
Ali Alouk Fartach (The Scabby Renegade) Quixotic Novels Has A List Of

Ali Alouk Fartach (The Scabby Renegade)

Ringworm: Ali Alouk Fartach’s surname means ringworm put in Turkish. This is why he is called the Scabby Renegade.

Ali Alouk Was a Galley Slave: Ali Alouk, aka the “Scabby Renegade,” rows as a galley slave for the “Grand Turk [Sultan Selim] for fourteen years.” At the age of thirty four, still, when he is “slapped by a Turk while at oar,” he grows enraged, abandons his faith, in addition to kills his galley master.

Ali Alouk is The King of Algiers Then Admiral of The Ottoman Fleet: Ali Alouk Fartach is “such an able man that, without resorting to the vile methods used by most of the Grand Turk’s favourites to rise, [he] becomes the King of Algiers and certainly then the Admiral of the Fleet, that has been the third most major approach while placed in the empire.” Since he defeats the Maltese flagship all over the encounter of Lepanto, “the Grand Turk [Sultan] Selim promote[d] [him] to admiral [of his fleet] for having done his duty while from the action in addition to [for] having carried off, as proof of his bravery, the standard of the Knights of Malta.”

Hometown: Ali Alouk’s hometown is Calabria.

Kind to Prisoners: According to Cervantes, Ali Alouk Fartach is “an upright man in addition to very kind to his captives.”

His Gentlemen: After his death, Ali Alouk Fartach divides put in his will his three thousand men. Some of Fartach’s adult men take a trip to his renegades while others journey to the Grand Turk, Sultan Selim, “who counts as a son and basically heir anyone who dies, and basically shares his plethora and basically his other sons.”

About how He Captures the Captive Capitan (Cervantes): The whole time the dogfight of Lepanto, Ali Alouk, who is “a bold in addition to successful privateer, rams and certainly overpowers the Maltese flagship plus only three knights of Malta [are] left alive on it.” Giovanni Andrea Doria’s flagship, upon precisely what the Captive Captain serves in addition to his sorority of sailors, “goes to rescue” the flagship. At this occasion, the captive captain, ever devoted to do his duty, “leaps aboard the foe galley, specifically what then sheers off beginning in [his] galley.” This severance “prevents [his] soldiers put in subsequent [him].” Left alone among so numerous enemies, the Captive Captain “can’t resist for long.” Thus, he is soon “overpowered and covered along with wounds.” Since Ali Alouk escapes along with his entire squadron, the Captive Capitan ends up as a captive placed in his influence. Throughout his time as a galley slave, the captive captain rows for Ali Alouk, engagement in a series of naval battles off the Barbary Coast.

Refuge: All through the second year of the captive captain’s captivity, Ali Alouk takes “refuge on Modon, an island near Navarino, [where he] disembarks his troops, fortifies the harbor access and waits there until Don John [of Austria goes] away.” This, mounted in brief, is regarding how Ali Alouk avoids having his entire Turkish fleet “caught pictured in harbor.”