
Why Did NASA, Bill Gates, The Former Pope, Neil deGrasse & Hawking Embrace Islam?l

The Pope: Does Islam have any 100% accurate prophecy?l

Bill Gates: Islam has many prophecies. And, all of them are 100% accurate. Not like the foggy words of Nostradamus and others which would fit many events by coincidence

The Pope: Many Islamic prophecies? Like what?l

Bill Gates: For example, the Holy Quran pointed out in a genius way the exact date of Apollo 11 landing on the Moon by year/month/day

The Pope: Really?! Did the Koran mention Apollo 11 and its landing by name?l

Bill Gates: No, the Koran didn't mention Apollo 11 by name. And, did not mention the landing on the Moon by name. God knows why. Maybe God wanted to make this prophecy as a surprise to NASA after they complete their mission

The Pope: So, how the Koran pointed out in a genius way the exact date of Apollo 11 landing on the Moon by year/month/day?l

Bill Gates: When the Koran talked about the Moon in the chapter of the Moon (Surah(t) Al-Qamar) (which is the chapter number 54 in the Koran), we noticed that the main numbers of this chapter fit the exact date of the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon in the Islamic calendar, NOT in the Gregorian calendar. Isn't that amazing?l

The Pope: let me see what you've got

Bill Gates: OK. The chapter of the Moon has only 55 verses. (5/5). And between the beginning of this chapter and the last verse in the Koran (1389) verses exactilly, while the exact date of the landing was (5/5/1389) in the Sunni Islamic calendar

The Pope: What is the Sunni Islamic calendar?l

Bill Gates: You may read some info about the Sunni Islamic calendar which was established by the Sunni Umar because the prophecy came using the Islamic calendar, not the Gregorian calendar. This calendar in Wikipedia is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_calendar 

The Pope: OK

Bill Gates: Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the 1st humans on the Moon on July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC

Bill Gates: We can convert this date to the Islamic calendar through several websites such as this one from the (Home-Page of the Institute of Oriental Studies at Zurich University) in Germany: http://www.oriold.uzh.ch/static/hegira.html 

The Pope: Wow, I found out that the conversion of the date (20/7/1969) is exactilly (5/5/1389) in the Islamic calendar. Glory to God. But, could you show me more explanation?l

Bill Gates: OK. Again, what does this date have to do with the chapter 54, the chapter of the Moon in the Koran?l

 This date is (5/5/1389). So, we have six numbers here. 5, 5 and 1389 H

Let's start with the numbers 5 and 5. This chapter has only 55 verses

What about the number 1389?l

Between the beginning of this chapter and the last verse in the Koran 1389 verses exactly

The Pope: Glory to God

Bill Gates: You can count the verses yourself over here: http://legacy.quran.com 

The chapter of the Moon is the chapter number 54 as I said

NASA and The Moon Split

The Pope: You talked about the beginning of the Moon's chapter. So, what does this beginning say?l

Bill Gates: I will let the scientists answer you if they would like to

Hawking: It says: "The Hour of the day of Judgment has come closer, and the Moon was rent in twain". Koran: Chapter 54. Verse 1. The chapter of Al-Qamar (The chapter of the Moon)l

Neil deGrasse: That happened by God as a miracle for prophet Mohammad. The Moon was split into two parts or two bodies before about 1400 years for a short period of time. That happened to prove to the people that Mohammad is the final true honest messenger and prophet from God by the religion of Islam to all humans and jinn. It is a clear miracle because it is impossible to split the Moon without a miracle from God

The Pope: So, in Islam, it is a fact that the Moon (currently) is the result of two bodies colliding with one another

Neil deGrasse: NASA also says "the Moon (currently) is the result of two bodies colliding with one another"l

Hawking: NASA does NOT know, for sure, when and how that collision happened. NASA says maybe it happened according to a particular theory. But, NASA is NOT sure about when and how that collision happened

Neil deGrasse: In the mean time, NASA is sure that the Moon (currently) is the result of two bodies colliding with one another". Exactly like what Islam has said since about 1400 years ago

The Pope: Glory to God

Hawking: NASA thinks that it is impossible to split the Moon into two parts

The Pope: Of course this is impossible without the power of God

Neil deGrasse: The following official website of NASA testify for this fact. They say on the last line of the 1st answer on the following official link that the Moon (currently) is the result of two bodies colliding with one another

I quote: "So I'm not sure that the Moon was "split" into two parts, but it is the result of two bodies colliding with one another"l

Brad Bailey

NLSI Staff Scientist

August 3, 2009

But, later on, Brad edited his answer a little bit and deleted the following: "So I'm not sure that the Moon was "split" into two parts". And added "while it is not possible.." etc

Here is the official link from NASA: http://lunarscience.arc.nasa.gov/browse-past-questions

The Pope: Glory to God

Bill Gates: The conclusion

A. Koran pointed out in a genius way the exact date of 1st human landing on the Moon, the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon by year/month/day

B. Islam and NASA say "The Moon (currently) is the result of two bodies colliding with one another"l

The Pope: Glory to God. I must admit that we also still have in the Bible some divine parts that prophesized the coming of prophet Mohammad by name in the Hebrew language with a great honor for prophet Mohammad such as the song of songs which is talking on behalf of Jerusalem city and its great love for prophet Mohammad and prophesizing his short visit to the city which happened later on at the time of Mohammad as the Holy Quran says in (17/1) over here: http://www.noblequran.com/translation. BTW, (all together lovely) is the meaning of the word Mohammad in Hebrew and Arabic languges. This is a great interesting video about some details of this issue


Bill Gates: Wow. What a great video?l

The Pope: Also, there are in the Bible more clear great prophecies for Islam over here


And here


The Pope: I also must admit that the oldest Jewish & Christian manuscripts agree with Sunni Islam as you can watch here & here. So, it is  clear that Jesus the Christ is only a human prophet & messenger from God; just like Noah, Moses, Mohammad & others as Islam really says which also says that God the creator of everything is the only god & the only Lord of the whole worlds. God almighty is NOT an old man. "Nothing looks like Him". The Holy Quran 42:11. And also It is time for me to become a Sunni Muslim & resign from the Vatican before I die because I want to be saved & happy after death & go to paradise

All of them: We also decided to become Sunni Muslims. We are so happy now

The Pope: I bless you. Oops. Sorry, I forgot. I mean, may God bless you :) l

Islam is the religion of Adam, Moses, Jesus & every Godly prophet. So, now, you can't be a true Jew or Christian without embracing Islam

"And whoever desires other than Islam as religion, never will it be accepted from him & he in the Hereafter will be among the losers" Quran 3/85

To obtain salvation in the Hereafter, be a very good practicing pious Sunni Muslim. God said in the Holy Quran (19/72): "Then I save the ones who were pious and leave crouching behind in it (the hell fire) the oppressors to other creatures by doing evil and to themselves by doing sin"l

If anyone doesn't believe that the former Pope converted to Sunni Islam; let him watch this video here

Quran tells that Earth moves

Quran and prophet Muhammad said that the Sun moves quickly, but they never said in Islam that the Sun goes around the Earth

Also, Quran tells that God will make Earth stop moving on the day of judgement. &, that means: Earth is moving now. Quran says: "And among His Signs (on the day of judgment) is that the sky (the Atmosphere or universe) & the Earth stop (moving) by His Command, then afterwards when He will call you by single call, you will come out from the Earth (i.e from your graves for reckoning & recompense)". Quran 30/25


The main differences between Sunnis, Shia and Sufis

Sunni Islam is NOT a sect. Sunni Islam is the original pure Islam. Around 90% in the Islamic world are Sunnis, 5% are Shia & 5% are other sects which means there are about 1.5 billion Sunni Muslims. Sunnis worship the creator alone while Shia and Sufis worship some creatures & pray to them besides God such as Ali, Husayn ibn Ali & other dead relatives of prophet Mohammad! For example, they say: "Ya Ali madad" which means (Oh Ali grace & help us) etc. So, Shiites and Sufis are polytheists & conflict the basic teachings of God & His prophets. Therefor, Shia & Sufis are not Muslims according to the Holy Quran & Islam itself. The current governments of Iran, Iraq and Syria (the worst criminal terrorist in the modern times Bashar al-Assad who has killed, with his Kurdish YPG allies, around 400,000 people in 4 years so far, most of them are civilian Sunni children, women and elders according to the UN) are Shia governments although most of the people in this state are Sunnis. Also notice that Iran deceives & tricks the west and Russia (to use them serve Shia's hidden agenda to kill & control the whole world in the future) by pushing now the west and Russia to deplete them against Sunni Muslims and by pushing them to support Iran's Shia servants in the governments of Iraq and Syria etc. Sunni Islam loves Jesus as a great prophet and messenger from God while the Zionist criminal racist terrorist so called state of Israel hates Jesus and curses him! Another problem in the Islamic world is that most of the governments there are secular dictators claiming to be Sunni Muslims and supported by some western and eastern corrupt governments. That is why there are terrorism, many problems and many angry Sunni Muslims. Be careful, Sufis claim they are Sunnis and make up lies and lying books. To know the difference, most or all Sufis would write the name of prophet Mohammad in Arabic in front of you on the wall in the place of prayers or their "mosques" because they want you to bow down, kneel and pray to prophet Mohammad and worship him! Shia would write the name of Ali and others

BTW, Shia (such as the govs of Iran, Iraq & Syria) say: Women are just slaves! file1.png l

You may search YouTube for videos taken from a Shia TVs and the title of the videos is: (Ya Ali Madad). Notice that (Ya Ali Madad) is a prayer to Ali and it means (Oh Ali: sustain, provide & help us) and notice that they didn't translate this part inside the following video to trick foreigners who don't know the false creeds of Shia. Also notice that Shia uses kids, art, songs and very nice voices to deceive people to polytheism as you can see on the following video here

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 | 111,503 | 5-4-2016 l

And this is another one: 

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 | 229,432 | 5-4-2016 l

Here is the leader of Sufis (Ali al-Jifri) praying to the grandson of the prophet (Husayn ibn Ali) by saying (Madad Ya Husayn) which means (Help & sustain us oh Husayn) form the second 46. Ali al-Jifri is the 1 wearing white here

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 | 10,629 l

By the way, Ali & his son, Husayn, are Sunni Muslims. Shia & Sufis admit that Ali & Husayn never prayed or worshiped anyone other than God, the creator of everything. They also admit that Ali & Husayn respected the first Caliphs (the first 3 successors of prophet Mohammad). Husayn ibn Ali was oppressed & killed. And, the history says that he & some other great Sunnis were killed by some soldiers of Yazid who is considered by great ancient Sunni scholars, (such as Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani in his book Lisan al-Mizan 6/293 in the Arabic edtion), as a secular criminal dictator who claimed falsely he was a Sunni Muslim

What about ISIS, Al Qaeda & Boko Haram?l

Ignorance is the problem. The leaders & members of ISIS, Al Qaeda & Boko Haram are not high profile scholars of Sunni Islam, while the leaders of Afghan Taliban are. So, ISIS, Al Qaeda & Boko Haram need deeper knowledge about Sunni Islam written by Afghan Taliban & thrown to them by planes. ISIS, Al Qaeda & Boko Haram need knowledge, NOT bombs. Bombs & war could make ignorance, anger & terrorism increase & this is what, in fact, happened over the past many years of wars. For the sake of peace and saving the lives of millions of innocent civilians & the beautifull cities such as Mosul & Raqqa, I think the best way to solve many huge problems is to start peace talks with ISIS through intermediaries to reach an agreement that ISIL stops for ever all terrorism acts because Sunni Islam forbids attacking innocent civilians. And, tell ISIS that if it agrees on that and stops attacking other states, then it can keep and rule, by the Shariah law, the Sunni towns and lands that it has now in Iraq & Syria. And become with Afghan Taliban a normal one recognized state in the UN if it stops the plans and the acts to gain more lands and if it forbids terrorism attacks and if it swear allegiance to Afghan Taliban to guarantee the righteous policy. And, in the mean time, since that Al Qaeda leader has sworn allegiance to the Afghan Taliban, I also suggest to start peace talks with Afghan Taliban through intermediaries to reach an agreement that Afghan Taliban rules the whole of Afghanistan, plus, the lands of ISIS, if it commands Al Qaeda to stop attacking other states and stop for ever all terrorism acts because Sunni Islam forbids attacking innocent civilians. And also if it commands all Al Qaeda members to leave other states freely and peacefully to join the lands of Afghan Taliban. And, if any person in the lands of Afghan Taliban violates the rules, he or she should be brought to trial in the courts of Afghan Taliban according to the Shariah law. To make the peace really easy, it is strongly recommended to do so much pressure, such as boycott, on the Zionist so called state of Israel to stop all the bad behaviors against Islam & Muslims. I love to be a peacemaker and I hope that these suggestions help a lot


Extremely awesome important links

Although Americas weren't known to the old world & prophet Mohammad; Quran describes 2 places in the U.S.A here

Sharia, the Sunni Islamic law, is a paradise in this life & the way to paradise in the hereafter. Click here to read some short proofs

The Guardian: The death of evolution & Atheism: http://justpaste.it/Theory 

To see new amazing miracles on Pluto for Sunni Islam, click here: http://justpaste.it/zn 

Katy Perry & Justin Bieber convert to Sunni Islam. Here is why & what happened?: http://justpaste.it/zj 

Dear readers, if these facts guided you to the truth and led you to embrace Sunni Islam, please tell me here: http://ask.fm/NSASJB

Free written & vocal copies of the Holy Quran

This: legacy.quran.com and: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AqZbRo_Rwc&list=PLL_dOsw0Sl0OBw5YH4W-nYAupn6cWwLNh are the best translations of the Holy Quran until now with fewer mistakes. A perfect translation is coming soon in few years & I'll tell you about its link soon, God willing. Don't miss reading the greatest book ever

To read and listen to the Holy Quran live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, click here: 

Video thumb

For other languages: http://www.quran-hidayah.com/?gclid=CIj2pdH7sMwCFYu6GwodvesJeQ 

For many vocal (MP3) Qur'an translations including many in English: http://www.qurantranslations.net/mobile