
Oral hygiene suggestions of dentist India

The dental health industry has witnessed tremendous technological advancements in recent years. Today, almost every dental issue can be fixed by procedures, treatments, and surgeries. Some of these procedures solving complex dental problems are painless, thanks to bio-compatible chemicals. The ease of treatment of dental problems does not imply that dental issues are welcome. 


It is public knowledge that dental issues can be prevented. The need for subsequent treatment can also be eliminated if a person is vigilant enough. One just needs to keep an eye on the condition of the dental cavity. If any irregularity comes to notice, they should consult a dentist. However, the most important of all is the maintenance of oral hygiene. Almost 90% of dental issues can be prevented if people follow a regular oral hygiene routine.


Most of us learn about the importance of oral hygiene during our childhood. We also develop a few good habits which take care of our oral cavity. But, many among us abandon those habits when we grow up. This is a grave mistake we make during our adulthood, which costs us adversely. The solution to this issue is to follow a strict oral hygiene regimen and convince ourselves that deviating from that routine would go against our personality. 


One can take the help of a dentist India to prepare a routine. However, almost every such routine has similar elements. A few of those elements are as follows:


  1. Brushing teeth before sleep

Almost all of us brush our teeth in the morning after we wake up. It is because we want ourselves to have fresh breath. What is important is the habit of brushing our teeth before we sleep and removing all food particles from the oral cavity. The bacteria act on remnants of food during the night, and allowing them to do so for a prolonged period causes issues. Every dentist India would emphasize the importance of brushing teeth before going to sleep.


  1. Tongue cleaning

The tongue is probably the most neglected part of the oral cavity. One should not forget that they can also develop plaque formation, which is a cause of bad breath. So, one should make it a point to clean the tongue alongside the teeth set.


  1. Quit smoking

Every dentist India would talk about the perils of smoking and its impact on dental health. Smoking and chewing tobacco must be abandoned at any cost.