
Type of Attack in Cyber Security - CyberPeace Foundation

We come across various types of attacks in cyber security involving denial-of-service (DoS) and man-in-the-middle attacks. It includes other attacks like phishing, ransomware, SQL injection, URL interpretation, DNS spoofing, session hijacking, brute force, and web and password attacks.


Also, cyber security attacks comprise insider threats, trojan horses, drive-by attacks, XSS, and malware attacks. Zero-day exploit and cross-site scripting remain the most common type of attack in cyber security after malware and phishing. 


CyberPeace Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to provide a forum for global communities to discuss cybersecurity issues, raise awareness, and protect our cyberspace. We aim to create awareness among the general public about cyber security to prevent attacks by malicious actors by using knowledge sharing and training programs.

