

# This is a java stye properties file for the jmeter-ec2 shell script
# It is treated like a normal shell script
# See README.txt for more details about each property

# Pre Installed AMIs (Dont forget to use the right AMI for your region.)
# Region OS AMI id Name
# eu-west-1 Ubuntu ami-ae72f2dd Ireland
# ap-south-1 ubuntu ami-2312664c Mumbai
# ap-southeast-1 Ubuntu ami-aacf1ac9 Singapore
# ap-northeast-1 Ubuntu ami-f050439e Tokyo
# ap-northeast-2 Ubuntu ami-48a07426 Seoul
# ap-southeast-2 Ubuntu ami-73735110 Sydney
# eu-central-1 Ubuntu ami-7c759413 Frankfurt
# sa-east-1 Ubuntu ami-6f038c03 Sao Paulo
# us-east-1 Ubuntu ami-90d2c4fa N. Virginia
# us-west-1 Ubuntu ami-10473b70 N.California
# us-west-2 Ubuntu ami-caf501aa Oregan

# Should match the AMI
# IMPORTANT - t2.micro is not recommend for anything beyond developement, it works from a shared resource pool that can fluctuate, skewing test results.

# Do not change

# The name OR id of *your* security group in *your* Amazon account - the permissions for thius group need to give your local machine ssh access.

# The name of the Amazon Keypair that you want to use. It should exist in *your* AWS account for the region you are using.

# The full name of the pem file you downloaded from your Amazon account. Usualy .pem from AWS but you could generate your own and name it what you want.

# The path to your pem file

# Should match the AMI

# Email to be used when tagging instances

# Specify the region you will be working in

# How often the script prints running totals to the screen (n * summariser.interval seconds)

# A list of static IPs that can be assigned to each ec2 host. Ignored if not set

# The port number sshd is running on

# The version of JMeter to be used. Must be the full name used in the dir structure. Does not work for versions prior to 2.5.1

# EC2-VPC Usage
# jmeter-ec2 can configure EC2-VPC instances. You must:
# - set SUBNET_ID to the id of the subnet that the instance will belong to
# - make sure that the AMI is compatible with EC2-VPC
# - enable DNS Resolution in the VPC
# - enable DNS hostnames in the VPC

# Remote hosts
# If this is set then the script will ignore INSTANCE_COUNT passed in at the command line and read in this list of hostnames to run the test over
# instead. If it is not set then n number of hosts will be requested from Amazon.
# Must be a comma-separated list, like this:
# REMOTE_HOSTS="ec2-46-51-135-180.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com,ec2-176-34-204-10.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com"
# or:
# REMOTE_HOSTS="myhost.com,antherhost.com"
# or:
# REMOTE_HOSTS="blahblah.corp.synergy:2020,"