
ww2ww1 did not take place

ww2ww1 did not take place

щ(゚Д゚щ)(屮゚Д゚)屮вв2 ВВ1 није досло ww2ww1  ╬ ಠ益ಠ

May 4th, 2020



snippets and endless inconsistencies compiled by ewing2001,

added with some updated infos, originally released around 3:31pm est 02/28/2015

at the service http://checkthis.com/ww2ww1con,

which expired some years ago and is no longer available, also not on web.archive.org !



WW1 officially started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria,

oddly there is no photo of this (staged?) incident (with some crisis actors ?), only some similar looking drawings,

incl. by Achille Beltrame.

What was their source ?




WW1 : only a few photos, a lot of make-up and the first crisis actors ?



"...until 1942 (~1200 deaths) 
incl. 515 Flugzeuge|planes..." 
feat. "Heinkel He 111"
and 30,000 - (60,000) brandBombs 
(what is *that about) ?"


DC-3 (1933) follows DC-1 (1 Prototype),
followed by DC-2 (193 proto types), 
"opposing" Boeing B-247 feat. "Liegen"
and "DST" (Douglas Sleeper Transport)
incl. 35 seats (1935), later mixed up as
C-47, C-48, C-49, C-50, C-51, C-52, C-53, 
C-68, C-84, C-117, Skytrain or Skytrooper ; 
at the US-Marine named R4D
q.which one was used



Glenn L. Martin Company 
mistakes...of 47 planes...
production improves 1950 with
"Martin 4-0-4" (see below), 5 years after 'ww2end'



Basisversion of 'XCG-17 crap'

"...C-47 Skytrain no. N69030
...beide Triebwerke ausgebaut...
CG-17 im Flugzeugschlepp
...Konfiguration der XCG-17 
in Aug 1946 rebuilt into C-47
...Serienproduktion fand nicht statt..."
did not take place*|tr.



Torpedo(s) outdated @ ww1_ww2

Deutsche Torpedokrise__________________ 
vs. US-Amerikaner-
"gehäuften Versagen von Torpedos"
feat. "Torpedoskandal der US-Navy
(1941 - 1943 ; "...the roots are older...") 

see "Mk 14" of US Navy,
see "Zerstörerversion Mk 15" ,
("...kaum Probleme...) ,
("...Fehlschüsse and Versager...) 
("Tiefenkontrolle, ...vier|4 "mistakes" :

1.) Unterschiede zwischen Kalibrierungs- 
and Kampfschüsse
2.) Konstruktions- und Herstellungsfehler
3.) Fehlerhafte Kalibrierung...
...hydrostatische Tiefenberechnungen..."
4.) Unzureichendes technisches Verständnis:
...Gefechtstorpedo lief etwa drei Meter tiefer 
als der Kalibriertorpedo...
falsche Montage des Drucksensors..."

"...schwankende Empfindlichkeit des 
Magnetzünders in der Mk-6-Zündeinheit... 
"...alle Torpedos mit Magnetzündern 
am 24. Juni 1943 aussondern...
mit Aufschlagzündern ersetzen...."

"...Aufschlagzünder als drittes Problem... 
Aufschläge im Ziel "without* Explosion... 
Mk-4- und Mk 5-Zünder, beim älteren 
Mk-13-Torpedo verbaut..."

"...Der Mk-13-Torpedo (see below) war mit 33,5 kn 
...deutlich langsamer als 46,3 kn Mk-14..."



Why would the war have taken place with so much outdated equipment ?

Also after WWII millions of weapons were dumped or destroyed ! Why ?

Nothing adds up here !


...it's getting worse :


'1900_2000_media|fakery'™ and weapon1presents :
'tavistock_actor' adolf hitler *never was in paris 
((see simple pre-1941 fotoshop)) 
vs. obscure political "Maginot-Linie", cough co u gh 
((including a visibly overlay on eiffel tower))
plus two persons (3-)visibly "whitelined" n'xt to hitler 

(the original photo vanished from the web after the original release of this article,

where you could clearly see these white lines !)


clearly photoshopped :

colorized photoshop :

see also the odd description of this Maginot Line at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maginot_Line




(1939 - 1940)
two escadrilles of the "Aéronautique Navale", 
arrive silently in "france",
designated as "AB2" and "AB4"
french revisionalists (sp.) ignore AB3 (joke)


(late 1930s)
'"FrenchIzed' Air Force"' purchases U.S. aircraft 
see alcatel_fast_forward


"M.167"s phased out of service ;
replaced with "Martin's B-26 Marauder" (see below) ; 
see also "The R-1820 Cyclone 9" 
back to 1925 



"R-1820" is built under licence 
by "Lycoming, Pratt & Whitney Canada" 
and "the Studebaker Corporation" 



During "ww2", "the Shvetsov OKB" is formed 
in Russia, to produce the engine as the "M-25" ;
for 'SPAN|uishOP' that was "Hispano-Suiza 9V" 
or "Hispano-Wright 9V" 

The "Wright RD-1820" is converted to a "diesel" 
by "Caterpillar Inc." as the "D-200" ; 
already Ellen Louise Demorest (1825 – 1898) ,
a US fashion arbiter, established a magazine company, 
to allow ads for war industry

after ww2, suddenly "nazi_UFO_tech"
is claimed for "New Swabia in Antarctica". Why?
Tech_war was completely "behind" during "ww2"... 

Boris Gavriilovich Shpitalny__________(1902 - 1972|) .(
is the only "Soviet designer" of aircraft guns and cannons 
by 1939 -his first "Ultra-ShKAS" were finally produced,
installed in as many Soviet aircraft as possible :

including "Yakovlev Yak-1", "Polikarpov I-153" 
"I-16", "Lavochkin La-5" and "La-7", "LaGG-3", 
early "Ilyushin Il-2", and "Hawker Hurricane aircraft"
as well as "T-38" and "T-60 tanks" ;
as it turns out by *now : 
this "load" was a HOAX, too :-oooo))

Here is why :
Allegedely, Shpitalny's 37 mm autocannon, 
the "Sh-37", was "less successful" (1941 - 1942)...


'1900_2000_media|fakery'™ presents :
"Nordostdeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" (NOFG, 1937) (see below) :
Though not having "Fall Gelb", "Fall Rot", "Heeresgruppe B",
"Heeresgruppe A", Generalleutnant Erich von Manstein,
"Messerschmitt Bf 108", "Flugplatz Münster-Loddenheide"
or "Unternehmen Weserübung" (1940) (pre-drilled !!)

in casablanca-style yet mentioned, discussed or described :
THIS first manual, reveals much more, than MEIN KAMPF ever did !



'1900_2000_media|fakery'™ presents :
"Außer Gefecht gesetzter britischer Cruiser-Panzer" (May 1940) 

furthermore the earliest "Panzertruppen" 
feat. Renault Char B1 (1935), 
or "der schnelle Somua S-35" (1936) Panzer-oooo-)))

rare ww2_war_oddities sounding 'python'esque' (by now) :

• "Char B1" hatte zu kleine Treibstoffbehälter: "häufige Tankpausen" 
• "Einmanntürme": "...Gesamtüberblick verloren..." 
• Funkgerätemangel beim "S 35" [d e s c r i p t i o n]


'1900_2000_media|fakery'™ presents :
The "Armée de l’air" and 
"Kommando der British Air Forces in France"
started too late, as in 1940... 


Thin media letlets present non-numeral "Westa 26", 
"Fliegerkorps", "Jagdfliegerführer 2 I. und III",
"Jagdfliegerführer Deutsche Bucht II"
v_ Deutsche Bucht I_missing
v_ Luftflotte 3 = Fliegerkorps I., II. and III needs bio

'1900_2000_media|fakery'™ presents :
"Heeresgruppe B" activates on 05/10/40 at 05:35 AM,
but activators General Kurt Student on the airports 
of casablanca-styled "Flugplätze von Ockenburg, 
Ypenburg and Valkenburg" remains a nobody 



'1900_2000_media|fakery'™ presents :

Rommel helps out :
From Le Cateau feat. 
casablanca-styled Panzerführer and unknown Franz Halder
(Sep 1938 - Sep 1942) from his Kriegstagebuch:

"...Ein recht unerfreulicher Tag. 
Der Führer ist ungeheuer nervös. 
Er hat Angst vor dem eigenen Erfolg. 
Er tobt und brüllt, man sei auf dem Wege, 
die ganze Operation zu verderben...“

speci'alle fact_016:
more "erbeutete französische Panzer" in Paris (1941)


see also "Deutscher Soldat in Paris" (1943)
see also "..why was hitler in BeNeLux"
and how much of that was (extremely) photoshopped, too ?

(original photo vanished from the web after this article !)
see also transmitted photo material
by "Königreich Italien" (1861 – 1946) [q(: afp)]

(original photo vanished from the web after this article !)


'frenchIzed' actors turn into b-stars:

Maurice Gamelin or Maxime Weygand,
even Lord Gort 'remains_an_edWood...' 
Furthermore some *stars :
Leopold III, Henri Winkelman,
Władysław Sikorski, Gerd von Rundstedt,
Fedor von Bock, Wilhelm von Leeb ;
...ermmh anyone ?

bond'ish fact_017:
By Sep 1936 
the "drei leichte mechanisierten Divisionen",
techsy coined (D.L.M.) and zwei Panzerdivisionen ("D.C.R.") 
remains a curiosum on the electronic market ;
"Heeresgruppe B" was now by itself 
in the "belgisch-französische Grenzbereich",
while "Heeresgruppe A" was alone...
"feuerzangenbowle" and the "dampfmascheeen" 
is at the movies, anyone found a translator already?

'1900_2000_media|fakery'™ presents :
"Finnisch-sowjetischer Winterkrieg" ,
imdb'ed into 1939/1940

Februar 1941 
ww2 is allegedly still ongoing,
however once rommeled "Afrikakorps"
is melting down zu "Unternehmen Sonnenblume",


trying to protect "Kolonie Libyen" (see archives)
Oddly by 1940 unidentified "italienische Verbände"
attack 'GREEK_OP'ed "Königreich Griechenland",
apparently sudden_lee 'reactivated'.
Weapons are oddly not revealed, 
name has it gyros_pita minus 
"Griechisch-Italienischer Krieg" :( hmmh


4 years later :
'1900_2000_media|fakery'™ presents :
Versenkungen der Gustloff, Steuben, Goya 
and Cap Arcona 

Already in Jan 1945, the "Rote Armee"
attacks (SS-)"KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau",
oddly "abandonded". Trains appear to 
have operated by france...


bizarro_chronology has unknown "Seelower Höhen"
listed 'strange.lee'™ as "biggest battle of ww2" :
...oddly 2 days after this drill, news report 
Adolf Hitler's illogical "suicide". U.S. tickers roose... 


What is wrong with this photo ?


'1900_2000_media|fakery'™ presents only 3 lamers :
"Deutsche Soldaten an einer leichten Feldhaubitze" ;


"auf Drehsockel in Nordfrankreich" (1944) ; 

(original photo vanished from the web after this article !)

"US-amerikanische Soldaten am Omaha Beach" (1944)

"d r e s den " gets the oscar for best animated miniature


Miniature Buildings ?

oddly ww2 starts already 1937 at "Marco-Polo-Brücke" in Peking :
"Dschingis-Khan-Rede“ of Hitler follows Aug 1939, close to
"China-Zwischenfall“, later coined as "IMT-Dokument L-003" ;
see Beck_Lochner ___some 'bizarro-watergate-spaceship-oo00'))
then some 'sudden_lee'd "Explosion" of "Fat Man“ in 1945. Why ?

"Operation Mondscheinsonate" (1940) wasn't known yet,
at least not for german Movie_wochenschau_HOPPERS :

"...Das damals modernste U-Boot, der Typ XXI, 
kam bis Kriegsende nicht mehr zum Einsatz..., 
followed by Operation Regenbogen..." :
strange no_happy-ends, in some alleged hi-tech-war on radar,
compiled tv-frequencies, internet, computer, postesla, UFOs'n oil

"Dschingis-Khan-Rede“ was later coined as "Fälschung",
added by x-files_styled "Abteilung G-2 des SHAEF", 
"Beamten des OKW" and "OKH", feat. "US Group Control Council Nr. 32" ;
see "I.G. Farben in Seckenheim", Mannheim ;
"...zyklon b can still be ordered online in tchechia or so..." 


wait, 8 facts to go :
false_OPP "occupy Tomáš Masaryk" is some BBC-Hipster,
but turns right after ww2, into some bizarre nobody. Why ? 
Oddly linked to worldwide known insider family "Masaryk"
and even confirmed "freimaurer", linked to unfriendly spelt 
"Masaryk Tomáš - Garrigue-Masaryk -Orden (1. Klasse)"
was VOLKSEMPFAENGER more trendy ?

Other flopped false_Oppz include :
• Anti-Hitler-Koalition, V.l.n.R. 1943
• Moskauer Konferenz 1942 
• Casablanca-Konferenz (Jan 1943) in Marokko. chronoe'd.

etymology.com 1945 enters with
„Blitzkrieg“, „moral bombing“, „Baedeker Blitz“ 


"...Unsere Stärke ist unsere Schnelligkeit und unsere Brutalität. Dschingis Khan hat Millionen Frauen und Kinder in den Tod gejagt, bewußt und fröhlichen Herzens. Die Geschichte sieht in ihm nur den großen Staatengründer. Was die schwache westeuropäische Zivilisation über mich behauptet, ist gleichgültig. Ich habe den Befehl gegeben – und ich lasse jeden füsilieren, der auch nur ein Wort der Kritik äußert – daß das Kriegsziel nicht im Erreichen von bestimmten Linien, sondern in der physischen Vernichtung des Gegners besteht...."

"blutrünstig" and peaks with
"Nürnberger Prozess" and "Coventry Blitz" (see england),
also known as "coventrieren" (Goebbels)

ww2 ends in at least 12 different versions ;
one of them does include august 1945 :
"Supreme A. G.", "G-2 Operational Intelligence Sec",
{'hitchcock'ed'} "6889 Berlin Document Section"
and "British Enemy Document Unit"|
researchers, revisonists and NEONAZIS oddly ignore 
"British Military Intelligence Research Section",
also as akronym garbage : BMIRS


"...noone knows who "Hauptankläger usa" is..."



Why did the U.S. have already Agfacolor movies from the Nazis ??




If WW1 was radio fakery, then WW2 was mostly Film Fakery etc.,

produced by Die Deutsche Wochenschau (Messter Film) !?



4 good to go 
'fabricated personality' "Gebhard II. von Sulzbach" 
(activated until ~085th day after 1649'ish) 
paves the way for adolf hitler's first home :
"Fürstpropstei Berchtesgadener Land"

3 good to go: 
jenseits Berchtesgadener Ache Richtung Hallein
evolutionairy, worldwide first salt mines
go into production @ :

• im Amt Grafengaden zu St. Leonhard
• im Amt Reichenhall
• im Amt Frohnwiese (Saalfelden)
• Propstei Niederheim am Heuberg im Pinzgau and Pongau
• Ämter Eging and Mauerheim
• Amt Lamprechtshausen

~125th day after 1649'ish
coined ersten „Salzirrungen“ : Hallthurm (Wehrturm) ;
Hitler is directly tied to 'falseflagpainter' "Philipp Apian" (//1656.8) 
see also "Griestätter" (//1654.1), controlled by elf bayerische and salzburgische "Edelleute" 


still no off topic, //1655.6 Berchtesgaden 
opens xxx_theme'ish "Gut Frauenreut" aka "Salinenplatz", 
earlier known as 1970_s sounding "Am Güterbahnhof" ;
sensationally: worldwide's first Saline was built...


"...Never trust the movies"


'1900_2000_'film- and media|fakery'...........unidentified
Farbaufnahmen ..................Kameramann Walter Frentz
Adolf Hitler.............................................himself 1889 
Pontonbrücke der US Army................................bridge
K.u.K. Galizische Feldjäger-Bataillon Nr. 4..............staff
Arcadia-Konferenz                                            staff1942
Moskauer Konferenz 1942


Then there was also :

„Ziele 51 bis 53“, room30's obscure "UKW-Leitstrahlen" ;
must have been "Room 30" ;

(original source vanished from the web after the release of this article)


Then there was Coventry (UK) :

only 568 Menschen "die" over there. ;
significant info, regarding fact 034:
apprx.crashed. 36,000 (google) brandbombs 
'(that means...) 330 each house...
...Treffer auf das Wasserrohrnetz der Stadt 
behinderten oddly the "Löscharbeiten"...

How does that add up ?!

UK_NEWS "correctly" reports on this :
60.000 Gebäude attacked,
but oddly just 2 Krankenhäuser, 2 Kirchen 
and 1 Polizeistation (..) :"zerstört." 


Did the attack on Coventry really take place ?




Who was b-actor "v.Leeb" at some bizarro 1941-Beobachtungsposten...? (Observation post)


no photo of  obscure Heeresgruppe A available !


"...Heeresgruppe B still looking out for Heeresgruppe A
originally based on Armeeoberkommando 
(AOK, 1914 "...es gab nur eins, gleich nord)
see "Herzogtum Teschen", ~281st day after 1649'ish ; 
"Herzogtum Auschwitz" ~315th day after 1649'ish (//164x.7) ; etc.


And now for some GERMAN ARMY during 
warmup for ww1. Here's why :


(1861 – 1922
Erich von Falkenhayn's 
"Konzept der Abnutzungsschlacht"
fails at "Schlacht um Verdun"


btw. Russland and England 
fails to define its purpose,
followed by bizarre B-Word-warmups
excluding Bremen, Bonn or Benelux


1875 – 1878
"Balkankrise" ("Lokalkonflikt"), 
is followed by "Serbisch-Osmanischer Krieg" 
and "8th russisch-osmanischer Krieg"


"Bulgarische Krise" 
aka "Serbisch-Bulgarische Krieg" 
had no mailing list for "soldiers"


Boulangerkrise and Schnäbele-Affäre 
is a '1800_1900_media|fakery™'-SCAM  


unexplained "Faschoda-Krise" (ed : Media Fakery ?)


1899 – 1902
unpopular "Zweiter Burenkrieg" 


1904 – 1906 
undefined "Erste Marokkokrise" 
apparently allows soldiers in africa    


"Gruppe Mlada Bosna" feat. "Schwarze Hand" -
not to be confused with "BlackHand" aka mafia - 
prepares falseflag "Attentat von Sarajewo",
surrounded by casablanca-styled "2. Marokkokrise" 


jun 1914
Attack of Sarajevo reports :
"...Das deutsche Auswärtige Amt 
wollte den Krieg zwischen 
Österreich und Serbien zunächst vermeiden, 
da es richtig den „Weltkrieg“ 
als Konsequenz voraussah..."


Partners of ww1 become :
1) Österreich-Ungarn  2) Serbien  
3) Deutsches Kaiserreich 
4) Russisches Kaiserreich  


5) Luxemburg, Frankreich, Belgien  
England, Australien, Kanada 


Nepal, Neufundland, Neuseeland,
Montenegro, Japan, Südafrikanische Union,
Osmanisches Reich, Italy, San Marino,
Bulgaria, Portugal, less known 
"Hedschas", Romania, greece, usa


cuba, guatemala, siam, liberia, 
by 1917 : china, brazil and panama,
followed in 1918 with 
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Haiti 
and 37) Honduras 




Gesandter Hoyos....................himself 
Botschafter Szögyény.............himself
Tagebucheinträger..........Kurt Riezler 
Reichskanzler.......Bethmann Hollweg 
Entente..............eine ente|duck (n.) 


in anderen Rollen :


Raymond Poincaré..............himself
René Viviani......................himself
St. Petersburg........................city
24h-Fristengeber......Graf Berchtold 
Telegramm (25. Juli).......telephone


Nikola Pašić.................telephone 2 
Botschafter Giesl..........telephone 3 
russische Armee.................extras
der Kriegszustand.........Wilhelm II. 
Franz Joseph....die Kriegserklärung


imdb : 
"falseflag"-Angriff at Temes Kubin, 
assisted by "Flussmonitore S.M.S 
Temes, Bodrog and Számos" ;
feat. Bethmann Hollweg,
Edward Goschen, Alexander Garde-
and other nobodies
Story lacks many telephone calls, 
instead many writers fill papers inc.
Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg



'1800_1900_media|fakery™' presents :
"Erste Soldauszahlung 
nach der Mobilmachung, Berlin"
(tr: First payout after mobilization, Berlin)

Hillarious BS Photo !


(flashback) 1860 :
Eventually ww2-"Regiment 61"  (see below only as some falseflag painting !)


peaks with "AKO 05.05.1860" aka 
"21. komb. Infanterie-Regiment"
based on only 3 less known
Konitz, Stolp and Neu-Stettin


earliest crisis actors ?


No."21" moves to "Inft.-Rgt. Nr.76"  
Apparently the same photo as above !?


"76" shrinks to some "IV. (Halb-)Bataillon",
moves more further 1897 
to "Inft.-Rgt. Nr.176"
Is this photo a joke ?


Obviously it still appears very complicated, 
to join German Army, not much happens
until 23 years later :


Oddly both "5th" and "8th Kompanie"
getting renamed into "3rd" and "4th Kompanie",
suddenly they're getting attached to
"Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 418" 
Nothing is clear about the other, 
potential 417 regiments, (...)


Sep 1918
Finally some action :
"Regiment Nr. 418" adds a  
oddly based on unknown 
"Minenwerfer-Kompanie Nr. 111"
only available, some photo of  "Minenwerfer-Kompagnien1914-1918
M.W.K.111 111.I.D. Ende Dez.1915 schw.MW-Zug 78
2/3 m.MW-Abt.127
le.MW-Zug 250


By 1919
"Infanterie Regiment 76 in Hamburg"
is abandonded, hiding potentially others 
only some strange postcard (or painting) available !


21 years later 
fails with identifying "Ziele 1 bis 4“ in
"Großraum London". 
Maybe they should have had
their numbers straight as well ;
additionally enigma fails with


12. November
"abgehörtes Gespräch" 
(intercepted conversation)


9. November 
"abgehörtes Gespräch" :


("...deutscher Pilot talks with a Kamerad... 
...15. bis 20. November der Vollmond... 
"Massenangriff auf Birmingham" or "Coventry")
Responsible for this flop is *here well known "room30"...
Room30's deciphered "Ziele 51 bis 53“
feat. obscure "UKW-Leitstrahlen" (fm radio)
(no further information available since the release of this article !)



Bombs during "WW2". How much of it was photoshopped, not much to see
or destroyed miniature buildings ? Here : Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Essen, Bremen,
Dusseldorf. Not added : Wilhelmshaven, Emden, Duisburg, Hamburg, Saarbrucken,
Osnabrück, Mainz, Lübeck, Münster, Kassel, Cologne, Schweinfurt and Jena.
Officially Bristol (see above), Cardiff, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Southampton and Swansea were also bombed,
as were the industrial cities of Birmingham, Belfast, Coventry, Glasgow, Manchester and Sheffield.
Why not any other city in europe !?


...and now to some more bizarro-'bomber_nu|chronology' :
"Reichsverkehrsministerium" opens 
on Voßstraße 34–35, based on famous
Palais Marschall (1719)
Brüder Günter develop for Lufthansa
"Reichsverkehrsministerium" (RVM) approves
"Auftrag zur Entwicklung eines Bomben- und 
Bombervariante (noch geheim)"
Nov 1934 
Bomber "He 111 V1" starts as 
"Werknummer 713, 1. mil_v."


May 1935 
"He 111 V2" aka "W.Nr. 715" :
"...erster ziviler Prototyp...",
followed by "He 111 V4" and "He 111 A-0"
Nov 1935
bomber "Heinkel He 111H" arrives ;
oddly expires one year before end of ww2 !!
(1936 - 1944) ; (as CASA 2.111 - 1956) 
1935 - 1936
Allegedly all motors need a fix :
"Typ DB 600" ("He 111 B") is introduced ;
production costs oddly reduced with new
"trapezförmige Tragflächen"
Mar 1936 - Sep 1944
licensed to "Ernst Heinkel Flugzeugwerke", EHF ;
"Heinkel-Werke Oranienburg", HWO ;
"Norddeutsche Dornier-Werke" (NDW) in Wismar ;
"Arado" (ArB) in Brandenburg ;
"Allgemeine Transportanlagen-Gesellschaft" (ATG) in Leipzig ;
"Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerken" (JFM) 
Mar 1937
"Legion Condor 30 He 111 B-1"
receives 'spanuish' nickname "Pedro“,
introducing "He 111 E" and "He 111 F" 
feb 1938
"Luftwaffengruppenkommando 2" is founded
feb 1939
beginning of "Luftflotte 2", based on Lwgk2,
eventually associated with "Heeresgruppe B"


plus :
Germany's War against England was pre-drilled !!:
"...Mai 1939 Planspiel (:Luftkrieg gegen England)..."
see https://www.wikiwand.com/de/X._Fliegerkorps
(more sources vanished after the release of the original article !)



oct 1939
yet another "beginning" of ww2 (!!),
"10. Fliegerdivision" is renamed 
into "X. Fliegerkorps" incl. "Bombern"


nov 1941
Oddly "Luftflotte 2" moves from Germany into
"Mittelmeerraum" (see Albert Kesselring) and   
"Oberbefehlshaber Süd" in Frascati (Rome),
oddly defunct by 1944, actually renamed into
"Kommandierender General der 
Deutschen Luftwaffe in Italien"


This is Hellmuth Felmy (1885 - 1965),
who started his career in underdocumented,
cryptic "Infanterie-Regiment „von der Marwitz“ 
(8. Pommersches) Nr. 61" ((see above))
plus "Fliegerabteilung 300“ aka "Pascha“


Bomber-"version He 111 P" arrives :
("...verkürzte Rumpfnase und Drehturm...")
adding eventually some "fünfmotorig" "He 111 Z",
which is indeed some patch work of two "HE 11";
bizarelly "111 H-8" has "Ballonkabelmesser"
against "Sperrbaloons" ;
"H-23 allows" parachutes 


nov 1940
"1. Panzerarmee" founded, 
based on "Panzergruppe 1"
and (mar 1940)-
"Verband der Panzergruppe von Kleist" ;
(no further photo ?!)


oddly it includes only 5 Panzer (U.S. english: tanks)
1/2 of the TOTAL of germans dislocated army (10)


Even more bizarre, these "panzers" need
8 weeks for 3,000 km (get a calculator !!)
but made "1 Million Gefangene" in which
cubic_space ?  
a. yes, it's apprx. 2,23 miles an hour,
enough for a forrest snail, not getting hurt


apr 1941
"Panzergruppe Kleist" allegedly arrives in Belgrad ;
see Gerd von Rundstedt feat. less known 
"Heeresgruppe Süd",
...yet another silly photo of "Heeresgruppe Süd" (wtf ?) !


while "Panzergruppe 1",
still with 5 panzers, fights less known 
"Rote Armee"_____________________________, 
obviously not part of "Soviet Army"


Oct 1941 
"Panzergruppe Kleist" morphs into "1. Panzerarmee",
but Kleist doesn't want to attack Rostow,
now assisted by SS-Obergruppenführer Sepp Dietrich


May 1942 
Oddly "Armeegruppe Kleist" is "aufgelöst" ;
meanwhile "1. Panzerarmee" moves to  
"Heeresgruppe A", with new boss Wilhelm List ; 
((see "Operation Blau")) ;
apparently german tanks showing up at 
unknown regions "Maikop", "Krasnodar"
and the river "Kuban"


Sep 1942 
A.Hitler is taking over "Heeresgruppe A",
but gives it back to Kleist only 2 months later ;
meanwhile during the end of the year,
"Heeresgruppe A" escapes from caucasus 


Feb 1943 
"1. Panzerarmee" (still 10 tanks?
becomes part of "Heeresgruppe Don"
(...yet again no photo available !)
and merges 'suddenlee™'  with "4. Panzerarmee",
(no photo !!)


while "3." and "2." remains less ; (...)


'suddenlee™' switch to sea war :
"...Das italienische Schlachtschiff Roma 
wurde mittels Fritz X Gleitbomben___ versenkt..." 


Interesting Distance of this false flag "attack" !!


see "I./KG 100" ("Unternehmen Zitadelle") ;
Bekannte "Geschwaderangehörige" not arrested :
Kurt John (1923 – 1988) 


Oct 1943
A new player arrives :
"Panzertruppe Hans-Valentin Hube"


Where is the photo of this "Panzertruppe Hans-Valentin Hube" besides this dude ?!


July 1944
"Heeresgruppe A" works on
alliance with "Armeegruppe Heinrici",
(no photo !!)
abandoned in May 1945


1944 - May 1944 
"I./KG 100" : "Unternehmen Steinbock"
What an odd rubble ! :-)


see "Frachter Ocean Hunter" 
"Daniel Webster" (7176 BRT) ;
oddly expires before 1945  


after 1945 :
who is Arthur "Feuersturm" Harris_____


in Tablada (Sevilla) 
Construcciones Aeronáuticas S.A. (CASA) 
produces 250 more 
"He-111-H16-Lizenzversion CASA 2.111B" 
until the 1970s, while "CASA 2.111B" 
gets imdb'ed in "Luftschlacht um England“ 


see also 
"Cockpit der CASA 2.111B" (He 111 H-16), 
Flugwerft Schleißheim________________,
"H-4" (Umbau) (117 ?) , "H-5 560"  (560), 
"H-6 1.745"  (1.745), "H-6tp 30" (30),  
"H-11 301" (301), "H-11 TO 200" (200), 
"H-14 50", "H-16 200", "H-16/R1 900",    
"H-20 770" and "Z (12)" 




PS: Please come to your own decision !
Also, Nukes don't exist ! Also nuclear technology and nuclear submarines are a scam !
Remember the "Cold War" was some Hoax too !
(The period is generally considered to span the 1947 Truman Doctrine to the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union.)
Same to the "War on Terror" (2001 - ?). 9/11 was all cgi incl. tv fakery !
Watch 9/11 The Key https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY9FJGfq470
and September Clues
I am not a Neonazi, i despise them as some front, too, incl. NSDAP-AO, NPD, Front National,
german "Republikaner", DSU, NSU, AFD, "der Flügel" (please chck out their ties to german "Verfassungsschutz") etc.


"If Björn Hocke or any other fascist would know about this site, would he promote it ?"




For more false flags incl. "falseflag paintings" check out this update at :


The author was formerly one of the first researchers for the 9/11 No Planer Evidence,

which also influenced Ace Baker's 9/11 The Key and Simon Shack's SeptemberClues !

He also released an early article on the 7/7 Falseflag in London and tied the real conspirators

to Bombardier, Metro UK and other. Furtermore he was 2 years member of the nukelies.com forum,

archived at http://www.big-lies.org/nuke-lies/www.nukelies.com/forum/1-welcome-do-nuclear-bombs-exist.html .

He also released 5 books on calendar fakery (from the google 1649ish series),

check out the Updates at https://justpaste.it/google1649ishUpdates .

Before he lived 15 years in New York, he also had an own radioshow called Netzkraut and wrote for

TELEPOLIS and DE:Bug ! He also was "Landesvorsitzender"

in NRW for Christoph Schlingensief's art party CHANCE 2000.

His imdb entry is at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3426316/ .