
@AUS-BBL there was a time before banjo. where the strikers of dota roamed the earth. but then, there was a battle between lord striker and dayne, and dayne started a new and even more glorious league called only banjoball. at first, the followers of dota strikers were outraged. but slowly over time they realised the power of the banjo. feeling the call, banjo liutenant ozil assembled a glorious army to take battle, but only one sunday every month.

@AUS-BBL now that the strikers of dota had been eliminated, dayne began to grow lazy and fat. the screams of DAYNEEEEEEE in the streets had reached a new furvor, as the citizens of banjo began to plot their revolution. liutenant ozil, dayne's most trusted advisor, told the banjo king of the situation. dayne, although once a fierce and competent leader, dismissed the cries of his citizens. a new challenger to the throne, bernie ibinie, sought to overthrow the once great land of aus-bbl and bring with him a new era of the highest quality banjo. only ozil stands in his way...

@AUS-BBL liutenant ozil tried to persuade lord dayne to repair the bugs that had infested his beloved banjo. but ozil's mind became clouded with the forces of lag, causing him to switch alligience and join the rival nation of 900+ ping gaming. with the chaos that was about to descend on aus-bbl, two unlikely compatriots: bernie and fresh began to plot their plan to dethrone the king. gifted in both the way of the field and the keep, these men forged their balls in the seas where it is rumoured roshan empowered banjoball heroes with blessed abilities. it is with their balls in hand that they aim to restore the kingdom of aus-bbl to it's once great state.