
The Hunt for Happiness

poh crew


The Commitment of Independence claims that all Americans possess the right from the search for happiness (actual statement is: "We hold these truths to get self-evident, that every men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that of these are Life, Liberty as well as the quest for Happiness.") being a God given right, or given to us by your Creator, whatever that may seem like to suit your needs.

Zoltan Bathory


I think a lot of people get stuck about the word happiness and in fact possibly place emphasis where it had not been intended. The theory being that you assume there is an directly to be very glad and also in turn look to sources away from you to ultimately provide it to suit your needs. You look with other people, a career or activities to help you happy. When which doesn't happen or it begins to fade you imagine you're in an unacceptable place, with all the wrong person, doing a bad things.

You start out to complain, get frustrated, and argue, often without resolution. You alter jobs, have more training, find different hobbies. Many relationships breakup and families are torn apart because you aren't happy and weren't for years.

What if you turned that around and looked at it in a different way? What if the intention here would have been to pinpoint the search for happiness instead of about the happiness itself? People have the right to pursue, to get and turn into happy, in whatever form you could possibly choose. What happiness looks like differs from the others for everybody and it is up to everyone.

That could mean then that happiness is really a choice. That you could be as happy because you decide to be. Which you have the energy as well as the control to make it. It's your choice. It is not much by what you need to do, as it's about what you provide it. Put simply, the minds you've around it. Interesting idea.

As I was discussing this with someone all-around me, she mentioned the thought that happiness is temporary understanding that Joy is eternal. Now I hadn't thought of that. She said, "You need to experience unhappiness to be able to know true happiness. Whereas joy never leaves, it is always there." Is smart.

So happiness comes from things beyond you like off their people, things or good luck. Joy is one of the inner self. Joy originates from things internal, in the soul or spirit if you will. Happiness is fleeting, something which only sticks here for a while, it really is joy that lasts and propels us to act again. It is that inner sense of contentment, like each time a baby is born.

It is a new perspective and it's important since it brings up the aim of personal responsibility. That you're in charge of what you are coming up with in your own life knowning that if you are not happy with an integral part of it, you can test again. That you can do different things, you'll be able to act.

My good friend continued to convey, "So joy is eternal, even in the difficult times. We must experience the hard and/or dark times in order to learn and also be from them." It is from the hardships that growth occurs, to make sure a part of your trip. Even when you 're feeling down, hopeless or sad there's always a good side or perhaps a purpose for it.

When you realize this, you're better suited live your lives in alignment with your priorities and your purpose since you know you happen to be very powerful beings so you are in power over your lives along with your happiness. You might be then better suited increase the risk for choices required to produce the life you need.

Why is this important?

This will be relevant because if you feel as though you do not have the power or control to produce living you desire in order to get a new change you'd like to see in your own life that may cause feelings of frustration, anxiety, uncertainty and possibly even going to depression. This will make it that individuals check out outside sources to generate us feel much better, whatever bandaid for our wounds. When really the better option would be to look inside.