
Problems that can cause old operating systems

Whenever malware (especially trojans and ransomware) hides advanced methods of infecting other computers on the same network through vulnerabilities known as EternalBlue.

If a computer on the network, regardless of Windows 7 or Windows XP , falls victim to this type of computer threat, this malware will be sent directly over the network to all other computers. And depending on the security configuration and software we use, we may or may not be victims.


It might seem rather obvious to say it out loud but the reality is that a virtual assistant is simply an assistant who works remotely.


The same goes for direct attacks on your computer. 7 and XP are direct gateways for all types of hackers . If an attacker manages to take control of these computers, he can, without too much effort, connect to the other computers on the local network.

In addition, both XP and Windows 7 use old, unsupported and incompatible protocols. Without going any further, Windows 7 cannot communicate with the latest versions of Windows 10, because the latter has SMB 1.0 disabled by default.

With Windows XP things go further and, as I said, this operating system not only does not have updated browsers (which adds an extra danger), but does not directly support today's secure connections, so many of the websites do not load.