
Baton Rouge Shooting Hoax - Sheriff Lied About Shots Fired


VIDEO:  Shooting at Baton Rouge Walmart is FAKE NEWS - No Shots Fired  - MRR (WWLTV)


VIDEO:  Sheriff Lies About Shooting at Baton Rouge Walmart -- Sheriff Gautreaux shamelessly manufactures a story about gunshot wounds that never happened. He sounds very believable to the masses because of the uniform and presumed public trust of an elected official who took a solemn oath of office.

This story is an extraordinary closeup view of how America is becoming no better than a Mexican crime syndicate.

See report from WWLTV correcting the record that NO SHOTS were fired therefore no gunshot wounds could have been treated at the hospital. - (MRR)


VIDEO:  Baton Rouge Walmart Shooting Witness Interviewed
Baton Rouge Walmart Shooting witness (Josephine Gauthreaux) interviewed with nearly the same last name as Sheriff Gautreaux (Missing the "h").  Interviewed by channel "33" and wearing a purple blouse. Witness could have been duped when she heard something that only sounded like 5 shots but were not gunshots. (MRR)

Josephine Gauthreaux of Baton Rouge (Facebook)

Josephine Gauthreaux of Baton Rouge confirmed Trump Supporter on Twitter - appears to be advertising a business - https://twitter.com/Mojeauxgotro/media


VIDEO: Foreknowledge of shooting Hoax:  Baton Rouge Walmart Shooting News Posted Before It Happened