The US strategy in the fight against AQ
Part 1. The recalculation
With the disintegration of The Eastern Bloc and The Soviet Union, the capitalist West got rid of its Communist rival. After communism there was no significant political rival left for the democratic west. The road seemed open for the colonial-hungry west to exploit resource-rich countries and protect their own looted wealth. However, the international Jihad movement was not taken into consideration; which entered the world stage in the aftermath of the Afghan War as the only real political rival of the west. At the head of this noble movement stood the experienced Mujahid leaders Shaykh Usama bin Laden and Shaykh Ayman Ad Dhawahiri; who spent the overall majority of their lives on the battlefield.
The US saw the creation of Al-Qaedah, rightly so, as a great danger. This international Jihad movement aimed to unite the Mujahideen all over the world in a common struggle against the enemies of this Ummah, who occupy our countries and peoples, while plundering and exploiting them trough neo-colonial puppet regimes. The US and Israel stand at the head of this enmity –two sides of the same coin. Because the US was much easier to hit than Israel, the Americans had to pay the bill. Al-Qaedah kicked off in 1998 with the spectacular double attack on the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya. The two heavily guarded embassies stood nearly 1000km apart, but both were nevertheless hit within ten minutes, by two precisely orchestrated attacks that claimed more than 200 victims. This fearless audacity came as a humiliating sledgehammer blow to the US; a country who used to imagine itself inviolable.
Just two years later, the $ 1 billion worth American flagship, the USS Cole, got torn into pieces with a modest rubber boat. The humiliating sledgehammer blows didn’t stop there. A year later, the Pentagon, the most heavily guarded building in the world, was leveled to the ground. Not only did they hit the strategic heart of the US, they even hit their economic heart, with the cinematically stunning attacks on the WTC. It was a very close call or the political heart of the US would’ve also been hit with a fourth plane. If we did not see it with our own eyes on live television, we would not believe it, that’s how accurate and spectacular these attacks were planned and executed. The message was clear; this was not an enemy like the leftist parties who scream out empty slogans from a seeming opposition. This woke the US up from the Cold War, with a fiery heat stroke. In their rabid impotence, the US began rampaging like a bull in blind fury, bombing everything around it, and openly violating any international human rights law that existed. This only added shame to their loss of face.
Shame piled up even further when the US attempted to apply classic Roman-imperial expansion strategies on urban guerrilla battlefields. In their arrogance, they thought they could initiate far-reaching and simultaneous fronts as an all- occupying and destroying superpower. However, the vengeance of the US lost both its moral- and Economic rent ability, with the heavy losses their effeminate ground troops, rather defenselessly, underwent in Afghanistan and Iraq. It took a while before the US finally realized that their outdated strategy was doomed to fail, disastrously and miserably. Moreover, it did not only fail to stop- but it caused the international Jihad movement to even grow exponentially. What started as a centered and small battle group in Afghanistan spread rapidly around the world in just a few years, including Somalia, Algeria, Yemen, Libya, Mali, Syria, India, Pakistan, and so on.
The failed War on Terror (meaning; War on Islam) devoured the US morale and economy in just a few years. This proved to be a war of endurance and patience, something the spoiled westerner is foreign to. While the motivation and morale of the Americans was driven to exhaustion, Al-Qaedah grew to be more than an organization. It became more than a movement, it contained an Islamic doctrine which promised salvation and deliverance for the Muslim Ummah. The US understood that Al-Qaedah therefore could not be defeated with military fronts.
Even the proxy wars ended up in a fiasco. The corrupt puppet armies of the west (in Algeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, West Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen) were bottomless pits; their hunger for bribes couldn’t be satisfied. They fight unmotivated, without ideological or religious beliefs, and turn their backs the first best chance they get. Like we recently saw in Mosul and other Iraqi cities, in an unprecedented example of cowardice. Te West African troops (MINUSMA) and the puppet army in Mali for example, don’t have slightest guts to set foot in northern Mali; there where the Mujahideen have established their bases.
The Western propaganda war did not look too good either; the popularity of Al-Qaedah grew unhindered. The Western media surely had lost its monopoly; with the coming up of the internet as a media platform, the Mujahideen countered Western propaganda excellently. The Western media also had to invest much and precious time in damage control, it had to clean up the democratic image after the many crimes of their own troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. It appeared to be the pot who called the kettle black when the crimes of Abu Ghrayb came to light.
With the Arab Spring (rather; Islamic Spring) the West conclusively understood that the message of Al-Qaedah could not be destroyed. Their message represented the voice of the Muslim community. The entire Ummah shared their pursuit; liberate the Muslim countries from tyrannical neo-colonialism, and live independently under divine justice. Al-Qaedah responded skillfully on the Spring. The Spring offered an ideal opportunity for Dawah, so Al-Qaedah established the daughter organization Ansar As-Shariah; in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Yemen. The Mujahideen became an integral part of the Muslim community, they were embraced exceptionally in Syria.
After this blessed spring, which struck the whole world with bewilderment, the West had to drastically recalculate all their strategies concerning Al-Qaedah and the Mujahideen. A (western) ground offensive against Al-Qaedah would in no way be considered as an option anymore. Next to the fact that the US forces are no match for the Mujahideen, even the use of deceptive and treacherous puppet armies became in many cases impossible. Because the Mujahideen formed a close relationship with the Muslim community. Everyone in Syria for example disapproved of it when Jabhat An-Nusra, a branch of Al-Qaedah, was put on the terrorist list by the US in 2012.
If the message can’t be destroyed, then the US is forced to settle with disabling the messengers and distracting the crowd from the message. The US is therefore focused on eliminating those who founded Al-Qaedah and/or are in charge of it, in addition to disabling Al-Qaedah think-tanks or preachers affiliated with it –even if they have never been militarily active and only focus on theory. However, this is not done openly and with much media attention like in the past. The public must be drawn into thinking that Al-Qaedah is no longer playing a significant role on the world. The Ummah must be convinced that Al-Qaedah is old news, and that the power and influence of Al-Qaedah disappeared.
Read also the English translations:
The US strategy in the fight against AQ - Part 2: Distinction in policy
The US strategy in the fight against AQ - Part 3. Strategic insight
Analysis by Ummetislam, translated by Abu Djuhayman.
Updated by Abu Muhammed (muhajirishaam) and Abu Khuzaymah.
Originally written by: The Dutch Mujahideen in Syria.