying to skew the election, he claimed.

My comment: Macron is probably TOAST TOAST TOAST! Forget the police investigation, 4chan just destroyed that.


They know where the bodies are buried

Anonymous sent:


You should be reminding these trolls that the powers-that-be will do away with them as soon as their usefulness is used up since they "know where the bodies are buried" and some of these more pathetic trolls are past their usefulness already

My response: That's a good topic. it is a cold hard fact: If you get used by tyranny in a way that allows you to know very bad things that could damage that tyranny, and they decide they don't need you any more, they'll bump you off. The Clintons do it all the time. The joy will soon spread out to many many many useful idiots who knowingly did evil, but were happy to because it was somehow legitimized by a fat paycheck.



For decades now, preachers had to watch what they said in church, and make sure they never mentioned any political topics. They could not speak out against anything immoral that had any sort of politics behind it. They could only walk in circles, trapped within completely religious texts, and never mention anything about howtheir nation was actually run.


This contributed to causing a massive exodus from churches, which could no longer advise people in anything political, which seriously impacted all reason to go to church to begin with. It seriously degraded the value of churches. And if any preacher did anything or said anything that even mentioned government policy, or what people could do to have an impact on government, the IRS would move in and destroy the church.


"Sec. 2. Respecting Religious and Political Speech. All executive departments and agencies (agencies) shall, to the greatest extent practicable and to the extent permitted by law, respect and protect the freedom of persons and organizations to engage in religious and political speech. In particular, the Secretary of the Treasury shall ensure, to the extent permitted by law, that the Department of the Treasury does not take any adverse action against any individual, house of worship, or other religious organization on the basis that such individual or organization speaks or has spoken about moral or political issues from a religious perspective, where speech of similar character has, consistent with law, not ordinarily been treated as participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) a candidate for public office by the Department of the Treasury. As used in this section, the term "adverse action" means the imposition of any tax or tax penalty; the delay or denial of tax-exempt status; the disallowance of tax deductions for contributions made to entities exempted from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of title 26, United States Code; or any other action that makes unavailable or denies any tax deduction, exemption, credit, or benefit.

My comment: So much damage has already been done to the churches that IF this executive order is allowed to stand it will be a very long recovery. But let's face it: If you could go to church and actually talk politics, a LOT MORE PEOPLE WOULD SHOW UP.


HEADS UP: There will be massive CIA infiltration of churches because of this, every church will have several trolls trying to destroy the preacher.

So if you do go back to church and you see this start happening, you are going to have to call the trolls out as being CIA and hammer one thing home: IF YOU HATE WHAT THE PREACHER SAID, GO ELSEWHERE, WE DO NOT WANT YOU HERE.


Additionally, preachers are going to have to root in and stand their ground, because the CIA and Jewish community will definitely activate and do everything possible to get within every last preacher's circle of influence, and destroy them right from the top. They already do this, but after this latest executive order it will explode to become a heated effort to destroy. They will approach the preachers as "great Christian allies", never mention they are Jewish or CIA, attempt to become huge assets, provide huge financial support to the church if needed, and then leverage that to gain control and destroy. By making themselves an "indispensible part of the organization" they will ultimately gain the control they need to destroy the organizations. Preachers are going to have to be extra vigilant to avoid this.

At any rate, yesterday the Jews were flipped out about this new executive order, and are already preparing lawsuits. Jews have always been immune to IRS intrusions over organizing and encouraging political actions in their synagogues, and they don't want the same rights handed to Christian churches. So they will try to do everything they can to crush this executive order and maintain their quiet, under the surface monopoly on activism from places of worship. Their actions are probably going to get ugly over this.


routing test


There is fear mongering from a few people going on with regard to Oroville right now. Here are the facts:


The situation is under control. They are keeping the dam below 850 feet while they repair the main spillway. There is a small leak on the face of the actual dam itself, which is proven by vegetation growing there. But if there is enough vegetation to see there, the leak is not associated with the current problem. If it is determined that the leak will be a problem, they will inject concrete into the dam to stop it. Concrete does not dry, it cures. So it will seal off leaks when it cures.

My final conclusion is that whoever put the dam break on the $50 bill fully intended to destroy the dam, but got busted and very qualified people are now working to save it. They have, with near certainty, succeeded.


An annoying TROLL - I just had to respond -

New Scientist, a highly reputable publication, just confirmed my EMP reporting is accurate. That got a troll spinning badly.

A troll sent a typical troll message with regard to my bust of the EMP scam. He also ripped my saying that NK subs are hard to track. He also tried to front that New Scientist, a very good scientific publication that has been around since 1956 was not credible. That's where he really bit it. So let me knock out both his trolling points in one whack


Hawaii is not the only thing in the Pacific. There is Tonga, Tahiti, Samoa, the Marshall Islands and tons of other islands that were right under Starfish Prime, and not a single one received any damage at all. It therefore cannot be argued that Starfish Prime was too remote to destroy anything with EMP, the location was selected simply because anything that might have been destroyed would have been isolated to an island and easy to rebuild.

Additionally, I NEVER said sonar was the only thing used to track subs, I said it was important for subs to be quiet, because sub hunting tech instead listens for noise submarines make. In this regard, Norks have superior subs because nuclear reactors on American subs make clicking noises that can be picked up for great distances.

The only advantage to a nuclear submarine, THE SOLE ADVANTAGE is unlimited range. When it comes to stealth, diesel electric is the champ because when submerged, the batteries are completely silent. It would be better to look for a diesel electric sub by listening for propeller noises and looking for magnetic fluctuations the steel the sub is made of will create. Listening for sounds and checking for magnetic influences are NOT SONAR. Dear toll: I KNOW IT IS YOUR JOB TO MAKE ME FEEL STUPID AND DESTROY MORALE, BUT THAT FAILS TOTALLY WHEN YOU CAN'T PROPERLY READ WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN IN THE PAST, NOR MAKE HEADS OR TAILS OF IT WHEN YOU DO. DEAR TROLL: HEADLINE: MY NUCLEAR EMP REPORTS HAVE BEEN SO BANG ON, THAT NEW SCIENTIST MAGAZINE HAS NOW PUBLISHED EXACTLY THE SAME THING I SAID.

Trolling my skill and math after I am now confirmed to have completely nailed the topic of EMP makes you, dear troll, a very poor asset.


Overbooked flights: Mike sent:

Regarding what airlines are now doing to passengers on overbooked flights, I can tell you of my experience in 1992.


My girlfriend and I were on a Continental flight from San Jose, Costa Rica to Chicago, changing in Houston. That flight also stopped in Managua and Guatemala City to pick up additional passengers. At Managua, an attendant announced that the flight was overbooked and they asked for five volunteers to leave the plane, who would each receive a $500 travel voucher and free accommodations and meals for the day until they flew out the next morning. I looked at my girlfriend and we both said, "Hell, yeah!" So we left and were put up in a beautiful four or five star hotel with great food and all I paid for was a one-day car rental to drive up a nearby volcano and to see the town of Masaya. The next day, we flew first class all the way back to Chicago and the next year, we got free flights to Spain using the travel vouchers! In those days, we PRAYED that we would be bumped from a flight. What a difference a quarter-century makes! Mike"

My response: When I flew a lot in the past, that was the deal. But I never got bumped. Lucky you!


With regard to the latest nuclear EMP report, an anonymous reader who is not a troll sent:

Jim - please stop quoting the daily mail - it represents the gutter press here in UK and is laughed at by most. It's not credible and well, that kind of reflects on your when you repost their nonsense. Keep it real


My response: The Daily Mail quoted New Scientist VERBATIM. New Scientist is a bona fide scientific publication that has been around since 1956. HEADLINE: NEW SCIENTIST PUBLISHED AN EMP REPORT THAT IS EXACTLY AS I HAVE SAID, MINUS THE TECHNICAL DETAILS.

New Scientist, rather than go over frequencies and the math, like I did, simply quoted precedent and what has happened with regard to EMP in the past. Their conclusion was exactly the same as mine - nuclear EMP will do NOTHING of the sort of things people are claiming.

I can claim victory with the EMP report over what New Scientist has published. No one told me EMP was a hoax, that is not something I read anywhere, I came to the conclusion myself. After seeing the math did not work and made no sense at all, I THEN took the same approach New Scientist took and cited precedent, because precedent is easily understood by people and cannot be argued against. At any rate, I am not the only one calling B.S. on nuclear EMP now, a highly credible scientific journal is also, on the exact same terms I have already previously stated it many times. This only serves to prove my math is spot on, and I do not make bogus claims. There is probably a previous nuclear EMP rip on this page, where I present some of the math.


Obamacare repeal

I know they are supposedly voting on this, but don't expect it to go anywhere, both sides of the house and senate are communist, and Democrat. I have no doubt that the Republican side is at least 85 percent fake, and that there are assigned "sleeper cells" that always vote the way the public wants, just in case there is an attempted purge so they can survive public scrutiny of their voting records, and remain to pop out of the darkness and become spoilers when the Republicans that voted against the will of the public openly get booted out.


My guess is that even the portion of the Republicans that appear to be legitimate are also fake, and only vote the way they do to provide future survivability of the agenda. Everything is planned ahead of time - who will vote what, to make it look like the vote was legitimate when it was in fact all staged and fake. This will conceal the fakeness of it all while the underlying ever present agenda does nothing but march forward, despite having election cycle after election cycle be an attempt by the public to root out the evil.

Obamacare is going nowhere, unless it is replaced with something worse.


HERE'S A GOOD ONE: Iran DID NOT test a cruise missile today

It seems the Pentagon lied.

There were reports about Iran doing joint military tests with North Korea, and that Iran did a failed test launching of a cruise missile from a submerged North Korean made midget sub today. As it turns out, the reports are false, and were fabricated by the Pentagon, probably to justify attacking Iran for "being cooperative with North Korea" when in fact there were no joint military exercises happening.


Iran has responded, saying that there was no such launch attempted or planned, that there were no joint exercises happening, and that the last launch of this type was done in February and was a success.

My opinion is that these types of stories are now to be considered as credible as reports about North Korea threatening China, which I already stated in an earlier report probably did not happen. If the Pentagon is hatching fake stories about enemy actions, it probably means they have a false flag planned, and in this case the story got busted right from the source, See this (translate if needed)


There seems to be strong evidence for a North Korea false flag in the works

The evidence? That North korea has already made numerous threats to nuke China, only to have China cool off completely and restore normal relations, only to have North Korea "threaten to nuke China" all over again. That's not how it is played.


I have a strong suspicion that it is the CIA making the threats, only to have genuine communications and relations restored soon after, confirming that North Korea is not the enemy of China after all. Additionally, I think that a lot of stuff that was never said is being reported by America's MSM, to make Americans think there is really something wrong with North Korea, and More importantly, to make it all plausible when "North Korea nukes a Chinese or other Asian city".

IF Kim Jong is actually making such threats, he's rock stupid for doing so when the U.S. can, will, and does false flags all the time. How well would it work if Kim Jong said he'd nuke Shanghai, only to have a nuke go off there, when Kim Jong in fact never did it? How about Tokyo? The Japs already fell for one major false flag on 3/11, how about another? Obviously America and Israel do not care about deaths in Japan. They are clearly "disposable." If Kim Jong really is stupid enough to sit there and spew for real that he's going to blow everyone away, he's totally opening himself up to having America do it for him, and then land the blame squarely on him.

That would get the war going no doubt, when in reality all Kim did was issue empty threats from a hot tub while planning a vacation somewhere. I seriously doubt Kim is threatening China, but if he is, he'd better grow up, and quickly. It would be downright irresponsible to talk like that, when America can, and obviously will, follow through on the threats for him.

Most likely, he's not that stupid. Most likely, it is an American intelligence perception game. And most likely, if a nuke does go off, it will be when an artificial intelligence gives the word to go, when it is confident it can fully spoof communications from North Korea to everyone else, and prevent North Korea from correcting things before it gets blown away. That's the future of warfare, why not just do it now?




From The Daily Mail, which quoted New Scientist directly:

Fears North Korea is planning a 'space nuke' to knock out America's power with an an electromagnetic pulse slammed as 'silly'


* Expert says past tests on electromagnetic pulse effects were anticlimactic
* Rather than cause cars to shut off or disrupt the grid, they've had little effect
* The expert says nuclear weapons dropped on a city would be more catastrophic

As global tensions continue to build, science fiction-fueled fears of a devastating electromagnetic pulse attack have begun to surface.

Some speculate that North Korea could detonate a high-altitude nuclear weapon in space, setting off an EMP that would knock out electrical systems down below, with catastrophic results.

But, experts are not convinced that this is how the scenario would pan out.

According to nuclear non-proliferation expert Jeffrey Lewis, tests of such devices in the past were largely anticlimactic, and failed to produce the widespread electrical disruption that's been predicted over the years.


MY COMMENT: I HAVE REPEATEDLY PUBLISHED THE TECHNICAL DETAILS BEHIND WHY NUCLEAR EMP WON'T WORK. My background, and not someone else telling me, was good enough for me to have the math to call B.S. on it, mathematically it did not make sense, and did not fit any working model of radio propagation or electronic/antenna/electrical theory. All nuclear EMP ever was is an observed benign effect that was noticed in Nevada, and then exaggerated and fear mongered up to the end of the world.

The only EMP weapon you need to worry about will be mounted on aircraft and ships, and specifically designed to disable or damage specific types of equipment.


See this At the end of the report, it says the only thing that happened after Starfish Prime was that one string of 30 street lights failed in Honolulu. But that also can't be attributed to Starfish Prime, because cities have street lights trip out as a normal course of business, and Honolulu is a large city with lots of street lights. Additionally, nothing happened to the system, they just re-set the circuit. If Starfish Prime was relevant, the report would have been: "4, 900 strings of street lights - a total of 250, 000 failed in Honolulu and the entire city went dark".


Kansas Red Winter Wheat crop wiped out

Winter wheat is planted in the fall. It sprouts. And then, it sits under the snow waiting for spring, and in the spring, when the time is right, it grows. This allows farmers to get an extra wheat growing season in, because wheat matures quickly and having it come up at the earliest possible time allows a second crop to be planted in the same year.


Well, Kansas had a huge snow fall, 17 inches, and it killed the winter wheat, which was well into growing and far too tall to handle heavy snow. The losses are huge. And it is because of global warming, RIGHT? The earth is warmer now, so it snowed a month or more later than it should. THAT MAKES SENSE, RIGHT? Maybe for Al Gore, who is seeking 15 trillion dollars to "fight global warming". And to buy a few bugatties. And 30 new flats so hotels won't be needed. And maybe a jet. And favors. And WHATEVER.

What on earth could 15 trillion dollars possibly be needed for? Al dork is destined to get it via his carbon tax, and the outcome is not going to be anything anyone would want. Thank god for this disaster in Kansas, which proves beyond a doubt Al Gore really does need his money, I was beginning to wonder.



It started with power outages on the East and West coasts. Simultaneous with that (though i did not mention it, because it seemed local) the power went out in my area. Then, it went out in many areas at different times on different days, mostly noticed by stop lights not working. That never happens here, they always work, but recently they have been out a lot, everywhere. Yesterday I went to a large supermarket and they were on generators. Today, Whatsapp went down for over a billion people and the internet connection here has been absolutely horrible for days.


There have been too many things going on over the last little while for it to be up to odds, I now believe something is in the works, and that someone is testing systems to see if they respond to shut down commands. HIGHLY PROBABLE: EMP FALSE FLAG ON THE HORIZON. FINAL ANSWER.

They have to test these systems to see if they actually will shut down when commanded to when they make their move. PREDICTION: EVERYONE WILL HAVE A POWER OUTAGE, OR HAD ONE ALREADY within a short two week window, when normally the power would never glitch in over a year.

How often do you have to set your microwave clock? Like, NEVER? if EVERYONE has to set their plug in clocks over the next couple weeks, something is definitely up.



It is FAR WORSE than $250 million loaned by George Soros!

How about over a billion from Goldman Sachs, which was never disclosed or spoken about EVER?


"President Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner didn't disclose his part ownership of a real-estate finance startup known as Cadre, according to a Wall Street Journal review of Kushner's securities and other filings. The Journal notes that Kushner's Cadre stake "means the senior White House official is currently a business partner of Goldman Sachs Group and billionaires including George Soros and Peter Thiel." The Journal also reports that Kushner didn't disclose a number of loans "totaling at least $1 billion, from more than 20 lenders, " on properties and companies he co-owns; and Kushner "has also provided personal guarantees on more than $300 million of the debt." An analysis of the debt on these assets "found ties to a broad swath of U.S. and foreign banks, private-equity firms, real-estate companies and government-owned lenders."

Read more here


MY COMMENT: GEE, what could possibly go wrong with THAT??!!??

We just got our answer to why things have gone so horribly wrong lately! I gave Trump a free pass on a lot of affiliations because it is impossible to avoid such affiliations when you are a multi billionaire. But now it is litmus test time, it is beyond question that Trump now knows there is a serious national conflict of interest with Kushner, and if Trump does not boot him out of the white house, it is GAME OFF. Trump is self-contained. Trump needs no one to be who he is. Kushner is not self contained. Kushner is the ecto octopus, the VAMPIRE SQUID, and to allow that access to the heart of the nation can easily become an act of treason.



Russian "Mole Nuke" story is not rational

There have been numerous reports about Russia dropping tsunami nukes off the East coast. The reports do not make any sense, because the continental shelf on the East coast is too far out to sea for a tsunami nuke to work as well as stated. The East coast is only about 200 feet deep, until you get far out to sea, where it then drops off to thousands of feet. If you put a tsunami nuke in 200 foot deep water, it won't have enough water to couple with to push a huge tsunami, and if you drop it into deep water that suddenly hits a cliff and turns into 200 foot deep water the shallower water will absorb the tsunami when it is far out at sea. In order for a tsunami nuke to work extremely well, you need deep water that goes right up to shore, the way it is in California.


I am therefore skeptical of the mole nukes on the East coast story. I'd believe it if they said California, but Russia is not stupid, so the entire mole nukes story is OUT as far as I see it.

What would happen if they tried to trigger a tsunami with a nuke off the east coast? Well, it would work to a small degree but itwould be difficult, if not impossible, to trigger the type of disaster a nuke would be known for.



Google, Facebook, Reddit and others do it in the U.S., so what if the government does it in China?


"BEIJING (AP) - China is tightening rules for online news as censors try to control a flood of information spread through instant-messaging apps, blogs and other media sources that are proliferating across the country. The rules announced Tuesday will require online publishers to obtain government licenses and block foreign or private companies from investing in online news services or directly disseminating news."




Trump has now blown off 2 minute man missiles

MY COMMENT: Stop wasting great resources that were developed by real engineers from the old school. So what if it is 1970's tech, it is still better than anything common core engineers could produce now!


HEY TRUMP, THOSE CAN HIT THE REAL ENEMY, ISRAEL, BECAUSE THERE IS NO BACK DOOR. Don't waste them, a real president in the future might select a proper target!


Anonymous sent:


I do not give much credence to your reporting praising Trump or any other international politics. But I agree with you 100% about abortions and Chinese prison conditions. American prisons are horrible. I personally know a home owner who went to jail for 90 days for putting his garbage can in front of the gate on the drive way instead of behind it. This happened in a working class suburb of Detroit where all adults are white and all children are mixed black-white."

My response: Try to get Hollywood to admit that in a movie, and try to get CNN to report it. The prisons in America are stuffed full of people who should in no way be there. There were probably untold details about why he went to jail over a garbage can, but face it: A GARBAGE CAN IS A GARBAGE CAN, and unless he dropped it off a bridge into traffic there is no conceivable way where one was put could ever be an excuse to be sent to jail. Except in America, where profit from prisoners is a huge motive to fill prisons.


In response to the infantacide report, anonymous sent:

"In ancient Rome, the Romans would leave the babies the father did not want out in the hill sides to be eaten by predators or else to die from exposure to the weather. The Christians would find the babies and raise them as their own. We have returned to pagan Rome"


My response: There were many many responses to the infanticide report. Yours summed it up perfectly, with accurate historical reference. Yes, that's the way it is. Keep in mind that so far it all amounts to a few despicable low lifes in so-called "acadamia" but we are not far off with abortion already, seriously, it is only a small step from where we are now, to this.


Republican spending bill so bad people are demanding veto!

I was wondering what was up with the new Republican spending bill, which fully funded planned parenthood, added a trillion to the debt, did not allocate a dime toward the wall or deportation forces, and had the democrats spinning happy. Yesterday there were a lot of reports blaming Trump for the disaster, but the problem ended up being that the Republican party itself consists of traitors to the American people, who have no intention whatsoever of delivering what America has asked and voted for.


SO, Trump's response was SHUT IT DOWN.

After this happened, Trump went on a war path, saying he was going to expose fraud in Congress by breaking up large banks and seeing who screams about it.

Additionally he sent out a short message: "The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need 60 votes in the Senate which are not there! We either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%. Our country needs a good "shutdown" in September to fix mess!


MY RESPONSE: WHY NOT NOW? ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS VETO THE BILL, AND IT WILL SHUT DOWN NOW! No point in being beer belly joe, with 52 dishes under the bed, 38 bottles in the yard, and week old underwear because "the mess can be cleaned up later", the time to clean up is NOW!!!

Prisoner's letter from China found in purse. Here is the text of the letter:

Inmates in the Yingshan Prison in Guangxi, China are working 14 hours daily with no break/rest at noon, continue working overtime until 12 midnight, and whoever doesn't finish his work will be beaten. Their meals are without oil and salt. Every month, the boss pays the inmate 2000 yuan, any additional dishes will be finished by the police. If the inmates are sick and need medicine, the cost will be deducted from the salary. Prison in China is unlike prison in America, horse cow goat pig dog (literally, means inhumane treatment



My response:

America has more people in prison than China, with only 1/4th the population to get the prisoners from. In America, you are 5 times as likely to go to prison as you are in China, and you will not be a true criminal in prison in America, most people are in prison for victimless offenses, having hurt or stolen from no one. In America, you can go to jail for unpaid parking tickets.


In America, you become a prison worker also, and will make as little as 25 cents (1.7 yuan) per hour. In some prisons it is not that bad, but certainly, you do not get paid anything meaningful. Let's look at your wage in China - 2000 Yuan equals $290 US dollars. China is much much MUCH cheaper to live in than America is, and normal jobs, with the exact same hours you work, pay approximately $470 a month in China. So in prison, in China, you are making more than half a normal Chinese wage. This would never ever ever, under any circumstances be true of prison work in America.

You say your food has no oil and is served dry, yet the prison guards eat the extra. No prison guard in America would eat an American prisoner's food. You had a pencil to write with. You had paper. That's not easy to get in an American prison. If you want to make a phone call from an American prison, the cost is often more than $50 USD per minute, that is more than 330 Yuan, PER MINUTE. Not all prisons are that bad, but you can count on a minumum of $5 per minute, meaning if you wanted to call your family for 10 minutes it would still cost over 330 yuan.

In American prisons, all the private corporations use you as an experiment for various medications, and GMO foods. Prisoners can't trust what they are given, but if you don't take it you will starve, and in the case of experimental medications, they will often put you in solitary confinement if you refuse, even if no doctor ordered the medications and it is only for experimental purposes. This is not published or admitted to but I have first hand confirmation it is true.

American prisons - especially the private prisons - will do everything they can to keep you in them for as long as possible. When you go to jail in America, the judge makes money, the lawyer makes money, and the prison makes money, so they are not willing to let you go if it is at all possible to keep you there.

What's worse? If you are a murderer in America, or a bank robber or some other horrible criminal, they don't want you in prison because they can't make as much money with the work from bad people so the prison times are short to begin with, and they then let the criminals out early. They instead want the best people as possible in prison because they work better, are more skilled, and make the prison more money. So prison sentences for ordinary people in America are VERY LONG, which is exactly why America has 5x more people in prison per capita than your "horrible inhumane" China.

Ultimately I can't tell you what prisons have worse conditions, America or China. In America, there are no weights or exercise rooms in prison, that's hollywood B.S. In America you can't have things like your own radio or TV or any other posessions in prison, not even your own shoes or clothes, the "nice prison" is Hollywood propaganda.

If I was an average person living a daily life, I'd take law enforcement in China because there's no chance I'd go to prison for an unpaid parking ticket there, in America, who knows?

The bottom line is that your letter did not convince me China is any worse than America, in fact, your wage alone says it is a LOT better.

Perhaps the worst thing of all about American prisons is that after you get out of jail in China, people will probably feel sorry for you. But even if you did something in America that there would never be jail for in China, when you get out, your life will be destroyed. You will have lost everything, starting from zero, and then be an "ex convict" no one wants to hire, even if you are someone who is perfectly decent and a simple victim of the system.


Oxford: After birth abortion should be allowed

This was Hillary's un-realized fantasy

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant†and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued.


We take "person' to mean an individual who is capable of attributing to her own existence some (at least) basic value such that being deprived of this existence represents a loss to her." As such they argued it was "not possible to damage a newborn by preventing her from developing the potentiality to become a person in the morally relevant sense". The authors therefore concluded that "what we call "after-birth abortion" (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled". SEE THIS

My comment: They knew what abortion was all along and are now trying to use it as a gateway to more. I have looked into this topic, and the actual target age they want to hit is 12 years old. That will provide room for killing kids of all ages in satanic rituals.


A few good messages

These are all worth reading. I am going to post them without comment

"Jim, That link from WRH about Trump calling the Constitution archaic is fake news. What Trump actually said was that the procedural rules of the Congress are archaic, not the Constitution or the system of checks and balances. Of course, since the article was published in the UK, they might not know the difference. Mike"


, , , 2017-05-02 10:04:52 "I think the POTUS is either drugged, hypnotized or body double. He doesn't seem right to me at all and he looks smaller, hair looks diff too. Your info is great, thank you for everything!!! Gratuitous forthcoming."

, , , 2017-05-02 08:24:10, "I think the Oregon national guard and state police and melitia should CRUSH these PORTLAND STREET THUGS. tear gas, flash grnades, water cannons, pepper spray just like with those hooligans at standing rock. Quote from Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com, "For a bunch of peace loving, tolerance spewing social justice warriors, it sure does appear that the new "progressive" movement in America is rapidly turning to Bolshevik tactics to force their will upon a free and non-violent people. A lot better profit potential than "Enron On Wheels" too!

, , , 2017-05-02 08:14:01 "Trump recently made the WH visitor logs no longer public. He didn't want Americans to see the steady stream of Juden who visit the WH on a daily basis In 100 Days, A New Jewish Elite Rises Under Trump forward.com/news/national/370369/in-100-days-a-new-jewish-elite-rises-under-trump/"

, , , 2017-05-02 08:07:10, "President Trump's "shlemiel" son in law Jared Kushner is apparently the top "macher" directing National Security - only he seems to have absolutely zero interest in promoting American national security, doing sensible things like keeping out Islamic extremists. Kushner's beautiful "shiksa" wife Ivanka has been sent on a propaganda tour to Germany to remind the world of the 6 Million Jewish Holocaust and to plead the case that the United States and the West must rescue tens of thousands of Muslim "Syrian war refugees" - or these poor Syrian Islamic women and children might suffer another Holocaust at the hands of the Russians and Syrian president Assad who's supposedly just like Hitler. Ivanka has not made any statements suggesting Saudi Arabia or other wealthy Islamic countries should take in any of these Syrian Muslim refuges, nor has she suggested Israel take in any - not even allow them in to the Israel occupied Golan Heights recognized as part of Syria.http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2017/04/29/ivanka-the-shiksa/

, , , 2017-05-02 06:44:17"There wont be any American cities turned to ash by a Russian nuclear first strike. They use neutron bombs. They kill off the population and leave the buildings intact, , , "

, , , 2017-05-02 06:29:35, "Officially, I think the President says the constitution is "outdated" due to the checks and balances being so out of whack. I am not kidding because the founding fathers put the constitution together believing that the representatives to Washington would serve for only a short time and then go home while letting other people serve their time in Washington. And until 1917 there was no direct election of any US Senator. They were elected to serve the state legislators.

Since then, people have made public service a career to the point that Franklin Roosevelt broke the informal rule that Presidents only serve two complete terms of President. The 32nd President was elected to four terms and had he not died, he might have ran for a 5th term. If Presidential term limits weren't installed, we would be dealing with Bill Clinton's 7th term as President

Finally, there is a ton of bribery in Washington. While the Constitution gives the citizen the ability to petition the government, it did not foresee the horrific bribery that goes on every single day. The best example of this remains "The Simpsons" episode "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington." There she discovers that Springfield congressman Bob Arnold has sold out Springfield forest for a boatload of money. The founding fathers never envisioned such massive corruption."

, , , 2017-05-02 03:30:55, , "the way I see is that Trump has to gain popularity thru war, like you said America is too corrupt and there is so little that Trump can do within"

, , , 2017-05-02 02:48:16, "Regarding the constitution being outdated. That is not what Trump said. He was referring to the Senate and House rules being archaic, NOT the constitution or the executive-legislative-judicial balance of power. I wish people would actually listen to what he says rather than take MSM's snippets which are out of context and usually twisted and reinterpreted. He said the same thing in the CBS interview. On you tube you can check watch?v=i3m0ZLjOAxk for the fox one and watch?v=4YLKFylRM9o for face the nation. Rosa"

, , , 2017-05-02 02:26:47, "I may be wrong, but I think he's probably referring to the blockages of his executive orders by random federal judges in states that don't agree with him. In that aspect I agree. Am I wrong in that a single judge shouldn't singly be able to block an eo but should instead, well I don't know what instead is. But I don't think some random judge should arbitrarily be able to block an eo of the president regardless of party affiliation. There is no check on that judges opinion. He may just be an asshole who hates Trump or Obama for that matter. (That's the difference between left and right we recognize both sides while the left is just me me me) ~wilhelm"

, , , 2017-05-02 02:15:11, , "Better yet oh shit. Gun manufacturers and ammo suppliers will be getting giggily if true ~ wilhelm"

, , , 2017-05-02 01:40:16, "Yes, John is right. And the face that Putin hasn't acted on this truth is worrying since it likely means that he is just a puppet of the whole thing too. I guess it's up to God now."

, , , 2017-05-02 01:11:38, , "Trump is right about the US constitution! Which is not the original constitution. Absent the original 13th amendment, forbidding titles of nobility, the corporate constitution allowed BAR (British Accreditation Registry) to hold elected office. Trump is signaling the take down of The United States, Inc in favor of returning to the Republic and the original constitution. Trump and the white hats, who are undoubtedly handling him are making good moves to undeniably expose the deep state and return to the law of the land. Trump and co are up against some bad mo fos. The change in his demeanor is most likely fear! One wrong move on his part could be the difference in saving or destroying his country! That's enough to stress the toughest of the toughest if he does have a conscience, and I believe he does. Maybe this is hope against hope on my part, but something sure seems different about his "about face" compared to previous presidents. Who better to dissolve a corporation than its CEO. I'm still team Trump for the time being, with eyes wide open and ear still to the ground. Thanks for all you do man! The other possibilities cannot be ignored and as far as I'm concerned, you're the absolute best at holding him accountable."

, , , 2017-05-02 01:05:41, lewrockwell.com/2006/01/john-v-denson/why-did-lincoln-invade-the-south/"

, , , 2017-05-01 23:23:51, , "Ciao Jim, The USA threaten North Korea because of Israel interests, I think you'll find pretty interestesting that Mossad was (secretly) there to make some business. The original article was deleted but you can still read it here:


, , , 2017-05-01 23:23:37,, "Trump said: "I will meet with Kim at the right circumstances" Yes: Trump would meet Kim, when he would be hanging from a rope like Saddam Hussein with his head severed by cutting wires"

, , , 2017-05-01 23:16:04, "Seems you nailed it about the Zio-tards control of the worlds infrastructure... mediawhores.co.nz/2017/04/05/operation-talpiot-israels-kill-switches-on-the-worlds-infrastructure/"

, , , 2017-05-01 23:03:14, "Jim, you are wondetful as usual. I really enjoy reading your website. You may know some things about technical things. But you lack understanding of politics. The latest Sh..t spewed is about Russia Nuking US!! It will not happen because Russia is completely under the control of the Jews."

, , , 2017-05-01 21:39:46, , "Just an FYI, in regards to our having a hostile takeover, or take back of the USA, please note, there are already Israeli sleeper cells here, just waiting. I may be just paranoid, however, I've had a "boycott Israel" sticker on my car for ages now. And I went out to lunch w my mother in law recently, to her favorite (chitty) diner in Lancaster County, PA. American flags everywhere, signs offering free meals to our servicemen. Yet I walk in and you could've heard a pin drop. The owner stared me down hard. Why? They are Israeli's. And now I make a mental note of where they are, etc. I promise you, they ARE and there ARE Israeli sleeper cells all over USA. They know we will wake up eventually. Godbless.

My response:The sleeper cells the Jews have are exactly as described for Al Quaida. Take everything the Jews said about al quaida sleeper cells and replace the name with Mossad. Those will be the only sleeper cells in America.

, , , 2017-05-01 21:32:21, , "now we know out of the closet and out of their minds. DOCUMENTS TIE BERKELEY RIOT ORGANIZERS TO PRO-PEDOPHILIA GROUP, NAMBLA"

, , , 2017-05-01 21:31:11 "Hello Jim, It was foolish of us to think that a single man could actually change an entrenched cabal with so much power. Trump never could have been the answer. The good guys always get killed. And I never believed Trump was a good guy. Just a guy who once had some cunning. He was never a match for them and even his family was infiltrated. Poor saps that they are--completely set up. I do believe he is completely com

I started reading you with the Fuku report and it made perfect sense. Anyone who can connect the dots and knows a little bit of history can see the truth. The agenda is clear and it's quite sickening. Everything is out in the open with the constant war mongering and arms madness, pizza gate, anti fa, satanic symbolism becoming mainstream, etc. People are stupid and brainwashed though and don't want to believe what's right in front of their faces. And the holo hoax goes on and on and brainwashes the US to have pity for our destroyers. What city does not have a holo hoax museum? How much more drivel will we have to tolerate about WWll? We all know about the poor (j's) but how many know about Smedley Butler? Trying to wake people up is so difficult--everyone's brainwashed.

Several years ago I started researching a simple question--why do people hate the tribe? What I discovered is the amazing number of times this group has been kicked out the place they occupy and always for the same reasons. Then I discovered the history of sacrifice going back to Baal. Nothing has changed.

For me I have come to believe more strongly in God and the need to do good because I see how strong the forces of evil truly are. It's a myth that good triumphs over evil. It merely survives in spite of it. Best to you and your family and carry on."


I had heard this earlier but did not know what to say about it. Mike Rivero said it right, in only two words.




Anonymous sent:


If korean missile was hijacked then they can no longer do anything including on purpose destruction

My response: That's nonsense. The destruct signal for anything is not managed by the main control system. How can you have a successful destruct command sent through something that needs to be destroyed? it is a separate system. The Koreans are competent engineers, they did not miss the obvious.


The only solution

I KNOW John is right

John sent:


"Hi Jim, there is no way americans are going to make a revolution to get their country back. It is just impossible, because the corruption has gone so far in the police and military, that any move by armed americans will be simply crushed (Waco, Texas? Remember.) The only way to get america back, and i am sorry to say it, is if Russia nukes the major cities of america, specially the jew-infested cities like New York, and then america has to start from scratch. Israel has to be destroyed also. Thanks, John

My response: Yep. That is probably the only solution, And even that would not work if the Jews got any notice at all that Russia was going to launch, and I am talking not even 5 minutes notice. They'd have to actually be killed in the blasts, or they'd simply continue driving the ashes of America toward unrecoverable destruction

What the Jews are doing to America, and the plan they have for the white race is far far worse than a total to ashes nuking by Russia. There is nothing worse possible than death to your race and civilization via sabotaged vaccinations that permanently alter DNA, and bump you down mentally a notch immediately also. After America got nuked, THEN Americans would have to seek out all Jews and do clean up because all the Jews will do is quickly set up a fake authority and then use it to crush what is left. You'd be surprised by how fast they'd do that, action to stop it would have to begin before it was even safe to go outside to avoid radiation.

I was hoping for Trump to be the answer, but even Trump can't put a chip in Jewish "supremacy." The Jews violated our trust and belief in our own goodness to set up the gallows and hang us. We trusted them so much that we even built the gallows for them. We were TOO GOOD, so good that the trust in those we believed were our peers ended up being raped and violated until it delivered us to destruction while we slept.

Hate to say it, but a good solid nuking with no warning whatsoever, with perfect proper action afterward probably is America's only hope. We'd be better off with a Fukushima in every state than the deeply rooted fungus we have now. ________________________________________________________________


I AM NOT TROLLING FOR TRUMP! All I can do now is look over the daily headlines, knowing we are absolutely screwed. And then try to plot a way out of this.

Anonymous sent

Hello Jim, I agree with the post from Joe regarding Trump. With hindsight it is clear he lied and lied and said all the right things just to get elected. Never mind the long list of exec orders, what about the following :He ordered a missile strike on Syria under false conditions which makes him a war criminal already. He has taken in thousands of migrants which he could have stopped just by enforcing the law as it is now. He is also taking thousands from Australia. He can't wait to get a war started and presently it looks like it will kick off in Korea. It is no business of America what N Korea does. How about removing the hundreds of nukes that Israel has ? What happened to Pizzagate ? Why is Hillary not locked up ? Why is the White House being run by the jew Kushner and his skank daughter. etc etc.The truth is he lied and lied and lied. OK, I admit I was taken in but not any more - I am done with Trump. Actually, the way this is going, America is truly going to get what it deserves. Regards, Chris"


My response: America is not going to "get what it deserves", it will get what the Jews brought America. The people have, it appears, consistently voted for a righteous nation, only to have almost every election since JFK get stolen, and the will of the American people subverted by kikedom. The press, fully owned by the Jews, never reported it. The only failing of the American people is that Americans did not realize they lost their nation to a foreign enemy decades ago, and have done nothing to take it back.

I still don't think Trump lied, but I do firmly belive the hope the election gave us is firmly and irrevocably over. AMERICA PEACEFULLY SAID NO TO THE JEWISH TAKEOVER IN PERFECTLY CLEAR AND UNDERSTANDABLE TERMS. IF THE JEWS DO NOT APPRECIATE A PEACEFUL REQUEST, THEN A VIOLENT ACTION WILL HAVE TO BE NEXT. But with the NSA, CIA, and 30 secret Jewish intelligence agencies integrated into the phone companies stealing every communication, it is going to be damn difficult to even try, they'll kill you where you sleep the moment they believe you might actually harm a Jewish hair AFTER it has been trimmed from a Jewish body, let alone before.

It really is beginning to look like we have unrecoverably lost a war. TRULY, CERTAINLY, the American system of government has been fully infiltrated and destroyed.



Anonymous sent:



There's only ONE way Americans can take back their corrupt, mass-murdering illegal nation; it will have to be a repeat of 1776, when our ancestors tossed out the Rothschild bankers. It's either that, or submit to tyranny that will only get progressively worse. If you know what the Bolshevik Jews did to Russia after they had full control, then you know what's in store for us unless we find a national spine and throw the bastards out.


My response: YEP. Never let the trolls obscure what the real objective, and real target, has to be.


U.S. may have directed hacked North Korean missile at Russia

Confirmed - North Korean missile headed towards Russia

A report about North Korea's latest launch needing to be destroyed because it turned towards Russia is now confirmed and going mainstream. The report does not state that there was a hack, but it only makes sense.

If America can hack a North Korean missile, what would be the best possible thing to do? Would it be to cause it to crash, or would the best thing that could possibly be done be to send it towards Russia to provoke Russia? I don't believe for a minute the Norks sent their missile towards Russia on purpose, nor do I believe they are too stupid to understand coordinates or point a missile the right direction.

North Korea successfully launched two working satellites. It is therefore simply impossible for them to screw up like this, and if they blew their own missile up it clearly proves they had no intention of launching towards Russia. QUESTION: Why did it head towards Russia then?

What better false flag could anyone possibly do than to hijack a missile and send it the wrong way? There is simply nothing better that could possibly be done.


In response to my posting of a large number of executive actions by Trump

joe sent:


"you really had to stretch to submit that "declarations: were same as deeds." ;national child abuse prevention month" what was your goal, Jim? to put salve on your conscience for being made a fool? I supported DT, too, with the nagging doubt that he was not going to deliver, for whatever the reasons. people argue that it was at least a chance, whereas HC was not. I believe it was the logical choice, and don't regret it. but he is a failure. -joe"

My response: "I really had to stretch to submit the list?" Actually, No. All I did was summarize the actions posted on the white house web site to get to the main point so people did not need to read through so much text, (which took a lot of work)


Going over all executive actions posted on the white house web site in no way constitutes trolling or stretching anything, it is just saying it like it is!

It is obvious Trump tried a lot, but got shut down by complete kike infiltration at all levels of government. Now he's probably drugged, or buckling to a nuclear blackmail threat.


On top of that, I got tired of it and left all the congressional letters out, and about half of the remembrance days! That is not trolling or stretching whatsoever!





How has Trump really done?

We all know what we are mad at him for, but here is a list of things he's done. It is not that bad.

This obviously does not excuse him for ignoring the alt media while Kikedom uses massive monopoly powers to kill it, and does not excuse him for attacking Syria, playing the neocon, being a statesman and a globalist, saying it is OK to go after Assange, or letting Kushner be "President in Law" but it does show that Trump is not all bad, and a couple of these make it clear that the swamp is to be drained in September, after it is fully analyzed for an effective killing.



This is now complete and in the correct order.

1. Exploring offshore energy prospects - This executive order has opened the door for more oil exploration and American energy independence.


2. Protecting whistleblowers at the VA - this executive order makes it easier for vets to blow the whistle on the VA health system, which has really gone downhill.

3. Steel and aluminum dumping - This Presidential memoranda protects American steel and aluminum producers from being hurt by foreign entities that use government subsidies to sell steel and aluminum for less than the cost of production.

4. Reviewing the federal governments power in education: This executive order removes some, but not all, of the federal government's role in education. It does not kill the department of education.

5. Agricultural and rurla prosperity - This executive order removes a lot of regulations that are making farming difficult for ordinary farmers.

6. National volunteer week - This presidential proclamation is to officially recognize volunteers.

7. Review tax regulations - This executive order simplifies the tax code and limits how nasty the IRS can be.

8. Dodd-Frank act rollback - This presidential memoranda seeks to limit the application of the Dood-Frank act, which was enacted after the banker bailout to prevent such a crash from happening again. However, if the bankers do blow things up, they won't be bailed out again.

9. Buy American, Hire Amercian - This executive order seeks to restrict how many foreigners American companies can hire, and encourage the purchase of American products.

10. National Park week - This presidential proclamation makes all national parks free for the public to enter for one week out of the year.

11. Delegating terrorist report request - This presidential memorandum leaves it up to Comey to track suspected terrorists.

12. Notifying Congress of the U.S. strike on Syria - This presidential memorandum simply notified Congress it happened.

13. Principles for reforming the draft - This presidential memorandum expands the draft to women.

14. Lowering the trade deficit and imposing tariffs - This executive order directs the executive branch to find out what nations are competing the least fairly, and impose tariffs accordingly.

15. Changing the DOJ order of succession - This executive order replaced Obama's order of succession for who would fill positions at the Department of Justice.

16. Combating the opioid crisis - This executive order creates a commission to create strategies to combat America's drug problem.

17. Dismantling Obama's climate change protections - This executive order reduces the EPA burdens on the energy and manufacturing sectors and makes mining and drilling easier by removing red tape.

18. Revoking Obama's fair pay and save workplaces orders - This executive order removes the requirement for government contractor companies to have a perfect fair labor record.

19. Establishing white house office for American innovation - This presidential memorandum is to overhaul government functions with ideas for industry, and KUSHNER IS LEADING IT. Cool.

20. Greek independence day - This presidential proclamation officially recognizes the date of Greek independence.

21. Declaring an emergency in South Sudan - This presidential memoranda extends the humanitarian famine emergency in Sudan that Obama put in place.

22. Delegating to Tillerson - This presidential memorandum delegates presidential powers in the National Defense Authorization Act to Rex Tillerson, who will now decide who gets to spend what.

23. National Poison Prevention Week - This presidential proclamation simply encourages Americans to safeguard their homes and keep their kids away from common household items that could poison them.

24 - Reorganizing the executive branch - This executive order is to find out what agencies and people in the government can be disbanded, and has to be submitted by September of 2017, after which heads will probably roll.

25 - National consumer protection week - This presidential proclamation encourages people to report online scams.

26. - A new travel ban - This executive order was an attempt to put in place a new travel ban.

27 - Guide for agencies to implement the new travel ban - This presidential memorandum instructed agencies on how to implement the new travel ban.

28 - Reviewing the waters of the United States rule - This executive order is to undo the EPA's clean water rule, and get the EPA out of the lives of private property owners.

29 - Enforcing regulatory reform - This executive order instructs agencies to get rid of environmental regulations that are not needed, cost people too much, or are outdated.

30 - Combating criminal organizations - This executive order makes it easier to deport illegals who are criminals.

31 - Reducing crime - This executive order was drafted to comprehensively address illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and violent crime.

32. - protecting law enforcement - this executive order increases penalties for crimes committed against police officers.

33. Reviewing wall street regulations - This executive order de-regulates Wall street, and lets them behave more recklessly WHILE NOT ALLOWING ANY TAXPAYER FUNDED BAILOUTS. So if they blow things up, it's on them.

34: Reviewing the Fiduciary duty rule - This Presidential Memorandum is to review rules that were put in place by Obama to protect retirement accounts, but came under fire for being inapplicable in too many cases and a potential hot bed for lawsuits. It is not a repeal of the rules, but will review them to see what changes, if any, should be made.

35: American heart month - this Presidential Proclamation is an extension of a 1963 request by Congress to anually declare February as American Heart Month, in remembrence of those who have died from heart disease and improve its prevention.

36: For every new regulation proposed, repeal two existing ones - This executive order states that for every one regulation the executive branch proposes, two must be identified to repeal. It also caps the spending on new regulations for 2017 at $0.

37: Reorganizing the National and Homeland Security Councils - This Presidential memorandum removed the nations top military and intelligence advisers as regular attendees of discussions affecting national security.

38: Immigration ban - This executive order sought to ban immigration from several Muslim nations but was overturned by a judge that abused his position.

39: Rebuilding the military: This Presidential Memorandum directed Secretary of Defense James Mattis to conduct a readiness review of the U.S. military and nuclear defense, and submit recommendations for improvement.

40: National School Choice Week - This Presidential Proclamation was aimed at getting people to demand school voucher programs that will allow them to use federal funds to put their kids in private schools when the state schools are failing.

41: Build the wall - This executive order directed the process for building the wall, and immediate detainment and deportation of illegal immigrants. It also instructed the border patrol to hire 5, 000 new agents. Trump did this, but Congress subsequently blocked it.

42: Cutting funding for sanctuary cities - This executive order requires cities to comply with federal immigration law or have their federal funding pulled.

43: Expediting environmental review for infrastructure projects - This executive order allows those in charge of infrastructure projects to cut through red tape more quickly and simply get them done, rather than quibble about "endangered blue spotted toe snails."

44: Approving pipelines: - This three part memoranda made the keystone pipeline happen, and cleared the way for many more.

45: Reducing regulations for U.S. manufacturing - this Presidential Memorandum directs congress to review federal regulations which affect American manufacturers, to figure out how to reduce them as much as possible.

46: Reinstating the Mexico City Policy - This Presidential Memorandum reinstated a global gag rule that bans American NGO's who are working abroad from discussing abortion.

47: Hiring freeze - This Presidential memorandum froze all hiring in the executive branch excluding the military, demanding no vacancies to be filled to cut government bloat.

48: Out of the TPP - This Presidential Memorandom got America out of the Trans Pacific Partnership.

49: Trump's intention to repeal Obamacare - This executive order demanded the end to Obamacare, but hit massive resistance in Congress. The dismantling process is ongoing but may not succeed due to massive resistance in the swamp.

50: Regulatory freeze: This Presidential Memorandum directed agency heads to not draft new regulations until there were people in place to approve them.

51: Presidential memorandum for the Secretary of Congress: This memorandum is for the protection of American industries against unfair trade. It goes into more detail than other executive actions.

52: Review of designations under the Antiquities act - This executive order seeks to reverse the process of tying up American federal lands under layers and layers of red tape to prevent them from being used for their resources. It will reverse many restrictions that were perceived by many Americans to have been put in place by enemies of the United States while Americans helplessly watched, saying "Why did they do that"

53: Memorandum for the Secretary of the Treasury - This Presidential memorandum regulates the liquidation of financial companies that go bankrupt to ensure minimum damage to the people of the United States, and ensures bankrupt financial firms die rather than receive tax assistance. It is a doubling down on the Dodd Frank act, and it is an attempt to make good and sure people who mismanage financial institutions have no way out of the problems they caused and instead end up going through traditional bankruptcy and get entirely liquidated.

54: Steel imports and threats to national security - This Presidential memorandum instructs the Secretary of Commerce to defend the steel industry. There are other Trump memorandums that closely match this.

55: National former Prisoner of War Recognition day - This Presidential Proclamation sets April 9 as the day for Americans to remember American prisoners of war.

56: Pan American day - This presidential proclamation proclaims April 14, 2017, as Pan American Day and April 9 through April 15, 2017, as Pan American Week

57: Education and sharing day - This Presidential Proclamation proclaims April 7, 2017, as Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.

58: Honoring John Glenn - This presidential proclamation orders all government flags to be flown at half mast on the day of John Glenn's burial.

59: Victims of crime week - This presidential proclamation states that April 2-8 will be national victims of crime week, with a focus on safeguarding communities.

60: ESTABLISHING ENHANCED COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT OF ANTIDUMPING AND COUNTERVAILING DUTIES AND VIOLATIONS OF TRADE AND CUSTOMS LAWS: This executive order doubles down on the trade laws and enhances efforts to prevent foreign governments from destroying American business by dumping products at below cost.

61: Autism awareness day - this Presidential Proclamation delcares April 2 as autism awareness day and calls for the discovery of the cause of autism and ways to treat it. Trump probably knows and worded it this way to avoid getting shot in the head.

62: President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2017 as National Donate Life Month

63: President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2017 as National Financial Capability Month (My comment: all this B.S. probably happened when they first drugged his *SS.) You can really see a lot of hoakery in early April.

64: President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2017 as National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

65: Presidential Executive Order Regarding the Omnibus Report on Significant Trade Deficits - This executive order re-outlines the importance of reducing trade deficits to make American business prosper.

66: President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2017 as National Child Abuse Prevention Month

67: President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2017 as Cancer Control Month

68: PREVENTION OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING: This executive order doubles down on preventing human trafficking

69: Presidential Memorandum Plan to Defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - this memorandum sets a policy for ISIS to be defeated and changes rules of engagement


Cable News Fakery

Want to see how a false flag/fake media report is done? WATCH THIS!

The video starts out showing a horrible car bombing scene, with people writhing on the ground. Then, the video goes back in time one minute, before the bombing. It shows the car sitting there with no one around. it explodes. Then actors come running in and drop to the ground. This is a MUST WATCH, it shows exactly how this crap is done. Obviously someone was mad and posted what really happened, this was part of a real newscast.



Here's a good one

Institutionalized racism

If I had to meet a quota, I'd certainly hire this guy! As an Australian aboriginal i can guarantee through my own repeated experiences that institutionalized racism doesn't exist.


When i was growing up I was given 100 fold the advantages the white children in my housing commission received, pre-school was payed for by the government, my school fee's were all payed for by the government, my dental and healthcare government, when i started to fall behind at school the government payed for a private tutor and even when I got a red dot atar I had no trouble getting into university, which the government payed for.

The reason most black kids fall behind is the fact they've got useless no good junkie parents, like mine, and I managed to overcome it because of all the social welfare support I received.

At uni all my teachers went easy on me, almost like they were afraid of failing a half-cast, I likely should have failed, i wasn't doing nearly as well as other white students who did fail. I've received job offers simply for being aboriginal over other more qualified applicants.

At my second job out of uni I was always sent liaise at conferences simply because they wanted to show off their token aboriginal, and i fucking no this because I'm not even close to the best worker, which isn't surprising because I'm under qualified and only received the position because of my color to begin with. We are given every fucking opportunity, the only thing we have to over come are our parents, and our own fucking community that attempts to keep us down at their level, it's some kind of sick cultural tall poppy syndrome, all while they blame the white man, who attempted to feed, clothe and educate us as best they could, even at the detriment of their own people.

My response: This level of honesty is very uncommon, this guy deserves a job where honesty matters.



They just published a list of 5 over the counter medications to avoid. #1 was ibuprofen. That's BULLSHIT.


Ibuprofen is great because it is not a painkiller. Ibuprofen instead cures headaches by reducing inflammation of blood vessels in the brain, and as a result, they stop hurting. Ibuprofen works by TREATING THE PROBLEM.

Recently, there was supposedly a study done that proved Ibuprofen caused a whole list of problems. But anyone can do a study and get whatever results they want.

FACT: Paracetamol causes liver damage. Aspirin causes blood thinning. By the time I ate enough paracetamol to cure one of my headaches, paracetamol would give me liver failure and I'd die of internal bleeding from aspirin. And you can forget codeine or whatever else they will give you for pain, compared to Ibuprofen they are a death sentence.

FACT: There is nothing, outside of a single study out there that ever said Ibuprofen was a problem drug. Natural News just drank the kool aid and I believe they accidentally served the dark side. Did you know that for headaches many doctors have started prescribing SSRI's? Ban Ibuprofen, and that is going to skyrocket! What is worse?

MY CONCLUSION: The entire Ibuprofen is bad ruse was staged to get people to go along with banning it, and accepting whatever substitute the tyrants in charge want rammed down our throats. Evil will want Ibuprofen to go the way of another wonder drug - ephedrine.

Ephedrine, when you were allowed to get the real stuff via a product called Claritin (which is now absolute crap) would bust an ear infection without the use of ANY antibiotics. Then, because it was being used to make meth, they released a less effective form caled pseudoephidrine that still worked OK, but was not great. But that was too much, and the claim was made that meth producers were using pseudoephidrine after processing it back to a more real form, so they banned it altogether. Now there is nothing over the counter that really does anything at all to bust congestion, other than aromatic crap that works for about a minute and thirty seconds.


I firmly believe they banned ephedrine simply because it was based on a natural plant, and was a virtual miracle cure for anything congestion related including ear infections. I had a nasty ear infection in the early 90's, was given strong claritin pills for free by my doctor, and it busted the ear infection in a day. No antibiotics. That's simply too good for a medical tyranny to allow, and you can bet your horse and wagon that we are now seeing the same thing happen with Ibuprofen. THE PUSH IS ON TO BAN IT BECAUSE THE MEDICAL SCAM COMMUNITY CAN'T MAKE ENOUGH OFF YOUR PAIN WHEN YOU CAN PICK UP A BOTTLE OF 500 TABLETS FOR $12. No, they want a monthly take of $300 or more and hopefully a life long addiction to one form or another of patented, life destroying, side effect ridden CRAP.



If you believe the NSA will actually delete anything they have, just because Trump wants them to, Well, I can't think of what to say. It would be that bad.





North Korea did another missile test

There are conflicting reports about whether or not it was successful. Some reports say it landed in the sea of Japan, and others say it blew up over land. If it did blow up over land, I'd expect it to have been shot down with a laser or another missile because it was a solid fuel missile that would not have anything in it to cause it to explode, other than a laser cutting through to the fuel at the front of the missile or something hitting it. routing test


Anonymous sent:


It sure looks like Julian Assange is actually alive. Or did Ron Paul somehow fake that video interview where Assange talks about the very recent CIA nonsense about a"non-state intelligence organization" One hell of a body double and a perfectly matching voice! watch?v=QwkrtpXp-wg currently linked at the top of left column on Drudge

My response: That does appear to obviously be Assange. The blue screen background is odd. If it is Assange, and not a piece of software generating it all, there is still the question: Why did it take from October until now for him to actually show up on camera for real? He has yet to step up to the balcony window. This still does not change his Twitter having an obvious photo of someone else. But I have to say, yes, it does indeed appear to be genuine. If so, that's good news.



Anonymous sent:


I have a brother in the marines stationed in San Diego. He called me Wednesday and said the Commandant was there to give the marines news of their intentions to go to war with North Korea. They are going to deploy the most number of marines since WW2. Looks like President Kushner has taken over Trump. Trump is just a puppet in front of the theater now just like the past presidents have been. Keep up the good work on your site. Always read it once a day here in central Texas. Just wanted to send along the warning, please get this out there so people can see. Thanks.

My response: A very decent reader sent me a message, concerned that I might wreck my credibility with a forum post that claimed someone on the draft board stated there was good reason to believe the draft would be re-enstated. But the post looked credible to me, so I left it up. Now this.



Anonymous sent:


Maybe the Chinese can't build an aircraft carrier and maybe they're following Sun Tzu's advice for waging war by deception. China knows that soon, carriers will go the way of the battleship and maybe they're placing their assets in space to knock out the USA's defense satellites, making us blind and our ICBM's useless. Ditto for Russia, maybe their is a serious flaw in the S-400 and maybe they're letting puffed-up American generals and a blow-hard president think there is a problem. Americans like to strut around, thumping their chest and bragging to the world how good they are and how mean they'd be in a fight--remember that Army general huffing and puffing about kicking ass? Russia and China don't go around braying like jackasses about how much of a bad-ass they are, they'll wait until the SHTF to show the other side."

No comment.


SAUDI LEAKS (and more)

Bod sent:


Jim the links to FARSNEWS ARTICLE below are not loading via Telstra modem, timeout occurs, probably due to intermediary censorship. using safari browser... ?

They are also plugging support for trump and his NK bash saying Melbourne could be target. Thats about as Far as you can get on the Australian mainland. Only Tasmania is further from NK, surely Cairns, Townsville, Darwin or Brisbane would be more likely reachable? maybe lesser amount of gullible voter base would be the answer? fingers crossed this is not another "Great War" ploy in the making? Like you, its funny NK, Syria and Iran's main similarity is a lack of a Rothchild bank...Also sad about the sell out S400 system, Intel inside indeed. Sad thing is, its probably flagging me up right now? Can you suggest an email that is suitable as alternative for Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail and its spy ridden CONtempories? Best Regards, Bod" My response: I have confirmed the Saudi Leaks link to FarsNews works. So it may be censorship, because obviously the tribe does not want Saudi Arabia shredded. For those who missed that, it is HERE. Saudi leaks is a hack on Saudi Arabia by Yemeni hackers that ended up hitting the jackpot and getting full access to over 3, 000 top level Saudi government computers. Whatever they come up with will be limited only by the quality of an internet connection in Yemen. Iran was absolutely thrilled and has been translating the hacks to English. Obviously Saudi Arabia has patched the holes by now, but the Yemenis kept it a secret long enough to do major damage. So that's why not everyone can get around the censorship and actually see it.

I supported Trump mostly because I did not believe he'd be a war president, and because I believed he'd actually do something about Planned Parenthood, tainted vaccines, and a slew of other things. I am not happy about Trump any more AT ALL, it really seems like he's either been drugged, or shown the light about a nuclear blackmail threat. I believe the nuclear blackmail report is dead on.



Anonymous sent:


Sheez, activist post also just blackballed by the ptb. There has to be a new way(s) for us all to circumvent their insane monopoly and censorship. This is over the top. Any suggestions?Tks for all YOU do! At least alex has his supplements. Forbidden knowledge also blackballed. So many, TOO many, ALL that matter!"

My response: TO ALL IN ALT MEDIA: The trolls use the message window relentlessly to try to guilt trip me for requesting donations to stay afloat. WHEN THEY DO THIS TO YOU, IGNORE IT, IT IS A VERY OLD GAME HERE. If you want to stay in the business now, you are just going to have to suck it up, take donations, and live on less, you cannot expect a posh lifestyle even if you deserve to live well for the work you do if you want to do anything to confront the new world order. Obviously Trump is not going to do anything to help us. That pisses me off.

If Activist Post and Forbidden Knowledge bit the dust, we are all going to be screwed. This site was blackballed from the beginning over the Fuku report so I have gotten good at getting through problems but I don't know how other people, who had a rightful budget and as a result loans and other things that need to be kept up on are going to make it now that their throat has been cut. It is like having a bus go off the road at highway speed and wondering what the results will be for everyone while you are still bouncing down a mountain side at this point.


Trump is as bad as Kim Jong

Both are hurling threats back and forth at an equally fevered pitch. So today the line from Trump is that war is again imminent and that he's sending 500, 000 troops (Drudge headline).


If Trump does that, China has already stated that they will attack the United States. They had better hope they don't have "Intel Inside" whatever they use when they do that.






When I hear the MSM saying Ivanka is great on a microphone, it makes me want to puke acid, any MSM approval is PROOF WE GOT SCAMMED.

Advice to the Chinese:

IF YOU ARE THAT BAD AT MAKING AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER, WHY DON'T YOU JUST TAKE ONE OF YOUR GIANT CONTAINER SHIPS, WELD A FLAT DECK ON IT, AND USE THAT? It would be MUCH bigger, more capable, and already have cranes on it to lift aircraft from the cargo hold. If you used a container ship that was scheduled for scrapping, you'd get it for FREE and it would be ready RIGHT AWAY. Just weld a few compartments into it so it won't sink with one torpedo. THERE. I SOLVED YOUR PROBLEM WITH 25 SECONDS OF COMMON SENSE!



Chinese aircraft carrier

It is a brand new under sized under weight based on old soviet tech outdated POS hulk that has no motors and can't go anywhere yet. Evidently "commissioned" or "launched" in China does not equal a working ship. I am very surprised China did that badly. Nothing to see here folks, move along.


Anyway, I was going to skip reporting it because it is such a big nothing, but enough other people praised it to finally set me off and say it like it is. If that's what is available to the other side for world war 3, I see a six pointed vax GMO SSRI dumbed down slave future ahead for everyone.


Trump win

Not too enthusiastic anymore, but Trump has just initiated pulling the federal government out of education and letting the states handle it. That is a good move, it will make centralized destruction of the children via education much harder to accomplish. See this



Former CIA analyst: Kim Jong is shrewd, not crazy

Just as I said a few days ago - Kim Jong is in fact intelligent and highly educated and not behaving as recklessly as we have been told. See this



What should you do after a nuclear attack?

The MSM stated what they want people to do. Since they are B.S., I did not even read their reports for things like this. HERE IS WHAT YOU SHOULD DO


If you are in America, you probably have a basement. Or something else that would serve the purpose (underground tornado shelters are pretty much the same as fallout shelters)

Here is what you do:

If you are close enough to see the flash and mushroom cloud, take your time and see which way it is blowing. If it is blowing away from you, you have little to worry about provided it is the only nuke and you don't get downwind of another nuke. FACT: The atmosphere at sea level will block all ionizing radiation after a distance of more than 2 miles. So it is safe to watch the mushroom cloud if you were far enough away from it to not get blown away.

If the cloud is blowing towards you, and you cannot GTFO, you will probably have a half hour or so to prepare before things get really bad.

Grab all the food you have and get it into the basement. Set up your shelter in a corner of the basement that is deepest underground if there is one. If you have a spot in the basement that is under a stressed concrete garage floor, use that. Build yourself a little fort in the corner that is comfortable with a bed mattress, any games you might have, a radio, and obviously flashlights. Get as many heavy items in the house as possible around your little fort.

The biggest threats will be dust that gets into the house, AND having a horizontal surface that collects a lot of fallout have a way to get all the radiation from that fallout to hit you edge on. If all you have to deal with is radiation from fallout that lands on the roof above you, you won't be likely to get a damaging dose of radiation. However, if your basement is not deep and as a result there is a side of your basement that is parallel with the ground, that will be a huge problem because all of the radiation from the fallout that lands on the ground will be there, radiating to the side, straight into you. You have to get low enough to have the radiation from the fallout that lands on the ground to pass above you.

If you have no basement, then go to the center of the house and put everything in the house around you. You won't block all the radiation, but some will be blocked. Old CRT televisions and monitors will block ALL the radiation because the screens are made out of leaded glass. They are defacto radiation shields. But not many people have enough of those around to build a fort out of . . . . . Water also makes a great radiation shield but it takes about 2 feet of water to block most radiation and about 4 feet to stop all of it. Any water at all in bottles surrounding you will be a lot better than nothing.

The worst time period is the first three days. Do not go out at all during that time. If you can stay down there for two weeks, it will probably be safe to go out after that.

If you have not made any preparations and are out of the house when the nuke goes off, but you can get home quickly, go home, don't go for groceries and don't try to drive out of town. There will be a traffic jam and the last thing you want is to be stuck in a car when it is snowing fallout. That would probably be doom.

If the nuke was an air burst, there might not be much visible fallout, but all the radiation will still be there. If you are downwind from the mushroom cloud, follow the same rules even if nothing visibly falls on the ground.

Key points:

1 .Get below ground level.
2. Have entertainment. Any games you might have around will be a godsend.
3. Water is more important than food. Even if all you can do is fill cups with water, get it to the shelter area and if the water is off that soon after a blast (not likely) fill your containers from the toilet tank
4. Have a little fort set up in a corner of the basement, with as much from the house as possible surrounding you.
5. If you don't have a basement or tornado shelter, seek the center of the house and set up a fort with as much furniture and heavy items as possible. 6. Try to get as much edible food as possible in your shelter area. In this situation, a coleman cook stove will be OK to use, but keep your cooking as short as possible.
7. NEVER GET STUCK IN TRAFFIC RUNNING AWAY FROM A MUSHROOM CLOUD. You'd be much better off at home if you can get home, cars won't block radiation AT ALL. Steel does NOTHING.

8. If you were far enough away to survive the initial blast, you have at least a half hour to prepare. Don't take much longer than that though.


Uh-Oh for Russia: Surveillance ship collides with animal hauling freighter



It really is as pathetic as it seems. The Russian ship was specifically made to track surface ships and submarines. HOW DID IT COLLIDE WITH A FREIGHTER THEN? That's really bad.

Maybe that ship has "Intel Inside" also?


S300-400 useless?

This is completely unconfirmed, but it makes perfect sense:

Anonymous sent:


Iran declared that they will not buy any S-400 from Russia. Because they are useless against Israel and thereby USA and probably others. Israel keeps bombing Syria and the Russian S-400s there do nothing. Iranians changed the codes to identify friends. But Israelis found another way to neutralize the S-400. The S-400 was the only defence Russia had against attackers. Now that is proven useless. S-400s are manufactured by a privatized Soviet company, currently owned by Jewish Oligarch. The weapons designers are mostly Jewish. So, Israelis have all the inside secrets of all Russian weapons

My response: Given the recent behavior of the S-400, this is probably true. Once again, IF THE S-400 HAS INTEL INSIDE, YOU CAN USE IT TO KISS A DONKEY'S *SS AND THAT WILL BE ABOUT ALL.

Here's an interesting tidbit! Saudi Leaks

This never made news in the U.S., but Saudi Arabia got "wikileaked" by Yemeni hackers. Since there's a good reason for everyone to hate Saudi Arabia, this is worth a look. The documents are being translated to English by Iran, and can be viewed Here. This will land on one of the translations, you have to scroll to the bottom of the page for the links to more.




People who work civilian positions in the military are posting to forums that they have received notice from the draft board (selective service) that they need to confirm their contact information because the draft may be started up. If it is started up, evidently it will go under civilian operation and the civilians who are associated are all being contacted to make sure they will be available.


Meanwhile, Trump appears to be going ahead with action on North Korea. This time it might not be a bluff, but we all know what happened last time. Time Magazine is covering this, See this


Keep in mind my warnings about EMP. I did not go to such an extent to explain it for nothing. I know damn well they will go as far as to set off a nuke to justify kicking off action against North Korea and wanted to make good and sure at least a portion of the population knows what a nuke can and can't do.

1. A nuke CAN cook your barbecue while it is still in the fridge.


2. A nuke CANNOT blow your Iphone if you are far enough away to avoid a bar-b-q. Treat all EMP related effects (with anything they can just shut off remotely) with the greatest scrutiny, chances are you will be hoaxed.

routing test

The MSM has finally admitted that salt does not give you high blood pressure

They are now admitting that sodium does not increase your blood pressure. This is something this web site has posted repeatedly for years. SEE THIS

I have, in the past, said many times that the war on salt was a Jewish psy op to give people bad health and a lack of energy. Here is one such post, from a couple years ago that was posted in a response to a reader about cesium chloride being a cure for cancer:


Sodium, Potassium and Cesium are all on the far left column of the periodic table and are all alkaline metals. Since they are all left column they exhibit similar properties and their salts are safe to eat. I'd obviously avoid lithium salt, but it won't kill you if you don't mind the potential side effects . . . . . rubidium salt is probably also a cure for cancer that would be more potent than cesium chloride, but cesium chloride will do it with only a gram a day and rubidium chloride would be a tough one to get . . . . . and even ordinary table salt would probably have an impact on cancer since it is based on a left column metal as well.

I find it interesting and see a possible connection in the fact that cancer rates have exploded during the mainstream "official" campaign against salty foods, which is a scam of the highest order, Jews salt the living hell out of their food, and then go on TV and jack with the medical community, telling the rest of us to avoid salt.

With Sodium being a left column element there could be a reason for them to speak against it, perhaps making money from cancer is one? Additionally, not having enough salt makes you have serious water retention problems (always thirsty, always peeing) and steals clarity of thought and overall energy as well. EAT LOTS OF SALT FOR A GOOD LIFE WITH A CLEAR MIND AND LOTS OF ENERGY, and additionally to keep enough water in your system so you are not always thirsty. This is not any sort of myth, salt your food as much as it tastes good, the Jews do it, they told me to when I was with them AND THEY ARE WINNING. Salt gives you life, and they want you to be weak and ineffective so you accomplish nothing against their tyranny.

Don't worry about getting too much salt, The real measure of how much salt you should have is that if it tastes good and makes you feel good you need more. When you get enough it will suddenly not taste good and you won't want it. It would be a challenge to eat too much because your body will certainly let you know by saying ICK! Anyway, if cesium chloride is a magic bullet against cancer then sodium chloride ought to at least have an effect, USE YOUR PERIODIC TABLE, if you understand how the vertical columns work to associate behaviors of elements you can figure out a lot of things, with the importance of salt in keeping cancer in check being an obvious one.


Here is another mention of salt on this web site in a response to a reader about depression, from 2012

In fact, most depression and brain fog issues are really rooted in a lack of salt and calcium. And the doctors KNOW IT. Far from being over-salted, America is UNDER salted. This was something I was told in no uncertain terms when I was inside the Jewish community, if you want to LIVE life, salt everything. You ought to have read in the bible about people who have "lost their salt". Lost their zest for life. There is meaning in that statement, and the elite SALT EVERYTHING while telling us not to. The lie about high blood pressure - it's PURE B.S. and they know it. If you are ready to pop from high blood pressure, cut back on the salt for a TEMPORARY drop, to save your life, but your blood pressure will soon return to the same high state, salted or not.



Now they admit it in the MSM! There were several reports about this released today. This site was what? Five years ahead of the curve?


1. Planned Parenthood will not be getting defunded.
2. The wall will not be built. (I don't care about that, I never thought it should be there) because it was too "East German"
3. Sanctuary cities will continue to be so.


Trump does not seem right. Something definitely happened, but obviously we won't be told what.


The EMP reports resulted in serious backlash.

That means I hit home.

Ok, so let me explain this chart here very clearly, to prove the people pushing EMP are full of it. They want the EMP psy op to be available so when they pull the plug to get control over everyone, they have a perfect scapegoat everyone will believe. Ok, so it is time to kill the goat once and for all.:



Let's use this Chinese nuclear test which involved an air burst of a 200 kiloton device.




Ok, so on this chart above, look at the far left hand side. Under the number 40, you see mv/m. That is the total number of volts per meter of cross section the EMP from this bomb produced at 4,700 km distance (about 3000 miles). This chart means that if you had an electronic device that had wires in it 1 meter long, this chinese nuke would be able to put, at most, a PEAK voltage of 40 millivolts into your device. That's 0.04 volts, way less than the deadest dead battery you could ever dredge out of the junk drawer.

One of the reasons why I took the message window down was because of a troll who quoted a Russian system that generated 1.5 kilovolts per meter. Now, that would be bad. BUT GEE, I CAN PUT A PIECE OF TINFOIL IN THE MICROWAVE AND GENERATE 4,000 VOLTS in only 2.5 inches! That's what a microwave oven adds up to. But I'd like to see anyone take the magnetron out of a microwave, point it at a power line and trigger a blackout! That is not going to happen!.




Let's go over this: 1. Kim Jong has set off several nukes recently. BLACKOUTS? ZERO!
2. There were many many MANY MANY MANY nuclear tests in Nevada. BLACKOUTS? Las Vegas had a temporary power outage once, but who knows why when it only happened once, and nothing blew out. To say a nuclear test did that is a stretch when if EMP was a big deal it should have happened every time. Once does not cut it.
3. Starfish Prime, which was an outright attempt to generate a devastating EMP over the Pacific. BLACKOUTS? ZERO. Not on ONE SINGLE PACIFIC ISLAND ANYWHERE. Not in Tahiti, not in Hawaii, not on a single destitute atoll, folks absolutely NOTHING happened that could be definitively attributed to an EMP. So the claim is 30 light bulbs blew out in Honolulu and the starter motor in one guy's car quit. So what? How many light bulbs does Honolulu have? How many cars? At least 50,000 cars at that time. Gee, I'd expect to have to change a starter once every 50,000 days! No doubt Honolulu has at least a million light bulbs. 30 quit? blaming that on a bomb is stupid when light bulbs only lasted a year at most. How many really burned out that night? thousands, from normal use.


4. Tsar Bomba, The largest nuclear weapon ever detonated was an air burst (which makes EMP far worse) triggered absolutely NO BLACKOUTS while it broke windows 560 miles away and created mayhem for radio. PUT YOUR THINKING CAPS ON FOLKS AND DO NOT JUST BLINDLY BELIEVE, if even Tsar Bomba failed to trip a blackout anywhere, EMP is BULLSHIT, PERIOD.

People, you are getting scammed with EMP. It does not make sense. There is only ONE type of scenario where EMP makes sense: You are within 30 miles of a BIG bomb. Then something might trip or blow out, but chances are you're dead anyway. Yes, nuclear weapons DO produce a brief and powerful burst of radio energy. If you get close enough to any high powered transmitter you can expect an electronic device to get overwhelmed and malfunction, and in extreme cases fail.

Yes, there are plenty of plane mounted transmitters that are designed to jam and blow things. Yes that works, because the higher frequency can couple with shorter wires. But when it comes to nukes, WORRY ABOUT THE FIRE BALL, NOT THE EMP. FOLKS, THE PSY OP TEAM IS WELL AWARE OF THE FACT THAT PEOPLE KNOW KIM JONG CAN ONLY DO ONE. SO IF THEY WANT THE PSY OP TO WORK, IT HAS TO BE A GOOD ONE. ENTER THE MYTHICAL HIGH ALTITUDE BLOW EVERYTHING BURST HAS NO HISTORY WHATSOEVER. OH, YES IT DOES: STARFISH PRIME, WHICH DID NOTHING OF SIGNIFICANCE. Yes, they have spooked up the Starfish Prime reports with artistic fiction, but when facts are considered NOT ONE THING HAPPENED that can be directly blamed on it, other than a massive radio disturbance, and three satellites that got wrecked by radiation. Nothing got destroyed by the EMP. Not one transformer, generator, electrical line, or anything else other than disposable items that burn out or wear out, and then at the normal rate so you can't say any EMP caused it.



At any rate, by now I am preaching to the choir.





Yep, we'd have been better off with Ron Paul

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity


Candidate Trump: "I Love Wikileaks."

President Trump: "Arrest Assange!"

"I love Wikileaks, " candidate Donald Trump said on October 10th on the campaign trail. He praised the organization for reporting on the darker side of the Hillary Clinton campaign. It was information likely leaked by a whistleblower from within the Clinton campaign to Wikileaks.

Back then he praised Wikileaks for promoting transparency, but candidate Trump looks less like President Trump every day. The candidate praised whistleblowers and Wikileaks often on the campaign trail. In fact, candidate Trump loved Wikileaks so much he mentioned the organization more than 140 times in the final month of the campaign alone! Now, as President, it seems Trump wants Wikileaks founder Julian Assange sent to prison.

Last week CNN reported, citing anonymous "intelligence community" sources, that the Trump Administration's Justice Department was seeking the arrest of Assange and had found a way to charge the Wikileaks founder for publishing classified information without charging other media outlets such as the New York Times and Washington Post for publishing the same information.

" It might have been tempting to write off the CNN report as “fake news, " as is much of their reporting, but for the fact President Trump said in an interview on Friday that issuing an arrest warrant for Julian Assange would be, "OK with me."

Trump's condemnation of Wikileaks came just a day after his CIA Director, Michael Pompeo, attacked Wikileaks as a "hostile intelligence service." Pompeo accused Assange of being "a fraud - a coward hiding behind a screen."

Pompeo's word choice was no accident. By accusing Wikileaks of being a "hostile intelligence service" rather than a publisher of information on illegal and abusive government practices leaked by whistleblowers, he signaled that the organization has no First Amendment rights. Like many in Washington, he does not understand that the First Amendment is a limitation on government rather than a granting of rights to citizens. Pompeo was declaring war on Wikileaks.

But not that long ago Pompeo also cited Wikileaks as an important source of information. In July he drew attention to the Wikileaks release of information damaging to the Clinton campaign, writing, "Need further proof that the fix was in from President Obama on down?"

There is a word for this sudden about-face on Wikileaks and the transparency it provides us into the operations of the prominent and powerful: hypocrisy.

The Trump Administration's declaration of war on whistleblowers and Wikileaks is one of the greatest disappointments in these first 100 days. Donald Trump rode into the White House with promises that he would "drain the swamp, " meaning that he would overturn the apple carts of Washington's vested interests. By unleashing those same vested interests on those who hold them in check - the whistleblowers and those who publish their revelations - he has turned his back on those who elected him.

Julian Assange, along with the whistleblowers who reveal to us the evil that is being done in our name, are heroes. They deserve our respect and admiration, not a prison cell. If we allow this president to declare war on those who tell the truth, we have only ourselves to blame.


Bill Nye

Bill Nye got a new program on Netflix and was SO BAD with his sexual degeneracy that he made Mexican MSM for an extended segment. In case you missed it, Bill Nye got his own program on Netflix called "Bill Nye saves the world". And during the opening episode, he had an incredible sexually deviant romp.


The performance, which featured Nye behind a DJ booth and a man ripping his trousers off, include: "Versatile love may have some butt stuff. It’s evolution, ain’t nothing new. There’s nothing taboo about a sex stew." SEE THIS and kiss the Nye guy goodbye. He was never a scientist anyway, just an actor playing a scientist like Tim the Tool Man Taylor was a comedian playing a tool man. Tim was actually funny though. I'd watch a re-run of the tool man.


My EMP and moon photo posts got "them" upset

So upset that rather than the usual 50-100 decent messages when the box is not messed with dropped to 7 trollage posts, where they obviously hate my guts. Now, I don't want to spend much time on the trolls but I will say this:


To the 4 out of 7 messages that were pissed about my EMP report:

Even the resources you sent clearly state that handheld devices, cars, and self contained electrical systems that do not use long power lines will not be affected by EMP. So they are better than most, because they are at least half way to saying what I have said and you were too stupid to see it. Choose a better hoax for your trollage.

They also clearly state that large systems are affected by EMP on a volts/meter basis. But they are seriously flawed, because the longest the voltage will build is ONE WAVELENGTH. At 100 KHZ for the lowest frequency EMP, that means that one half of 1.86 miles is the longest distance that can actually accumulate voltage. How far is one half of 1.86 miles? About 1200 meters.

Now, look at the EMP charts in the report below. On the left hand side of the column it shows how many volts per meter the nuclear EMP could induce. Gee, one says 40 millivolts and the other says 50 millivolts. So what is 50 millivolts times 1200? That's 60 volts. Worse? There is a positive and negative side to the wave form, so you have to divide that by two, for 30 volts. That would blow a flaky and ready to die network card on a wide area network that ran across town, but if you are talking about electrical systems running at 500, 000 or more volts like the grid does, well, you can take your EMP and stick it, it's going nowhere. But oh, yes, they say that was measured at 5000 kilometers, (3000 miles distance. OK cool. So if a huge EMP went off in the center of the U.S., and your electrical line was only 300 miles from ground zero, gee, then over 1200 meters the electrical system, running at 500, 000 volts, would get a pulse of 300 volts. At 30 miles? A pulse of 3, 000 volts. What difference will that make to an electrical system running at 500, 000 volts? What difference would that make to an electrical system running at 48, 000 volts? NOT JACK.

48, 000 volts is a local distribution voltage, not a voltage anyone speaking of "the grid" is talking about, A DOUBLE WHAMMY.

Ok, so that leaves out local distribution, which would not like a surge of 3000 volts if it is running at only 2, 400. But it would not mind a surge of 300 volts that much. So 300 miles out, secondary low voltage systems will not be affected too terribly. You can forget the 120/240 volt side of the system, because there simply are not any wire runs long enough going in a straight line at that low voltage to do anything, and at that point there are so many individual surge protectors hooked up to the system that if anything big happened they'd shunt it out.



You have an electrical line 1000 miles long. Idiot does not know anything about how magnetic waves interact with wires, so he's going to assume the entire stretch will build voltage when in fact, across that length of wire, the fact that the EMP has a frequency of AT LEAST 100 khz will divide the effects of that EMP at least 5, 000 times. If the EMP has a frequency of 1 mhz, it will be divided 50, 000 times.

I HAVE COLD HARD PROOF I AM COMPLETELY RIGHT. AND IT IS ALL THE NUCLEAR TESTS THAT WERE DONE BEFORE, WHICH DID NOT BLOW OUT JACK. Not even Starfish Prime, which was over a megaton detonated in the worst possible way blew out jack. The only thing that happened was temporary disturbances in the radio spectrum that did not blow components. Even Kim Jong's latest DID NOTHING. There's a modern example for everyone to low and behold.

EMP IS A HOAX. If "EMP" "blows out anything", it will be because a six pointed bastard writing articles with six points and six ways and six this and that sent a signal through the cell phone network the six pointed tribe owns completely to shut devices the tribe sabotaged with back doors down, and then infiltrated the grid enough to simply shut it off. That would work PERFECT for getting people to comply, RIGHT? Just cut the power and shut off Pokemon Go and watch the public cry for salvation.


PROBLEM: Cars older than the year 2000 for the most part don't have a kill switch and it is going to look real bad when cars of that vintage, which are identical in function to anything new, having all the same sensors and engine control systems, keep running. To take out all such cars, you'd have to go all the way back to 1980 volkswagen rabbits. Good luck with that. No one is going to make the case that a cherry condition 1989 Mustang or Corvette should hit the scrap pile, just to cover for the EMP scam.

DEAR TROLLS: Don't bother sending well written hoax articles that don't consider all points, and talk about three different phases of an EMP. The EMP IS WHAT IT IS. IT IS A DAMPED WAVE, JUST LIKE WHAT IS SHOWN BELOW. THAT IS THE BEGINNING MIDDLE AND END OF AN EMP. STOP HOAXING THE PUBLIC WITH THREE PHASES OF AN EMP "DAY AFTER" BULLSHIT, especially when even your own sources clearly state the scene on the highway where all the cars shut off can't happen.

And to the flat earth trolls that constituted 3 out of 7 messages received today: If you can't go out during a partial lunar eclipse and see the round earth clearly outlined on the moon WITH YOUR OWN EYES, JUST LIKE THE PICTURE I HAVE POSTED BELOW, God help you, you truthfully and duly SUCK.

By the way, the purple outline at the top of the moon in that photo is called a chromatic abberation, caused by the lens on a super zoom camera that took that photo. That does not make it CGI. MY GOD, THE STUPIDITY.



So clear it got the trolls blowing bubbles and spinning. This report proves with scientific accuracy that the "three stage EMP" is a bold faced lie. The wave shapes shown are the EXACT AND ENTIRE EMP from nuclear tests. If you believe anything else, it is time to learn the truth! This report is so good it would probably be classified at some level if the FED produced it simply because it kills the EMP psy op in a technical way even average people can understand.





I received a message from someone who was either fooled by a troll, or a troll. The message went like this:


"A nuclear EMP has three phases. The first phase is a sharp fast pulse that bypasses protection circuits. The second phase is a medium duration pulse that protection circuits can stop, but they'd be fried by the first pulse. The third phase is a long duration pulse that "takes everything out".

MY RESPONSE: BULLSHIT. A nuclear EMP is a damped sine wave. Here are a couple nuclear EMP's.


As you can see from the time scale, I have always stated the correct frequency range for a nuclear EMP. This varies depending upon whatever materials surround the nuke, but can be as low as 100 KHZ and as high as 10 MHZ with the most typical frequency being between 1 and 3 MHZ.

Here is another nuclear EMP:


As you can see, the EMP from a nuke takes the form of a distorted damped sine wave. Here is a clean damped sine wave:


Ok, so note the time scale on the documented nuclear EMP's. There is absolutely no cheap surge protector that would not stop that. And there is clear hard proof this is the case, because we all know that any surge protector out there is designed to stop lightning. So let's look at the EMP from a lightning bolt, and it's relative time scale.

Notice that the lightning has a much faster rise time at the beginning of the pulse than a nuclear EMP does, which makes it much much harder to stop. Additionally, the nuclear EMP has the shape of a sine wave, which is a lot less damaging and easier to filter than a spike, which is what a lightning bolt does.


From these comparisons we can conclude: The lighning arresters in the power grid will work to protect against a nuclear EMP. And absolutely any device that is protected against static discharge will be protected against nuclear EMP also, AND THAT MEANS ABSOLUTELY ANY MODERN ELECTRONIC DEVICE, which would be killed by static electricity practically instantly if it had no protection circuitry.

An average device, according to a Novell network training course I took in the 90's, can easily, even by 90's standards (when things were more easily hurt than now, because the protection circuits were not as good as they are now) could, by 90's standards, handle a static spark that delivered a pulse of 40 watts. That's so much more than a nuclear EMP could ever hope to put into an Iphone that it is beyond description, we're talking MILLIWATTS from an EMP into a device that small. Yes, milliwats would blow a totally unprotected mosfet, or mosfet based memory, but that's not what we are dealing with when it comes to modern, well protected devices.

The bottom line? If a "nuclear EMP" takes out your car, your cell phone, your laptop, it is a FALSE FLAG. And if a nuclear EMP does anything more than trip the self re-setting lightning arresters on the power grid it is a false flag also. It just so happens that the unexpected happened - all our digital devices got made to be resistant to static, which made them completely protected against EMP. And our power grid got all the upgrades to make it automatically trip before lightning can cause damage, which required a much faster protection system than would be needed to protect it from a nuclear EMP.

The facts are so obvious they can't be argued. The time scales are what they are.


Trump met in secret with Congress today (Monday) to discuss North Korea

I initially ignored this but then realized why I probably should not. And that is because even though the Korea psy op is a proven fake (see report farther down this page) the desire for war from the neocons is not fake. They may attack at any moment. If Trump met with congress in secret today, it probably means something will be done. I am mentioning this because there is a very real possibility of a false flag on American soil to get it all going. WAR PREPARATIONS: You had better stock up on your lucky charms!


North Korea cannot do anything of significance to the U.S., view any early attacks with great scrutiny! However, China has stood up in support of North Korea recently, and China actually could "reduce the United States to ash". The may lose their largest customer, but the rest of the world will still be there . . . . . .


Very weird problem today

The related report is obviously very important!

All I tried to do was copy a portion of straight text from a Russian report about how the showdown in North Korea is fake, and the server spit back a code it is not even supposed to give me: "No Meta Injection Please". All I did was post STRAIGHT TEXT. And when I am in combat mode, posting to the front page, there is absolutely no restriction on what I can put up, the server is not programmed to check anything I do. Yet despite numerous attempts it kept spitting back the same response, even when there was absolutely no code at all, and no "meta injection" happening. The only way this can happen is if someone was sending back a bullshit reason via an intercept between me and the server, while they blocked the report from being posted. I eventually figured out exactly what text it was that was blocked but by the time that happened the front page was a mess complete with a broken link and I had to fix it later via a direct log in.




THE REPORT THAT IS CLEARLY LABELED "THE MEDIA IS LYING ABOUT RUSSIAN TROOPS MASSING ON THE KOREAN BORDER" IS PROBABLY A VERY IMPORTANT REPORT, It seems a much wanted psy op got busted, DO NOT MISS THAT REPORT, read it entirely including what the Russian media outlet posted, from their page, it is very detailed and busted the entire psy op on all points from top to bottom.

North Korea

Anonymous sent: The NK distraction is just that, a DISTRACTION to get the sheeple's mind off the REAL problem of some sleazy MOSSAD agent, Kushner, now in charge of the USG. Big Jew doesn't like it when they get exposed, so they gin up some BS--like NK--to keep the sheeple penned up in the Stupid Corral, bawling for help and relief from the same SOBs causing the problems


My response: You know, I would not doubt this. The report from Russia (down this page a ways) debunked all of the North Korea hype very well. However, I would not doubt there is something going on, but nothing is going to happen right now, quite certainly.

There was nothing related to Operation Gotham Shield going on today, and people are confused. However, there is a new rumor about a possible ICBM test launch by the United States on Wednesday. And the Carl Vinson will be going to South Korea now, where it is normally stationed. And there are rumors about an evacuation of American citizens from South Korea underway. But with all the hoakery going on right now, no one really has answers.


Flat Earth

Anonymous sent:


What's with the moon shadow, it seems unremarkable to me that the earth can cast its shadow on the moon. I feel that I must be missing some blindingly obvious "thing"; but for the life of me I can't see what it is. Why are you pointing this out, what am I not seeing?

My response: Why mention flat earth? Just debunk it with a picture. The flat earth psy op has become so well done that even people who should have reputations sometimes believe it. But that one photo so perfectly debunks flat earth without saying anything at all. It won't matter how well the psy op team does videos or dreams up ways that are perfectly rational to fool people when all anyone has to do is look at the moon during a partial lunar eclipse. That can't be faked! There is no "secret source of info" that could possibly debunk the earth's round and proportionate shadow cast on the moon! Why argue past that?


I had a hard time posting the following.

I don't know what caused all the problems other than when I tried to post the straight text from a Russian report that is now posted below while in combat mode the server would not allow it. VERY ODD. I spent an hour and figured out exactly what text was not allowed to post.

Here is the report that caused problems:

From Russia Insider.



The Media Is Lying About Russian Troops Massing on the Border With North Korea

Russian troops massing on the border with North Korea are about as real as Harry Potter's magic wand. The entire North Korea "crisis" is manufactured hogwash

We keep trying to warn you but you never listen, do you?


"Escalation" with North Korea isn't real. It's a distraction.

The following is the exact text that was not allowed to post: "The same media that told you a mighty American armada is anchored off the Korean Peninsula is now claiming that Russia is massing troops on the border with North Korea, and Chinese bombers are on high alert and making "unusual moves".

You're being lied to in the most spectacular and hilarious ways."


For whatever reason, the server refused to post that! I can't figure out why, but it took numerous attempts, and I narrowed it down to that exact text that would not post. VERY ODD!

At any rate, I have repeatedly stated that I think America's hype on North Korea was at least partially fake. Maybe it is entirely fake!

Ok, so for what reason would the U.S. want a fake script in the public concience? why would they possibly want that? Well, how about "they need the American people primed for an attack, so when it does happen they immediately blame North Korea and do not stop and question what is going on? Would that be a reason to totally spew endless B.S. about Russian troop placement, Chinese bombers, and Kim Jong far beyond stupidly claiming he can vaporize the U.S. to ash? Believe me, for whatever it is worth, Kim Jong is HIGHLY EDUCATED, probably a man of TOP education and there is no conceivable way he'd actually threaten china and then turn around and be stupid enough to think he can "wipe the U.S. off the map".

Since the U.S. already got caught red handed lying about carrier placement, would it be beyond the realm of doubt to think the U.S. is telling the truth about anything at all? I sure would not doubt a complete fabrication of every last word spewed!

Russia insider did a very comprehensive report on this topic, where they go line by line in detail, marking out where the U.S. media has been completely phony on the topic of North Korea. This is well worth a read, SEE THIS.



