
Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal covers mainly the face, eyebrows, legs, arms and hands.  Much like waxing, the intense heat of the laser light removes the hair follicles from the skin, but only over a much shorter period of time.  This makes laser hair removal much more effective, because the hair can be removed much faster laser hair removal than with waxing.


The intense heat of laser light removes the hair follicles from the skin, but only over a much shorter period of time.  This makes laser hair removal much more effective, because the hair can be removed much faster than with waxing.


The power of the laser light reduces the hair's melanin, which is what gives the hair its color.  The melanin is also the protein that makes up the skin and hair.  The more melanin you have, the darker your skin and hair will be.


The power of the laser light reduces the hair's pigmentation, by destroying the offending pigments.  The procedure takes about half an hour to complete.  Four to six sessions are usually required, depending on the area being treated.  The side effects are usually mild and temporary, and most of the side effects are related to healing the damage done to the skin.


- Complete area may be required for complete removal.


- Diameter of the area to be treated may vary.


- Refresh the skin many times during the course of the treatment.


- Better results may be had if the skin is thoroughly cleansed beforehand.


- And be sure to apply a moisturizer to keep your skin smooth and moist.


- One session of laser treatment is usually enough to remove hair; however, many people want to undergo multiple sessions to grow hair long again.


- You must be willing to undergo the treatment every month for continuing results.


- You may need to take some time off from your normal activities after each treatment.


- There are possible side effects after the treatment, including redness and swelling. These tend to last for a short period of time.


There are many different types of laser hair removal done, but the best type involves the use of anesthetic; in most cases a doctor is needed to perform the procedure.  Typically an aesthetician who has been performing for some time and is comfortable using the laser should be consulted for the procedure.


Even if you are not willing to go through the whole process of having the procedure done, it still may be able to successfully remove your hair in several different ways.  You may choose to get it done by a professional, which may cost around $200 each session.  There are also many different cosmetic procedures that you can book at different clinics.  There are even non invasive treatments that you can try such as laser hair removal and Deep Focus.