
How do Bhajans avail a Therapeatuic experience?

Definition of bhajans 


Bhajan refers to any devotional song with a religious theme or spiritual ideas, specifically among Indian religions, in any language. The term bhajanam (Sanskrit: भजनम्) means reverence and originates from the root word bhaj (Sanskrit: भज्), which means to revere, as in 'Bhaja Govindam' (Revere Govinda). The term bhajana also means sharing.


The term 'bhajan' is also commonly used to refer to a group event, with one or more lead singers, accompanied by music, and sometimes dancing. Normally, bhajans are accompanied by percussion instruments such as tabla, dholak or a tambourine. Handheld small cymbals (kartals) are also commonly used to maintain the beat. A bhajan may be sung in a temple, in a home, under a tree in the open, near a riverbank or in a place of historic significance.


Bhajans are Hindu devotional songs that are sung or chanted by devotees. In Hinduism, bhajans hold a significant meaning for every devotee. There are copious benefits which listening to bhajans or chanting them avail to an individual. These benefits include;


  • Bhajans venture into mindfulness and serenity.
  • While we sing or chant bhajans, we tend to develop a more spiritual aura around us
  • They broaden our mind spectrum, it activates the learning functionality of our brain.
  • Creates a positive aura around us.
  • Stimulates the onset of our heart chakra through mindfulness.
  • Give us pure bliss and felicity other than the material world possessions.
  • Induce zeal and cheerfulness in oneself.


Bhajans- A spiritual therapeutic experience.


As it is mentioned earlier that bhajans venture many benefits. It's vexing that many individuals play dumb when comes to what they truly and wholeheartedly felt while probing spirituality. We people are more concerned about the material world and have that hankering that these materialistic possessions will grant us the happiness we are looking for. But unfortunately, there are no such things that when you achieved, will bring happiness to you. It may last for short time. The happiness of outward possession is recce, it lasts for two ticks.


That is why spiritual enlightenment is something that opens up your eye to the world which is brink to ruin. Bhajans undoubtedly are a significant part of the path to the almighty and inner self-enlightenment. Bhajans are something that creates positive boundaries with our intrusive thoughts. Sometimes, life can be overwhelming and sabotaging, while encouraging oneself to follow the path of spirituality will make you take action to improve your self-sabotaged state. 

Bhajans make us clear our negative thoughts and create room for new positive thoughts and mindsets whilst welcoming us into the new phase of possibility.