Name: Yoon Doha
Nickname: Sexy Ponyo♡, Ddoha~
Personality: Power F...
Habits: Touching my lips
Hobbies: Skateboarding
Talents: Eating cold things fast, Singing
Pros: I have a strong sense of responsibility!
Cons: I get hurt easily ㅠ.ㅠ
My TMI: I hear that I'm sexy often these days so I feel good♡
Revealed for the first time! An episode with a member I've never shared before:
Hanjun's favorite member recently changed from Huiwon to me!
I'm better at this than another member/the other members:
I can find my way around better than Kazuta
An ability I want to take from another member:
Kazuta's adult-like Sexy♡
Something I'm interested in lately:
Fashion, Cosmo♡
My favorite member lately and the reason why:
Huiwon, because he's cute
A personal talent I'm confident in:
Eating cold things quickly (ice cream)
An exercise I'm confident in:
I'm flexible (I can do the splits)
A cover stage I'm confident in & want to try?
Jonghyun's End of a Day or Hyeya
An idol performance I recently thought was cool? (besides my own)
SHINee - Hard
Something I want to do on Weekly Idol?
Weekly Idol fancam!