
Host: - Download Server and Client files from reddit link above - Run cmd, use command ipconfig - Write down local ip address, usually under first ipv4 you see. - copy client files into your skyrim folder, as if you were installing a regular mod - Open TamrielOnline.ini and edit "connectionip=" to change the ip address you copied above. - Launch Live server executable - Launch Skyrim (with SKSE) and once loaded onto a character, press 'Home' to connect.

Clients (people connecting to host) - Download Client folder from reddit link above - Drag everything inside into your skyrim folder, as if installing a normal mod - Open TamrielOnline.ini and edit "connectionip=" to include the Hosts local ip address - Launch Skyrim (with SKSE) and once loaded onto a character, press 'Home' to connect.

How to play Online/WAN:

Host - Follow LAN instructions for host, but instead of using local ip, use wan ip. - wan ip can be found here - http://wanip.info/ - Forward Port '1283' - edit tamrielonline.ini like above, but this time use wan ip.

Clients: - Follow LAN instructions, but swap out local IP for hosts wan ip.

Credits to Brodual.