
Search Ads vs. Display Ads: A Powerful Combination by the Best Digital Marketing Company in Bhubanes

When it comes to online marketing, getting your brand in front of the right audience can be challenging. Both search ads and display ads offer distinct ways to engage potential customers, but they serve different purposes. As the best digital marketing company in Bhubaneswar, we aim to explain how these two ad types work and how combining them can maximize your marketing results.

Understanding Search and Display Ads

Search ads and display ads are two foundational pillars of digital advertising, each with unique benefits. However, the most crucial difference lies in how they target users. While search ads rely on user-initiated searches, display ads push your message to a broader audience.

Search Ads: Capture High Intent Customers

Search ads appear when users actively search for products or services on platforms like Google or Bing. These ads show up on search engine result pages (SERPs) in response to specific keywords entered by the user. The person searching is in control, pulling information from search engines, which makes search ads highly effective for converting customers who are already in a buying mindset.

Key elements of a search ad include:

  • A compelling headline

  • Display URL

  • Brief but informative description text

  • Optional ad extensions, such as links or phone numbers

This type of advertising is especially useful for businesses targeting customers who are ready to make a purchase or take action.

Display Ads: Build Brand Awareness

Display ads, on the other hand, are the visually appealing banner ads you see across various websites, apps, and platforms. These ads don’t rely on user searches but are strategically placed on platforms your target audience visits, using demographic and behavioral data to guide placement.

Unlike search ads, display ads are great for building brand awareness among potential customers who may not be actively searching for your services. They’re ideal for introducing your brand to a new audience, providing an initial touchpoint that can later drive engagement.

Display ads use images, videos, and sometimes interactive elements to grab attention. 

Comparing Search and Display Ads

To better understand the strengths of each ad type, here’s a quick comparison:

  • Search Ads:

    • User Intent: Users are searching for something specific

    • Targeting: Keywords

    • Format: Text-based

    • Pricing: Pay-per-click (PPC)

    • Goal: Immediate conversions, like purchases or sign-ups

  • Display Ads:

    • User Intent: Users are browsing, not actively searching

    • Targeting: Demographics, interests, behaviors

    • Format: Images, videos, or banners

    • Pricing: Cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) or PPC

    • Goal: Brand awareness, retargeting

Real-World Applications

Consider a local restaurant aiming to attract new customers during dinner hours. The restaurant could use search ads targeting keywords like “best restaurant in Bhubaneswar” to capture high-intent users actively looking for dining options. On the other hand, the restaurant could launch display ads on food blogs or social media platforms to attract users who aren’t actively searching but might be interested in dining out.

Alternatively, a dentist offering teeth-whitening services could use search ads to target potential patients searching for “teeth whitening in Bhubaneswar.” Display ads could then be used to retarget website visitors who didn’t book an appointment, using captivating before-and-after photos to encourage them to take the next step.

How Search and Display Ads Complement Each Other

The most successful digital marketing strategies integrate both search and display ads. Research shows that running both ad types simultaneously can boost overall performance, as each complements the other’s strengths. Display ads, for example, can increase the visibility of your search ads by creating brand familiarity, while search ads can convert the users display ads have reached.

According to a Harvard Business School study, when brands used both search and display ads together, search ads saw higher click-through rates, and display ads boosted overall brand recognition. For businesses looking to increase conversions and sales, combining both methods is a winning strategy.


Both search and display ads are essential tools in any online marketing strategy. Search ads are perfect for converting high-intent users, while display ads create brand awareness and retarget users who’ve interacted with your brand. As the best digital marketing company in Bhubaneswar, we specialize in helping businesses develop integrated ad campaigns that use both methods effectively.

If you're ready to take your advertising efforts to the next level, contact us today to create a strategy tailored to your goals. By leveraging the power of both search and display ads, we can help you drive more traffic, conversions, and long-term success.