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Most famous celebrities take Xanax pills.


Being famous or constantly in the spotlight is not an easy task. You have to go through many ups and downs, regrets, humiliations, and rejections. And Competition and politics in the film industry are increasing, which is affecting people’s mental health. Due to which anti-anxiety pills come to texture them and protect their career. 


These are the most famous celebrities taking Xanax pills.


Katy Perry


She is the most talented and popular singer. Her journey of drug addiction started when she entered the glam world. And according to her, she takes pills because she needs to feel the darkness and euphoria. 


Lady Gaga


According to Insider's blog, lady gaga is one actress with multiple mental disorders such as insomnia, schizophrenia, Fibromalaysia, and PTSD. She had developed the addiction to Xanax when she was trying to copying up with PTSD. Thus, the actress also confessed the addiction in a public event. 


Selena Gomez


She is another famous Hollywood singer and actress on the list. We all know she has started her career in childhood and gave us outstanding TV show performances. Tho, she chose to be a singer as the main career. Throughout her journey, she has been engaging with heartbreaks and stole many breaking headlines. Even in a recent Instagram live show, she has confessed to having a bipolar disorder mental illness, and thus, she takes the pills. 


Zac Effron


High School Musical famous actor Zac Effron took over all-girls' heart and became the most popular and charming actor. However, popularity hit him hard and sent him to a rehab center for alcohol and cocaine addiction. According to him, he could not survive a single day without alcohol and anti-anxiety pills.

Robert Downey Jr.


He is famous by the name of ‘Iron Man.’ He is the most talented actor and producer and started his career in films and movies, and now he has become the popular face of marvel. According to the news, he is a complete addict to benzodiazepine pills and morphine. He was even sent to prison in 1999 due to excessive drug use. However, he is now trying to be independent. 


Jamie Lee Curtis


She is an actor, activist, and famous author. According to the reports, she is addicted to Xanax and opioid pills and has lived on drugs for more than 17 years. Now, she is taking counseling and therapy to reduce the edition. 



The doctor prescribes Xanax (Alprazolam) to buy for those who are suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. It acts in the brain’s central nervous system to calm the sensation of anxiety and pain. 

However, in a group of acter and actoress, people tend to take it without any prescription. Therefore, they end up consuming an overdose of the medicine and develop an addiction level. Besides, These celebrities are somehow suffering from mental disorders, and because to save their career, they end up buying Xanax more and more. 


We should not forget the part of Xanax side-effects and how this medicine can be dangerous for overall health.