
A : Original B : Correction

A: Smith-san’s computer (PERSOnal COMputer)


B: Smith-san’s computer (Personal Computer)


A:  携帯 電話


B: 携帯電話 (no space)



A: 私の選考はコンピュータ・サイエンスです。


B: 私の専攻は、コンピューター・サイエンスです



A: Excuse me but where is the bank?

B: Excuse me, where is the bank?



A: その辞書は誰のですか。

B: この辞書は誰のですか?



A: That dictionary, whose (dictionary) is it?

B: Whose is this dictionary?



A: James is English. Elizabeth is also English.

B: I didn’t hear the voice over for “Elizabeth is also English”.



A: Mr. Tanaka likes anime. Mrs. Nakamura also likes anime.

B: I didn’t hear the voice over for ”Mrs. Nakamura also likes anime”.



A: それは鉛筆 {{c1::じゃないです}}。

B: それは鉛筆ではないです。

Also, the voice over has to fix it.



A: {{c1::大学生}}ですか。

B: {{c1::大学生}}ですか?



 A: 山田さんは中国人 {{c1::じゃないです}}。

B:  山田さんは中国人 {{c1::ではないです}}。

Also, the voice over have to fix it.



A: This is udon is very delicious, I tell you!

B: This Udon is very delicious, I tell you!



A: ここのチョコレートは美味しいです{{c1::よ}}。

B: このチョコレートは美味しいです{{c1::よ}}。



A: The chocolate here is very delicious, I tell you!

B: The chocolate is very delicious, I tell you!



それは鉛筆 {{c1::ではないです}}。

This Japanese pronunciation is wrong.




A: (I) go to school.

B: I go to school.



A: (I) do not speak Spanish.

B: I do not speak Spanish.



A: Mrs. Nakamura goes to part time job.

B: Mrs. Nakamura goes to part time job today.



A: Those are my shoes.

B: That is my shoes.



A: What is that over there?

B: What is that?


A: {{c1::あれ}}は何ですか。

B: {{c1::あれ}}は何ですか?



A: (I)do not study.

B: I do not study.



A: That coffee shop over there is expensive.

B: That coffee shop is expensive.



A: (I) do not play baseball.

B: I do not play baseball.



A: (I) drink coffee.

B: I drink coffee.



A: (I) eat ice cream at the restaurant.

B: I eat ice cream at the restaurant.



A: (I) read a book a library.

B: I read a book at the library.



A: (I) meet James.

B: I meet James.



A: (I) go to Fukuoka to eat Ramen.

B: I go to eat Ramen in Fukuoka.



A: (I) often go back (home) to The USA

B: I often go back to America.



A: Mrs. Mika sleeps at 10 pm.

B: Mrs. Mika goes to bed at 10 pm.



A: James watches TV often.

B: James often watches TV.





A: Would you shop with me?

B: Would you go shopping with me?



A: Mrs. Mika aften watches TV on Sunday.

B: Mrs. Mika often watches TV on Sunday.



A: Mr.Tanaka reads books often.

B: Mr.Tanaka  often reads books.



A: Mika always goes home too soon.

B: Mika always goes home soon.



A: Would you dance salsa with me?

B: Shall we dance salsa?



A: There is a Japanese quiz on Tuesday,

B: There is a Japanese test on Tuesday.



A: あの家に猫がに{{c1::いますか}}?

B: あの家に猫が{{c1::いますか}}?



A: {{c1::そこ}}はお寿司 屋さんです。

B: {{c1::そこ}}はお寿司屋さんです。(no space)

A: There a sushi restaurant there.

B: That is a sushi restaurant.



A: {{c1::あそこ}}は美容 院です。

B: {{c1::あそこ}}は美容院です。(no space)



A: Tanaka’s house is front of mall.

B: Tanaka’s house is in front of the mall.



A: 中華 料理 屋さんはモールの{{c1::後ろ}}です。

B:  中華料理屋さんはモールの{{c1::後ろ}}です。(no space)



 A: 猫は家の{{c1::中::location word}}です。

 B: 猫は家の{{c1::中::location word}}です。



A: The is above the gate.

B: The cat is on the fence.



A: Sakura are beautiful.

B: Cherry blossoms are beautiful.



A: The sakura were not beautiful.

B: Cherry blossoms were not beautiful.



A: (I) did not watch movie today.

B: (I) did not watch a movie today.



A: (I) do not go out on week nights.

B: (I) do not go out on weekdays nights.



A: Those clothings does not look good on you.

B: That clothes does not suit you.



A: 田中さんは日本人です。中村さん{{c1::も}} 日本人です。

 B: 田中さんは日本人です。中村さん{{c1::も}} 日本人です。



A: There’s a lot of homework?

B: Do you have a lot of homework?



A: I am going to see beautiful Sakura on the weekend.

B: I am going to see beautiful Cherry blossoms on the weekend.



 A: 渋滞が{{c1::嫌い}}です。

 B: 渋滞が{{c1::嫌い}}です。



A: Lets hang out!

B: Let’s hang out!



A: Angel is coming, hurry up!

B: The Apostle is coming, hurry up!



A: Come home today.

Is this “Go home today” Or “Come home today”?

This Japanese sentence has both meanings.


A: Lets bring lunch and go do Ohanami.

B: Let's bring lunch and go to Ohanami.

A: お弁当を{{c1::持って::待つ}}、お花見に{{c1::行きましょう::行く}}!

B: お弁当を{{c1::持って::持つ}}、お花見に{{c1::行きましょう::行く}}!



A: Lets mix natto well, and eat it.

B: Let’s mix natto well, and eat it.



A: I forgot the text book so I went home.

B: I forgot the text book so I go home.



A: I was sleepy so (I) forgot the homework.

B: I am sleepy so (I) forgot the homework.

However this sentence both Japanese and English doesn’t make sense to me.



A: I am not sleeping tonight.(Because) it is Saturday tomorrow.

B: I will not sleep tonight.(Because) tomorrow is Saturday.



A: やる気が{{c1::ありません::ある}}。起きたばかりですから。

B: やる気が{{c1::ありません::ある}}。起きたばっかりですから。



A: I am going to home tonight. (Because) it is so cold.

B: I am going home tonight. (Because) it is cold.



A: Lets run. (Because) train will leave soon (and could leave us behind).

B: Let’s run. (Because) train will depart soon (and could leave us behind).



A: みかさんホストファミリーを{{c1::しています::する}}。

B: みかさんはホストファミリーを{{c1::しています::する}}。

A: Mika is living with a a host family.

B: Mika does a host family.



A: エイリアンさんは頭が{{c1::大きい}}です。

B: エイリアンは頭が{{c1::大きい}}です。

A: Arian has a big head.

B: The alien has a big head.



 A: 体育のクラスは{{c1::楽しいくない::negative form 楽しい}}。

B:  体育のクラスは{{c1::楽しくない::negative form 楽しい}}。



A: ジェームスさんは{{c1::いい}} 人だよ。

B: ジェームスさんは{{c1::いい}} 人だよ。



A: どんな本を{{c1::読む::読みますか informal}}?

B: どんな本を{{c1::読みますか::読む informal}}?



A: サクラさんは{{c1::くのいち::くのいちです informal}}。

B: サクラさんは{{c1::くのいちです::くのいちだformal}}。




A: お母さんが夕飯はカレーだと{{c1::言ってました}}。

B: お母さんが夕飯はカレーだと{{c1::言っていました}}。

A: Mom said the dinner is curry.

B: Mom said that dinner is curry.


A: (I) think attack on titan will start again.

B: (I) think Attack on Titan will start again.



A: Are you doing something on the weekend?

B: Are you going to do something on the weekend?



A: Last year’s sakura were beautiful.

B: Cherry blossoms were beautiful last year.



A: Did you a watch a Ghibli movie?

B: Did you watch a Ghibli movie?



A: Lets take train in Japan. Because the traffic is terrible.

B: Let's take a train in Japan. Because the traffic is terrible.



A: Who speaks English? Mary does.

B: Who speaks English? Mika does.



A: Lets wait for while, because it is raining.

B: Let's wait for a while, because it is raining.



A: (My) brother than tall than me.

B: (My) brother is taller than me.



A: Between sushi, ramen, tempura, which is your favorite?

B: Between sushi, ramen, and tempura, which one is your favorite?



 A: 日本と中国とアメリカの中で日本が{{c1::一番 小さいです…}}。

 B: 日本と中国とアメリカの中で日本が{{c1::一番 小さいです…}}。

A: Between Japan, China, and the USA, Japan is the smallest.

B: Between Japan, China, and U.S.A, Japan is the smallest.



A: バーガーキング{{c1::の}} 方がウェンディーズ{{c1::の}}より美味しいです。

B: バーガーキング{{c1::の}} 方がウェンディーズ{{c1::の}}より美味しいです。

She didn’t say “の”of ウェンディーズ{{c1::の}}より.



A: ジェームスさんはメリーさんと週末にデートに{{c1::行くつもりです}}。でも、メリーさんはテニスに{{c1::行くつもりです}}。

B: ジェームスさんはメリーさんと週末にデートに{{c1::行くつもりです}}。でも、メリーさんはテニスに{{c1::行くつもりです}}。

A: James intend to go on a date with Mary on weekend. However, Mary intends to go to tennis.

B: James intends to go on a date with Mary on weekend. However, Mary intends to go to tennis.



A: (I) intended to cook dinner, but I quit because its too much work.

B: (I) intended to cook dinner, but I quit because it's too much work.



A: Did you meet someone yeasterday?

B: Did you meet anyone yesterday?



A: Let watch the movie at the movie theater.

B: Let's watch the movie at the movie theater.



A: Mary do not want to meet James.

B: Mary does not want to meet James.



A: (It seems like) Mika wants to got to the USA.

B: (It seems like) Mika wants to go to America.



A: (It seems like) Jim wants to eat Mika’s dougnuts.

B: (It seems like) Jim wants to eat Mika’s donuts.



A: (I) will cook and watch movies, among other things, over the weekend.

B: (I) will cook and watch animes, among other things, over the weekend.



A: Lets go to hiking and watch stars among other things tonight.

B: Let's go hiking and watch stars among other things tonight.



A: Did you go somewhere for Spring break?

B: Did you go anywhere for Spring break?



A: Did you do something on weekend?

B: Did you do anything on weekend?



 A: 夏休みは、お祭りに{{c1::行ったり::行く}}、旅行に{{c1::行ったりしたい::行く}}。

B:  夏休みは、お祭りに{{c1::行ったり::行く}}、旅行に{{c1::行ったりしたい::行く}}。

A: I want to go to festivals, and travel, and so forth during Summer break.

B: I want to go to festivals, and travel, and so forth during summer break.



A: ニューヨークでは、中華 街 {{c1::や}}タイムスクエアに行きました。

B: ニューヨークでは、中華 街 {{c1::や}}タイムズスクエアに行きました。



A: {{c1::忙しいんですか::忙しいwith んですか?}}?

This is the same sentence.



A: (I) am going to library because it feels cool.

B: (I) am going to stay at the library because it's  cooler.



A: Mika dumped James because he was annoying.

B: Mary dumped James because he was annoying.


 A: 今日は遅く{{c1::帰るでしょう}}?

 B: 今日は遅くに{{c1::帰るでしょう}}?



A: Probably, there will be a quiz tomorrow.

B: Probably, there will be a short test today.