
Test Issues

Set 1: More than 95% Similar
Issue 1:

Title: "Bug: NullPointerException in Python API Handler"
Description: The get_user function in the Python API handler throws a NullPointerException when the user_id is not provided. This needs a null check to prevent the exception and handle invalid user IDs.
Steps to Reproduce:Call the get_user function with a null user_id.
Check the exception in the API logs.
Expected Behavior: NullPointerException should be avoided with proper null handling.
Current Behavior: Exception NullPointerException is thrown.
Attachments: Exception trace log.
Issue 2:

Title: "Bug: NullPointerException in Python API Handler"
Description: A NullPointerException occurs in the get_user function of the Python API handler when a null value is passed for user_id. Implement a null check to handle this scenario.
Steps to Reproduce:Pass a null user_id to get_user.
Observe the exception in the API logs.
Expected Behavior: Null values should be handled without causing an exception.
Current Behavior: The function throws a NullPointerException.
Attachments: Stack trace log.

Set 2: More than 50% Similar
Issue 1:

Issue 1:
Title: "Feature Request: Add Caching to Java Service Layer"
Description: The Java service layer does not currently utilize caching, resulting in performance issues with frequent requests. Implement caching to improve performance for repeated queries.
Steps to Reproduce:
Make frequent requests to the Java service layer.
Monitor performance and response times.
Expected Behavior: Improved performance with caching enabled.
Current Behavior: Slower response times due to lack of caching.
Attachments: N/A

Issue 2:
Title: "Review Cache Strategies for Java Service Layer to Handle High Load"
Description: The Java service layer's performance deteriorates under high load, partly due to the absence of effective caching. Evaluate and implement advanced caching strategies to ensure the service layer performs optimally during peak usage.
Steps to Reproduce:
Simulate high load on the Java service layer.
Analyze performance metrics and identify bottlenecks.
Expected Behavior: Service layer maintains stability and performance under high load with improved caching strategies.
Current Behavior: Performance degradation and potential instability under high load.
Attachments: N/A

Issue 3:
Title: "Investigate and Implement Cache Invalidation Mechanisms in Java Service Layer"
Description: The lack of a proper cache invalidation strategy in the Java service layer may lead to stale or inconsistent data being served. Develop and integrate a cache invalidation mechanism to ensure data consistency and accuracy.
Steps to Reproduce:
Perform operations that update data in the Java service layer.
Observe if outdated data is served due to caching issues.
Expected Behavior: Consistent and accurate data is served with an effective cache invalidation strategy.
Current Behavior: Potential data inconsistencies due to inadequate cache invalidation.
Attachments: N/A


Set 3: 25% Similar
Issue 1:
Title: "Security Alert: SQL Injection Vulnerability in PHP Script"
Description: The PHP script for user login is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. Use prepared statements and parameterized queries to secure the script against SQL injection.
Steps to Reproduce:
Attempt an SQL injection attack via the login form.
Verify if the attack is successful.
Expected Behavior: The script should be secure against SQL injection.
Current Behavior: Vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.
Attachments: N/A

Issue 2:
Title: "Bug: Incorrect File Upload Handling in Node.js Backend"
Description: The Node.js backend does not properly handle file uploads, leading to errors and potential security risks. Update the file upload handling code to ensure proper validation and storage.
Steps to Reproduce:
Upload files using the Node.js backend.
Check for errors and issues in file handling.
Expected Behavior: Secure and correct file handling for uploads.