
Twitter : Twitter.com/GrimoireYT

Dlive.tv channel link: Dlive.tv/Grimoire (if you gift her a diamond + in it tell her sherwin sent you: She'll give you a custom 💋kiss dedicated just for youuuuu)

Grimoire's Live streaming channel on YouTube : https://www.YouTube.com/channel/UCc67OCOutvYxp_NHPdgdKWg

Grimoire's compilation/highlights channel, + Live streams on this rare times if she's unable to on the other : https://www.YouTube.com/channel/UChhzETmIVNNKFEEySfRrfDw

Grimoire's Discord: Discord.gg/Grimoire

Want you as a grimcel_ join today with toxin textvfinalibettered2.png


Who made this page?

Sherwin made this
P.S: Thank you Toxin for the image