
Excited: Love, Career, and Fame


Official book launch of the contemporary fiction “EXCITED: love, career & fame” a story by Author, Artist & music insider: Chrislan Manengs, describing the insides of the world of showbiz through the life of a newly signed music sensation. Dates: Douala 27th December 2016 and Lagos 30th December 2016.

A story written by Chrislan Manengs, Excited is a contemporary fiction novel.

This is a story you would have never witnessed before. This engaging story plot will take you through the journey of a newly signed music sensation who experiences a dream run as his life swings from rags to riches. He suffers an uncontrollable separation from his mother at a young age. He is compelled to grow alone as he gets transported from Africa to New York City. The sheer talent in him opens a path of fame and fortune for him in NYC. As he rises exponentially in the music industry with famous Records label behind him, Chrislan Treasure realizes how his fame is nothing more than a golden prison. He decides to go against the normal tide of the industry, as he can’t extract satisfaction from the mad rush of fame.

The plot goes through a dramatic twist as he accidentally meets the girl “Laurie.” What follows is an expected series of events leading Chrislan’s story to an unknown destination. Chrislan flies to Paris where a heavy self-realization dawns upon him. He feels the chains and bars that the world wants to put his existence into. Chrislan decides to make the decision of his life as he gets reunited with his mother.
So what do you think he will choose? Will he disown his label to follow his new faith? How will he tackle the hounding media? Is his love for Laurie the last winner in this story? Don’t miss the opportunity to have direct answers to these questions directly from the Author by attending the book launch ceremony in your location.

Discover the journey and expected destination of a newly signed pop star through this book Excited: Love, Career, and Fame.As he is conflicted in the choice between LOVE,CAREER, and, FAITH.

The author reserves you a fun evening with lots of entertainment, Red carpet and free gifts. Come witness the power of love and faith as Chrislan guides you through this unexpected journey.


Launch dates and info-line:

Official launch Douala Cameroon

Date: December 27, 2016, contact: excited.dla@chrislantreasure.com

Tel: +23794463742/+23756952020

Official Launch Lagos Nigeria

Date: December 30th, 2016, Contact : excited.lagos@chrislantreasure.com

Venue: Terrakulture Lagos Nigeria.

For more information visit www.chrislantreasure.com/excited

Also catch up the Full event Coverage by MTV base for Nigeria and Canal 2 international for Cameroon.