
* Copyright 2019 CF Pro Tools, All Rights Reserved
* Do not share, or distribute this code without author's consent.
* This copyright notice must remain in place whenever using
* this code - DO NOT REMOVE
* Author: Jaime Smith
* Website: https://cfprotools.com
* Add-on: CF Order Summary
* Version: 2.0
* Last Updated: 10/28/2019
var $summTemplate = null;

$(function () {
//set default value to kill bug in L&E JS
window.cfpe = window.cfpe || {};
window.cfpe.orderTotal = window.cfpe.orderTotal || 0;

window.cfptOrderTotal = null;



$(document).on("change", '.qty_select, .o2step_step2 [name="purchase[product_id]"], [data-de-type="orpo"] [name="purchase[product_id]"], #bump-offer', function (ev) {

$('#bump-offer, [id*="bump_offer_"]').each(function () {
var bumpId = $(this).val();

if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#cfAR [name="purchase[product_ids][]"][value="'+bumpId+'"]').attr('checked', true);
} else {
$('#cfAR [name="purchase[product_ids][]"][value="'+bumpId+'"]').attr('checked', false);
$(document).on('cfpt:cart-updated', function () {

function setSummaryTemplate() {
$('[data-de-type="ors"], .elOrderProductOptions:not(:has(input,select))').first().attr('data-title','cf-order-summary');

$summTemplate = $('[data-title="cf-order-summary"] .elOrderProductOptinProducts').first().clone();

function rebuildOrderSummary() {
var cfpt = window.CFPT || {};
var prodPrices = cfpt.prodPrices || {};
var freePriceDisplay = cfpt.freePriceDisplay || null;
var orderTotalLabel = cfpt.orderTotalLabel || null;
var prodSelParent = '[data-de-type="orpo"]';
var appendTo = '[data-title="cf-order-summary"] .elOrderProductOptions';

var cartMode = ($('.qty_select').length) ? true : false;

if ($('.o2step_wrapper').length > 0) {
prodSelParent = '.o2step_step2';
appendTo = '[data-title="cf-order-summary"]';

if (!$summTemplate) {

if ($('[data-title="cf-order-summary"] .qty-head').length == 0 && $('.qty_select').length > 0) {
if ($('table.elOrderProductOptions').length > 0) {
//this is the new way
$('[data-title="cf-order-summary"] .elOrderProductOptinItem').prepend('<span class="pull-left qty-head">Qty</span>');
appendTo = '[data-title="cf-order-summary"] tbody';
} else {
$('[data-title="cf-order-summary"] .elOrderProductOptinLabel .elOrderProductOptinItem').before('<div class="pull-left qty-head">Qty</div>');

var orderTotal = 0.00;
var orderCurrency = "USD"; //default

$('[data-title="cf-order-summary"] .elOrderProductOptinProducts').remove();

window.cfptCartProds = {};
$('#cfAR [name="purchase[product_ids][]"]:checked').each(function () {
var prodId = $(this).val();

if (window.cfptCartProds.hasOwnProperty(prodId)) {
} else {
window.cfptCartProds[prodId] = {qty: 1};

//$('#cfAR [name="purchase[product_ids][]"]:checked').each(function () {
$.each(window.cfptCartProds, function (index, value) {
var qty = value.qty;
var prodId = index;

var $prodItem = $(prodSelParent+' [name="'+prodId+'_qty"]');
if (!$prodItem.length) {
$prodItem = $(prodSelParent+' [name="purchase[product_id]"][value="'+prodId+'"]');

var prodParent = $prodItem.parents('[data-cf-product-template]').first();
var prodDesc = prodParent.find('[data-cf-product-name]').html();
var prodPriceStr = prodParent.find('[data-cf-product-price]').html();
if (prodPrices.hasOwnProperty(prodId)) {
var prodPriceNum = prodPrices[prodId].toFixed(2);
} else {
var prodPriceNum = parseFloat(prodPriceStr.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, "")).toFixed(2);
var subTotal = qty * prodPriceNum;
var currency = prodParent.find('[data-cf-product-price]').attr("taxamo-currency");
orderCurrency = currency;

$currTemplate = $summTemplate.clone();
$currTemplate.attr('data-product_id', prodId);
$currTemplate.attr('data-quantity', qty);

var prodName = prodDesc;
if ($('.qty_select').length > 0) {
prodName = '<span class="prodQty">'+qty+'</span>'+prodDesc;
if (freePriceDisplay && subTotal == 0) {
$currTemplate.attr('data-subtotal', freePriceDisplay);
} else {
var priceDisplay = subTotal.toLocaleString(undefined, {style: 'currency', currency: currency});
$currTemplate.attr('data-subtotal', priceDisplay);


orderTotal += subTotal;

if (orderTotal) {
$ttlTemplate = $summTemplate.clone();

$ttlTemplate.addClass('cf-order-total-row').css({'border-top': '1px solid #DDD', 'margin-top': '.5em'});
$ttlTemplate.find('.product-price').attr("taxamo-currency",orderCurrency).html(orderTotal.toLocaleString(undefined, {style: 'currency', currency: orderCurrency}));

window.cfptOrderTotal = orderTotal;
} else {
window.cfptOrderTotal = null;
/* Custom CSS for CF Pro Tools cf-order-summary script
* Copyright 2017 CF Pro Tools, All Rights Reserved
* Do not share, or distribute this code without author's consent.
* Author: Jaime Smith
* Website: https://cfprotools.com

.cf-order-total-row {
border-top: 1px solid #DDD;

.cf-order-total-row .product-name {
font-weight: bold;

.cf-order-total-row .product-price {
font-weight: bold;

[data-title="cf-order-summary"] .qty-head {
display: inline-block;
font-weight: bold;
width: 3em;

.prodQty {
display: inline-block;
width: 3em;

* Copyright 2016 CF Pro Tools, All Rights Reserved
* Do not share, or distribute this code without author's consent.
* Author: Jaime Smith
* Website: https://cfprotools.com
$(function () {
var $name = $('input[name="name"]');
var $firstName = $name.clone();
var $lastName = $name.clone();
$firstName.attr("placeholder","First Name...");
$lastName.attr("name", "last_name");
$lastName.attr("placeholder","Last Name...");
$lastName.attr("style", "");


* Copyright 2019 CF Pro Tools, All Rights Reserved
* Do not share, or distribute this code without author's consent.
* This copyright notice must remain in place whenever using
* this code - DO NOT REMOVE
* Author: Jaime Smith
* Website: https://cfprotools.com
* Add-on: CF Multiple Bumps
* Version: 2.1
* Last Updated: 02/25/2020

$(function () {
if ($('[data-de-type="order2step"], [data-de-type="order2stepi"]').length) {

$('[data-title*="cf-multi-bump-"]').each(function () {
var titleParts = $(this).attr('data-title').split(' ');
var bumpId = ''; //titleParts[titleParts.length - 1];

$.each(titleParts, function (index, value) {
if (value.indexOf('cf-multi-bump-') !== -1) {
var idParts = value.split('-');
bumpId = idParts[idParts.length - 1];

$('input[name="purchase[product_id]"][value="'+bumpId+'"]:not(#cfAR input)').parents('[data-cf-product-template]').addClass('cf-multiple-bump-product').hide();



$('.orderFormBump input[type="checkbox"][name="purchase[product_ids][]"]').on('change', function () {
var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
var id = $(this).val();

$('#cfAR input[name="purchase[product_ids][]"][value="'+id+'"]').attr("checked", checked);


$('[href='']').on('click', function () {