
As the vase hits my head, the world begins to spin in slow-motion and,

just like that, after a slight feeling of pressure, my skull cracked.


Have I... died!?


While having this thought, I open my eyes only to discover that I am

lying down in a field of flowers. What's happening? Let's see. From what

I remember... that’s right, I was hit on the head by a vase! But why am I

in a field?


Is this real? Was I really killed by something as ridiculous as a vase?




I really don’t want to accept this, but it would seem that I really have

died. Which means that this is... heaven?


Wait a second! What happened to the wheel of reincarnation? What happened

to King Yama? Or the last judgement?


[EN: I thought that the Japanese believed Yama was in charge of the underworld? Ignore if wrong]


Ahh, being dead is surprisingly boring. Damn it! what kind of messed up

irony is it to have me wake up in a field of flowers after being killed

by a vase? And why is everything flowers? Don’t tell me that this is a

hint about my entire life? My head is not full of flowers!


In the midst of senselessly retorting myself, the field of flowers around

me suddenly disappeared, leaving me standing in a seemingly empty white



"I'm really terribly sorry!!"


From out of nowhere an old man then appeared before me and began to

kneel. Just what kind of situation is this?


"Erm, what's happening? Please get up"


I have no idea what I should do at this moment. Should I just accept

what's happening? I suppose that's the best thing to do for now. At least

until I can get a full explanation of what's happening.


"You... you forgive me?"


After hearing my words, the old man raises his head, eyes sparkling.




That is the only word that could describe my current state. Despite

being in heaven, not only am I not happy, I am now being harassed by an

old man.


Is he making fun of me? Is this actually hell?


As the subtle unpleasantries continue, I suddenly had this thought making

my face pale in an instant.


Nothing good is happening and I am being continually harassed by this

strange old man. Don’t tell me... could this really be hell?


"This is not heaven. Yet neither is it hell"


While having these thoughts, the old man suddenly stops apologizing and

stands up.


Has he finally stopped? Seeing how desperate he was to gain my

forgiveness, it seems that he must really have done something bad. But

then why was he apologizing to me? Wait. Don’t tell me the reason I'm here

is because of him!?


I looked at the old man, thinking, while touching my lips.


Wait a second. I'm pretty sure that I wasn't just absent-mindedly

speaking my thoughts aloud. Which could only mean... can this old man

read my thoughts!?


"I'm not an 'old man' I'm a God!"


Eh. Seriously?


My jaw dropped. I began to look around this empty void. All I could see

was white. White all around. Much like those countries you see on the

news from time to time that are attacked by snow storms. This space is

definitely not man-made!


Ah...this...this is for real.


Looking at this empty white void, I can more or less confirm the old mans



"Don’t tell me, is the reason I'm dead... because of you?"


This couldn't be right. Right? I read something just like this in a

web novel. There's no way something like this could actually happen!


"Yes, it is indeed my fault!"


The old man puffed out his chest while saying that. Almost like he was

somewhat proud of what he had done.


This old man... he's not really sorry at all is he?


"Would you like to hear why I did it?"


I was rendered utterly speechless after hearing the tone of his voice.


[EN: Not sure if this is what you meant]


"Eh... to tell you the truth... my beard got caught on the plants without

my knowing... and... I sort off... knocked over the vase haha."


Really? I died because of... his beard?


That long white beard of his is the main cause of my death? Isn't there

supposed to be some kind of special reason when a God kills someone!?

Such a half-assed reason! Oi! This is really just a bit too much.


"What should I do?"


I sit down with my head tucked into my legs, giving up.


"Eh. You accepted that rather quickly!"


The old man, or rather God, exclaimed as his eyes peeked out from below

underneath his long eyebrows.


"Ah... it's pointless. I can’t laugh it off and forgive you for killing

  1. To be completely honest I'm extremely pissed off. I mean, it’s not

like you're going to send me back if I make a ruckus right?"


After hearing this, God looked at me, visibly shocked at my response.

I mean, God. A being such as that knelt down and apologized to me. If he

was able to send me back, he would have done so in the first place.


"Even so, most people would probably try to go against this fact."


Is that right? Ah, it must be because I'm a lonely existence.


My thought was heard by God.


"So what is going to happen to me?"


"Well, even though I killed you, which was my mistake, I cannot resurrect

you. You will either have to reincarnate or disappear. What do you know

of the wheel of reincarnation?"


"I've heard something about it..."


The souls of the dead are guided by the wheel of reincarnation and return

to the world with a different life. That sort of stuff. In short, they are

given a new life.


God, who was still looking at me, nodded with satisfaction. I realised

that he must still be reading my thoughts and determined that my

knowledge was correct.


I'm really surprised that reincarnation actually exists but hey, sure, if

God really exists then why not?


I really don't think disappearing is the right way. That would be a

horrible choice! Thinking about it, the only real choice is

reincarnation. I mean who really wants to disappear? This old man...

there was never really a choice to begin with was there?


"I'll choose... to reincarnate."


After hearing my choice, God nodded deeply.


"This time really..."


After hearing him begin to speak, I begin to zone out and didn't really

hear most of his words. However, he did end with


"To truly apologize for my previous indiscretion, I will grant you any of

your wishes."


Isn't this the legendary so called <<Cheat>> that you read about is most

web novels. Magic cheat or maybe strength cheat? There are so many

different kinds of cheats float around in my head but I just

can’t seem to find any that appeal to me. Also, it's usually the case that

the people who receive these cheats will often find themselves getting

into many troublesome situations.


I mean it's not like I have some mind of god complex and have a desire to

become some sort of unparalleled master. If you were to ask me what I

really want, I would have to say that I wanted to be liked, to be loved.

Is that too much to ask for? Right. Hmmm... at the very least, I don’t

want to be hated like I am now.


There are also some things in life which I would do differently if I had

the choice. Should I make use of my previous experiences?


"After being reincarnated, I want to retain all of my memories from my

previous life."


"Is that all?"


"If I ask too much, it probably won’t end well for me."


As I laugh bitterly, I recalled the largest trauma from my previous life.

Tongue-Cut Sparrow.

[TN: It’s a folktale, search it up.]


"I see."


Upon hearing my answer, God smiled gently towards me.


"And so. Let's send you on your way."


With that, my body was wrapped in a warm glow.