
What is Technology Doing for Our Kids?

What is Technology doing for our kids? What is the impact of technology on our children? What makes technology good or bad for us? There has been a lot of research done lately to answer these questions. One of the findings was that kids tend to do better in school if they have access to technology, such as cell phones and the like.


However, technology is not all good for children. Children who are not closely supervised while using electronic devices may be more likely to become distracted, have a hard time paying attention and do worse in school than children who are constantly being monitored. In addition, society as a whole may not realize the full implications of technology on our children. We may see it as good for entertainment but it can also have negative consequences.


Cell phones may keep kids in constant contact with their friends, but they can also distract them from getting ahead in school and developing the critical thinking skills that are so important. The Internet can also interfere with studies and make learning harder. It can also cause distraction in social situations, and in some cases, may not even be safe. Not only does it cause distraction, but it can also lead to addiction and other negative consequences. Video games that are connected to the Internet may help improve social skills, but they can lead to dependence and lack of interest in future academic work.


Technology is wonderful, but it is not without its negative impacts. Many of the things that we once took for granted (like having easy access to video and audio recordings) are now at risk. Video surveillance equipment is being banned in many public areas, and schools are very cautious about picking winners in "muscle" competitions. The Internet and game consoles both make use of hardware that can damage or destroy the sound quality and, in the case of the game console, contribute to the development of heart disease and other cardiac problems.


What is technology doing for our kids? It may be good for gaining a few new friends or making the family more cohesive. However, it can also have serious social and educational consequences. What is technology doing for our children? It is leaving them open to violence, privacy breaches, bullying, and other consequences that all too often result in lost innocence and a broken family.


The news can help answer the question, what is technology doing for our kids? Consider for a moment that most cell phones come preinstalled with at least one video game. Most teens now routinely have a portable digital camera that can easily be used for illegal photography, recording home video, and secretly recording classmates' moments. What is technology doing for our youth? It is leaving them vulnerable to predators, thieves, bullies, and other negative influences.


What technology is good for health bad for education in our youth? Not correctly, It also is good for increased literacy, critical thinking, and other skills. Perhaps technology is making the family more connected through the use of text messaging or video chat. But technology is also leading to less exposure to family classics like "I Love Lucy" or other movies that feature teenage love stories. What is technology doing for our children?


What is technology doing for our youth may be good, but it can also be bad. As technology evolves, we must constantly evaluate its impact on society and our children. And we must do this not only from a personal perspective but also as a society concerned about the well-being of children.