
What is Barcode and how does it Works?

A barcode is a form of visual data that is readable by machine. Today Barcode is a trending method of identifying products and transferring money.

A barcode is a square or rectangular image consisting of a series of parallel black lines and white spaces of varying widths and is cleverly designed sets barcode codes that give a lot of information easily.

Play a key role barcode in the supply chain, enabling retailers, transportation manufacturers and suppliers to quickly identify and track products as they move through the supply chain. In this article, we examine the procedure for obtaining the Barcode Registration in India.

Barcode contains information about a similar product; Price and product weight, date of manufacture and expiry, manufacturer, etc. bar code is assigned by an international institution created for that purpose. Each product has a unique bar code worldwide.

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There are two types of Barcodes;

  1. 1 dimensional
  2. 2 dimensional
  • Barcode "1D" is cast-off in the standard products like a pen, groceries, and electronic equipment, etc.
  • "2D" is similar to one-dimensional bar code, but it can store more data per unit area compared to 1D. You must have seen the use of 2D barcodes in the App Paytm.

How does barcode work?

As we know that a barcode is a square or rectangular appearance made up of a series of parallel black lines and white spaces. Barcode Registration information is encoded in the length of each dashed line and the space between them.

The scanner uses a laser to "read" the barcode by scanning in the single bar of broken lines. A barcode reader reads the lines from left to right.

A barcode scanning device reads the pattern of black and white bars which converts the information contained in the binary code (0 or 1). The computer reads the data in binary form only, and the same is displayed on the monitor screen.

The price for registration of barcodes in India varies depending on the required number of bar codes, the annual turnover of the company and the number of the year barcode subscription is needed. With the barcode registration system, a company can quickly reduce employee training time as it just takes a minute to read barcodes.

Are you looking out for Barcode Registration? We help you get your internationally recognized barcode for your products. So, based on the information given above, you can conclude that what is barcode and how it works.

View Source: http://filingbazaar0.populr.me/what-is-barcode-and-how-does-it-works